Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 919: : Meditation development

With the help of many enthusiastic people from all over the world and the massive resources of the alliance, the reconstruction of Qiuye Town has basically recovered after a week, and the rest is just a few corners and corners repaired.

Therefore, after Sato Kaede was carrying out the reconstruction of Autumn Leaves Town on the seventh day, he stopped continuing to perform the task, and instead concentrated on cultivating the new elves in his hands.

After the thrilling adventure is over, it is natural to usher in a calm and interesting developmental period.

A wooden house on Road 114 near the mud lake is where Sato Kaede's current temporary residence is. In the early morning, I saw a large open space in front of the wooden house, several elves were training hard.

Among them, Pikachu used the skillful electromagnetic levitation ability to fly in mid-air as usual, and a newborn electric ball was condensing above his head at this time.

Pikachu constantly injects electrical energy into the electric ball above his head, and the volume of the electric ball is therefore increasing. After a while, the volume of the electric ball is twice as large as Pikachu.

However, the electric energy is obviously very violent and very difficult to manipulate.

When the volume of the electric ball expanded to a certain extent, Pikachu began to compress it, but even if Pikachu tried to control it, it still only compressed to half before becoming extremely unstable, and a lot of lightning began to leak from its surface.

Finally, there was a sudden "bang~" muffled sound, and the big electric ball burst like a bursting bubble.


Pikachu saw that the big electric ball that he had finally compressed had burst again, he suddenly sighed somewhat disappointed, and then looked at Sato Kaede with a face of tears.

"Continue to work hard, the limit volume of the electric ball is much larger than the previous few days, and it is estimated that I will be able to build my own electric ball soon."

Sato Kaede just smiled when he saw this, he put a gem-level energy cube into Pikachunu's mouth, and then encouraged him.

The Pikachu level has reached level 53 without knowing it. He is already a quasi-king-level elf. Among the Pikachu clan in the wild, there are not many Pikachus that can grow to such a height, and most of them have entered. Middle-aged.

At that stage, Pikachu generally chooses to start condensing the treasure, which can benefit the descendants.

The electric ball is an electric treasure formed by Pikachu's highly condensed electric energy. Under normal circumstances, the process of Pikachu's condensation of electric beads is relatively simple. They only need to highly compress the electric ball and pay some blood to condense the prototype of the electric ball.

As for the strength of a ball, it largely depends on the strength of the Pikachu that condenses the ball and the intensity and amount of current they inject into the ball. The stronger the Pikachu, the stronger the strength of the ball they condense.

Similarly, the stronger and more current Pikachu injects into the bulb, the strength of the bulb will be increased accordingly.

It stands to reason that Sato Kaede's Pikachu has an extraordinary talent. Judging from his control of the electric energy, it is a matter of grasping to condense the prototype of the electric bead.

But the reality is very cruel. Pikachu now wants to condense his own bulbs, and now he still needs to work harder. The reason is that the current strength in Pikachu's body is much higher than that of ordinary Pikachu. The prototype of ordinary bulbs simply can't bear it. Pikachu's current injection.

The reason why Pikachu's current intensity is far higher than that of ordinary Pikachu is naturally related to the mutant Thunder Orb in his body.

In addition, he had also absorbed the power of the thunder-strikes released by him during the previous battle with Gayoka, so the current intensity in his body is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary Pikachu.

It is precisely because of the high current intensity that Pikachu currently finds it difficult to compress his current, and can only try to compress it step by step to further enhance his control over the energy of the electrical system.

Pikachu is still very obedient, and after a short rest, he tries to compress the big electric ball again.

Compared to Pikachu's training alone, Baby Dragon, Mosquito Coil Tadpoles and Lotus Leaf Boys are lively here, and the three elves are engaged in a big fight.

Of course, because the baby dragon is the strongest among the three, the mosquito coil tadpole and the lotus leaf boy have always united to deal with the baby dragon.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole and the lotus leaf boy have been trained by Sato Kaede these days and battled with the baby dragon. They have reached the level of 18, and under the guidance of the giant marsh monster, the two elves have successfully learned to surf and climb the waterfall. , Diving and tide spinning these four moves.

As for the baby dragon, after fighting against mosquito coil tadpole and lotus leaf boy no less than ten times a day, her level has also quietly reached 25.

On the battlefield, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and the lotus leaf boy who had been seriously injured now surrounded the baby dragon back and forth, and then released water cannons to it.

When the baby dragon saw this, he immediately jumped on the spot, and while successfully avoiding the attacks of the two, he also pointed the mosquito-repellent tadpoles condescendingly with a hammer.

However, after the baby dragon avoided the two water guns, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles and the lotus leaf boy immediately adjusted the angle of the water guns, and raised their angles at 30 degrees to make the two water guns collide with each other in mid-air.

All of a sudden, water splashed, and a brief light rain fell in the surrounding environment. At this time, the body of the mosquito coil tadpole suddenly lit up, and it avoided the baby dragon's head hammer in time. attack.

Taking advantage of the baby dragon head hammering to the ground, the whole head temporarily sinking into the ground can not be pulled out for a while, the lotus leaf boy immediately pointed at the baby dragon's direction and threw a bright green seed, which was a parasitic seed.

As soon as the parasitic seed fell on the baby dragon, it germinated quickly, and then trapped the baby dragon tightly, and began to absorb the baby dragon's physical strength to feed back the lotus leaf boy.

Seeing this, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles got bold and rushed up immediately, and then they used their tails to slap the baby dragon's buttocks in a series of slaps, and gave him a fat beating very relieved.

The baby dragon's combat experience is still better than that of mosquito-repellent tadpoles. He even knows how to lure the enemy deeper. When the mosquito-repellent tadpoles approach, he immediately pulls out the ground from his head, and then blows the mosquito-repellent tadpoles away with a hammer, completely knocking down the mosquito-repellent tadpoles.

Afterwards, he burned the parasitic vines on his body with sparks, and then easily defeated the Lianye Boy who was not supported by the mosquito coils and tadpoles.

However, after Bao Baolong defeated the mosquito coil tadpole and the lotus leaf boy, she did not growl proudly as usual today, but nodded to the mosquito coil tadpole and lotus leaf boy.

After observing the three little elves these days, Sato Kaede has long discovered that the baby dragon has not bad fighting experience, and he has a good grasp of the moves he has learned.

As for the mosquito-repellent tadpole and the lotus leaf boy, these two elves are nothing but a blank sheet of paper. Both the combat experience and the mastery of their own moves need to be improved.

Therefore, in order for these two elves to grow up as quickly as possible, Sato Kaede made the baby dragon their training partner.

To be honest, the baby dragon's level does not need to be increased too fast, she just needs to train properly every day, move her muscles and bones, and then eat and sleep well.

Baby dragons are different from other dragon elves. Once they evolve into crustaceans, they will stop eating and begin to wait patiently for their bodies to transform, and then evolve into the tyrannosaurus that soars in the sky.

Therefore, the baby dragon clan is the most critical stage in the baby dragon stage, which almost determines the level of their achievements.

This stage is the stage where they accumulate energy. If the energy accumulated in this stage is insufficient, then the Tyrannosaurus they finally evolved must be defective, at least the potential is far worse than other normal development Tyrannosaurus.

Sato Kaede now has the baby dragon fight against the mosquito-repellent tadpole and the lotus leaf boy. On the one hand, he fancy the baby dragon's rich fighting experience and low level. Feel the taste of being gradually overtaken by your opponent.

In the beginning, the mosquito coil tadpole and the lotus leaf boy naturally could not compete with the baby dragon, and the baby dragon easily defeated the mosquito coil tadpole and lotus leaf boy.

However, as the levels of mosquito-repellent tadpoles and lotus leaf boys increase, the number of combat experience and mastery moves, and the tacit understanding between them increase, it becomes more and more difficult for the baby dragon to defeat them.

Just like today, the baby dragon tried to defeat the mosquito-repellent tadpole and the lotus leaf boy. It took a lot of effort to defeat it. She also played a careful trick in the middle. At the same time, because of this, her arrogance has been reduced.

The baby dragon comes from the dragon’s lair, and her vision can be said to be higher than that of any elf in Sato Kaede's hands~www.NovelMTL.com~ After all, there are very powerful dragon elf near her, and she has been raised since childhood. The mentality of becoming superior.

Therefore, at the beginning, the baby dragon was not convinced by anyone, and was very arrogant, even the giant marsh monster who called her a human with one finger.

For this reason, Sato Kaede had to slowly eliminate the arrogance of the baby dragon through this way of not damaging the sharpness of the baby dragon, and let her completely integrate into the team.


Thanks to the high-quality industrial assets presented by Dawu, Sato Kaede was relieved of the trouble of running around for funds. During this time, he has been training the elf and assisting the giant marsh monster to complete the energy filling, and his life is very fulfilling. .

The training is going on day after day, Pikachu and other elves are improving to varying degrees every day, and the progress of the giant marsh monster energy filling has been increasing at a good rate.

However, on the 21st day of Sato Kaede's training on Route 114, a phone call made him unable to sit still. He had to end the current affairs immediately and then return to Kanto.

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