Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 934: : The second meeting between Sato Kaede and Sakagi

Sato Kaede defeated Chakra, and he also got the opportunity to walk into a tall building, and Chakra was the last one to block the road. The next journey was smooth.

Under the guidance of an elite Rocket team named Maori, Sato Kaede finally met the current supreme leader of the Rockets, Sakagi, in a rustically decorated office on the top floor.

This is the second time Sato Kaede has met Sakagi face-to-face. The first time he met at the Tokiwa Gymnasium after returning from the mysterious island. However, he was arranged to meet as a challenger at the time. The final result was It was a complete failure, and he had to agree to the opponent's task.

"Sit down, you are good."

When Sato Kaede came into the office, Sakagi, who had been facing the window, slowly turned around. He glanced at Sato Kaede indifferently, and then sat back on the boss chair, touching his head actively with his hand. The boss of Meow said to Sato Kaede blankly.


Sato Kaede nodded when he heard the words, and then moved a chair next to him with mental strength, and then sat down in front of Sakagi with ease.

However, when Sato Kaede exerted his thoughts, the boss immediately broke free of Sakaki's hand, and then silently came to a place less than two meters away from Sato Kaede, and lay down. A pair of sharp cat eyes seemed to be false, but Sato was always reflected. Feng's figure does not still stick out her little tongue and lick her claws.

Through the detection ability of the system, Sato Kaede can see very clearly, this meow boss who is always staring at him is as high as level 87, and the action that seems to lick his claws is actually brewing evil energy all the time. .

If Sato Maple guessed correctly, if he acted rashly, this powerful boss would immediately give him a provocative move, and then ruthlessly scratch his head with his sharp claws.

In this regard, Sato Kaede's heart suddenly stunned, and then began to silently stimulate his mental power, secretly preparing a certain super ability technique, and always awakening the spirit of twelve points to guard against this powerful Meow boss.

Since Sato Kaede obtained an advanced book on the use of superpowers from Alice, he has been studying the super skills that can be used by junior superpowers as recorded above. After several months of research, he also Learned several very practical super skills.

Among them, the most practical superpower technique is nothing more than a superpower technique that has an effect similar to magical reflection moves. This superpower technique is called a mirror. As the name implies, it uses mental power to temporarily construct a mental power mirror with reflective ability.

The super skill that Sato Kaede is secretly preparing to activate at this time is the mirror. Once the boss moves slightly, he will immediately activate this super skill to prevent being hit by the boss’s provocative moves and unable to activate teleportation. Leave here.

"Don't be restrained, I came to you this time mainly to talk to you. After all, it's been a long time. Come and tell me what you have seen and heard in Fengyuan area these days."

Sakagi clearly felt Sato Kaede's nervousness after seeing Boss Meow, and a smile appeared on his face, and then said to Sato Kaede in a more relaxed tone, the whole person became a little more cheerful.

In fact, Sato Kaede is well aware of what Sato Kaede has done in Fengyuan area these days. Basically, as long as Sato Kaede appears in any city or town in Fengyuan under the identity of Teppei, he can I quickly learned about what Sato Kaede did.

To be honest, Sato Kaede's growth rate exceeded Sakagi's expectations. He has not seen him in just a few months. He has already established contacts with some important figures in the Fengyuan Alliance and has established a firm foothold within the alliance.

Of course, what shocked Sakaki the most was that Sato Kaede silently became a Uranus-level trainer and also subdued the Lightning Bird.

I have to say that Sato Kaede's becoming a trainer of the heavenly king was far beyond Sakagi's expectations, and it was a bit caught off guard.

He is a past person, and he naturally knows the difficulty of elf promotion to the Uranus level. Although Sato Kaede was already a trainer at the quasi-Uranus level when he returned from the mysterious island, he still knew that Sato was far from becoming a Uranus level. .

In addition, he slightly suppressed it in the middle, and let Sato Kaede almost go to Fengyuan area as a spy as a poor and white. It stands to reason that Sato Kaede will have to paint for at least a few years, and it is possible that a certain elf in his hand will become a king of heaven. Elf.

But from the current point of view, the giant marsh monster in Sato Kaede's hand that has already been promoted to the Heavenly King rank is very terrifying, and the Heavenly King barrier is almost undefended in front of him.

Moreover, Sato Kaede's chances during this period of time are probably very great, and the resources he has accumulated are very large, which allowed him to cultivate the giant marsh monster into a heavenly elf in just over half a year.

Therefore, when Sakagi learned that Sato Kaede actually possessed the lightning bird in his hands, Sakagi quickly remembered an intelligence obtained from Corydalis City two months ago. The intelligence said that someone had conquered the lightning bird at an unmanned power station. .

Due to the wrong estimation of Sato Kaede at the time, he did not think about this incident on Sato Kaede. In addition, this incident happened in the Fengyuan area far away in the sky, and he did not bother to deliberately understand this matter.

But from now on, it is very likely that Sato Kaede was the one who took the lightning bird in his pocket, and he also got many opportunities he didn't know.

The thought of Sato Kaede taking over the Lightning Birds without revealing any news to himself and the Rockets made Ban Mu feel a bit dissatisfied, but this dissatisfaction disappeared after Sato Kaede defeated Sophia and Chakra.

This is the end of the matter, and the ship is done. Even if he is angry in his heart, he can't change the fact that Sato Kaede is already a heavenly king trainer, and he is also a super power trainer with two powerful heavenly elves.

The most important thing is that Sato Kaede is still very young now, he is just over 16 years old now.

In other words, Sato Kaede will have a very long time in the future to stand in the field of the king of trainers, and even have a great opportunity to hit the championship.

Such an outstanding talent ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It is too late for him to win him. How could he push Sato Kaede outside for this little thing? This is totally not in his interest.

However, before that, he still needs to see how Sato Kaede's attitude is. Such outstanding talents are definitely not those who are willing to be under the fence. They must also have their own ambitions.

Moreover, his previous investment in Sato Kaede was a bit too small. That year, the investment of a few million Union currency was simply too small.

All in all, the help he gave Sato Kaede was too small. At this point, Shi Xiaohui was absolutely unable to tie a trainer with extraordinary potential.

Therefore, Sakagi must first figure out Sato Kaede's attitude towards the Rockets and to himself before he can accurately draw Sato Kaede.

"Yes, let's start with the process of boarding the ship to Fengyuan area. On the way, I..."

Sato Kaede saw Sakaki suddenly become amiable, and the boss next to him finally turned his head away from looking at him, his heart eased slightly, and then began to slowly describe his experience in the past few months to Sakaki.

The content of Sato Kaede's narration naturally has some deletions. Anything that has nothing to do with Teppei's identity, he did not say a word. Those time gaps that could not be spliced ​​together completely let him go to the wild to train elf to make up.

At the beginning, Ban Mu's face was not very good, and even the old Captain and Tie Xuan could not move him.

It wasn't until he heard that Sato Kaede accidentally met Daigo in the northern caves of Luyin Town, met Jindai and Sirona in the desert expedition, and later met many alliance powerhouses in the recent Gurado Incident, his face finally changed.


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