Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 917: : The completed rain team

Dawu's gift is undoubtedly very rich. Of course, he can take out these things and present them to Sato Kaede without blinking. This is largely related to his birth and current status.

Sato Kaede is very clear that Daigo’s gift is unique, so he did not feel the slightest discomfort because the value of the gifts given by others is far less than that of Daigo and Genji.

At the beginning of the blocking battle, Sato Kaede's main rescue targets were all powerful trainers like us, and no fewer than a dozen of them were rescued.

These heavenly king-level trainers are not people who don't repay their favor. After Sato Kaede woke up, they all visited one after another, and gave Sato Kaede some precious things in their hands.

Knowing that Sato Kaede is a trainer specializing in water elves, preparing to build a rainy team lineup, and being a superpower, these heavenly king-level trainers are all in their favor.

For example, the mysterious water drop has four props for the augmented water move, and there are three mysterious spoons for the augmented superpower move.

However, among these gifts, there is nothing more precious than a moist rock and three Pupu pig black pearls that can store mental energy.

Needless to say, the role of the wet rock, this item can be said to be an extremely important item for the rainy team. With it, the duration of rainy weather will be much longer.

And the three Pupu Pig Black Pearls are also very valuable treasures. Sato Kaede heard from the heavenly king trainer who gave the treasure said that they were all taken from the heavenly Pupp pig, and each one can be used. Store 100 mental power points.

After Sato Kaede had these three Pupu Pig Black Pearls, the mental power he could use was immediately increased.

In addition to these precious elf props, a king-level trainer who also specializes in water elf also sent Sato Kaede two elf that are very suitable for building a rainy team lineup. They are the brisk mosquito coil tadpoles. And the lotus leaf boy with the characteristics of rain plate.

The information of the two elves is as follows:

Elf: Mosquito coil tadpole

Level: 5

Property: Water

Features: brisk

Sex: male

Carry props: none

HP qualification: 26 (31)

Attack qualification: 30 (31)

Defense qualification: 27 (31)

Special attack qualification: 26 (31)

Special defense qualification: 21 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 29 (31)

Qualification evaluation: purple (total individual value is 159)

Level skills: water play, water gun,

Genetic skills: bubble light, heart eye

Skills taught: None

Skill CD: None

Elf: Lotus Leaf Boy

Level: 5

Attributes: water + grass

Features: Rain plate

Sex: female

Carry props: none

HP qualification: 30 (31)

Attack qualification: 26 (31)

Defense qualification: 28 (31)

Special attack qualification: 27 (31)

Special defense qualification: 30 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 25 (31)

Qualification evaluation: purple (the total individual value is 166)

Level skills: fright, cry,

Genetic skills: parasitic seed, flying leaf sharp knife

Skills taught: None

Skill CD: None

For a long time, Sato Kaede has not been able to collect all the elves who used to build the rainy team lineup for various reasons. Now, with the help of this king-level trainer, his rainy team lineup is basically a construction. carry out.

The current members of the rainy team lineup are giant marsh monster, Pikachu, flashing gull, mosquito coil tadpole, lotus leaf boy, water arrow turtle, jewel starfish, stinger jellyfish, electric lamp monster and iron shell.

Among them, there are only the top five elves that can really match the rainy weather. The water arrow turtle, gem starfish, stinger jellyfish, electric lamp monster and iron shell are considered as the preliminary members.

In other words, the true rainy day team is still short of one main member. In Sato Kaede's vision, either the light-hearted thorn dragon king or the technical expert giant pincer mantis can be selected.

But in general, the water arrow turtle, gem starfish and stinger jellyfish are also very good choices. Even if you can't find these two elves for a while, the rainy team lineup is considered complete.

But as the joy ended, problems soon followed. He had more elves on hand, and he had no time to be distracted and caring about so many elves.

Fortunately, the role of the gift gifted by Ogo appeared. Sato Kaede immediately thought of the incubation house run by Takeda Jiro. After careful consideration, he decided to make the three basically hidden dragons, water arrow turtles and gem sea stars. The elf that has been cultivated is deposited with Takeda Jiro, and ask the other party to train him.

In this way, the little elves in Sato Kaede’s hands are left with giant marsh monsters, Pikachu, Yongjila, baby dragons, ultrasonic larvae, mosquito coil tadpoles and lotus leaf boys, variety monsters (tool elves) and glitter natural finches (also Unconverted) No training is required.

It is worth mentioning that the armored bird was released after Sato Kaede woke up. This armored bird was originally levied temporarily by Sato Kaede, and he has become accustomed to freedom and does not like to be constrained, so Sato Kaede is working hard. After the induction asked the other party's opinion, he was released.


Two days later, Miss Joey finally approved Sato Kaede to leave the hospital.

However, after Sato Kaede was discharged from the hospital, he did not leave the reconstruction of Autumn Leaves Town for the first time. Instead, he chose to stay. While accepting the task of helping the reconstruction of Autumn Leaves Town issued by the Alliance, he digested the harvest after the war. Set out to prepare for the promotion of the giant marsh monster.

"Hey~, Brother Zheping, here, here."

At noon, in the reconstruction of Qiuye Town, on the west street, a brown-haired teenager shouted to Zheping behind him with excitement.

At this time, Sato Kaede, wearing a helmet, was leading the giant marsh monster and other elves carrying some wood.

Following Sato Kaede at the forefront is the Giant Marsh Monster. The wood carried by this elf with the power of the **** is naturally the most among the four elf. At this time, he is dragging a bundle of no less than a dozen with both hands. A big log as thick as a bucket.

These big logs have 150kg, but the giant marsh monster seems to have no effort to go, dragging these heavy objects forward easily.

Once again, it was Yongjira. With his powerful thought power, he directly lifted the four big logs with thought power to follow Sato Kaede all the way.

Once again, it was the Ultrasonic Larva. This dragon elf was still quite strong. He grabbed a log and flew by himself, following the team step by step.

Except for the giant marsh monster and Yongjila, the four elves, including Pikachu, Baby Dragon, Lotus Leaf Boy, and Mosquito Coil Tadpoles, are not lazy, but because of the four of them, except for the Baby Dragon’s strength, other strengths They are relatively small and can only move a large log together.

If you look closely, there is a small tail behind Sato Kaede and the others. It is a fat and somewhat unreasonable natural bird. He is quietly using his mind to help Pikachu and the others reduce the weight of the log.

At this time, Sato Maple is performing a daily mission issued by the Alliance in Autumn Leaves Town. Yes, that is to act as a porter. Although this mission is simple, the rewards are indeed very rich. You can get a contribution for every log you move. value.

Sato Kaede can't miss such a generous reward. Although he has received a generous reward from Daigo, the alliance contribution value is still a very precious currency for him, and he must strive for it as much as possible.

Based on the principle that training and tasks are not wrong, Sato Kaede quickly arranged for the elves to carry out this kind of effective and well-paid weight training.

In the past few days, Sato Kaede has earned a very generous alliance contribution value, which is as much as 2,000. At the same time, the giant marsh monster and many other elves have also gained effective strength or mental power, willpower and physical strength. work out.

The most rare thing is that after these days of hard work, the relationship between the giant marsh monsters and other elves has become closer, and the new elves such as the baby dragon, lotus leaf boy and mosquito-repellent tadpoles quickly integrated into the small circle. In, follow the newly recognized boss Pikachu all day to be naughty.

Work is coordinated with training, and time flies extremely fast, as if in the blink of an eye, time has reached sunset again.

Seeing that night is coming, Sato Kaede, after moving the latest batch of wood, went to the mission receiving office to settle today's alliance contribution value, and then took a group of elves to a nearby restaurant that had been rebuilt to eat A meal.

Although Baby Dragon is small, he is also a big appetite, and he has a very high appetite. He only chooses to eat the most advanced meat. Its digestion speed is very amazing. It is really unclear. He eats at least six times a day from morning to night. The meal is satisfied. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Also, these meat foods are only complementary foods, the staple food is still resources such as dragon blood ginseng and dragon bone fruit for cultivating dragon elf.

Fortunately, the baby dragon is also the same as other dragon elves. He digests dragon blood ginseng and dragon bone fruit much slower than digesting meat, and needs to eat some every few days.

Therefore, every meal that Sato Kaede eats now is very expensive, starting with a few hundred thousand. If Sato Kaede has a small net worth now, he can't stand the flower at all. It is estimated that even if he has 100 million in his hand, nothing In two months, these little elves had eaten poorly.

After dinner, Sato Kaede took a group of elves to the hot spring to relieve the fatigue of the day's work, and then took a group of elves to relax in a wooden house he built in the wild area on the second half of the road.

Next to the wooden house is an apparently artificially built mud lake. From time to time, there are elves like mud loaches roaming and having fun in the mud.

In the early hours of the morning, when the night was quiet, Sato Kaede woke up from meditation on time, and then rode the giant marsh monster to the center of this mire lake.

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