Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 898: : Wolf and Tiger

The bonfire that had just fallen from the air felt like she was falling apart and hurt everywhere, but with her amazing willpower, she quickly got up from the ground and looked sullenly at the big steel snake in front of her. .

"Damn it, you beast, come out, curse the doll, curse the big steel snake."

In the next second, she quickly took out a poke ball from her body, and then released a 66-level cursed doll inside.

I saw this cute cursed doll with its eyes closed, and suddenly opened its scarlet eyes, and a creepy evil breath suddenly burst out of him, making other creatures instantly fear and hate him. mood.

After hearing the instructions of the campfire, he did not launch an attack immediately, but turned his head and looked at the campfire with a sullen look, completely wanting to stand by.

Bonfire saw Cursed Doll’s deliberate refusal to act, her face became even more ugly, but after all, she resisted not saying anything, and then quickly touched her hand to the elf belt on her waist, ready to take out other elf to respond .

At the same time, the big steel snake also moved, and his huge tail flashed a dazzling white light, and then swept across the bonfire and other members of the lava team with a force of sweeping thousands of troops, and suddenly used his signature. Move iron tail.

The Dagang Snake is as high as level 69. Although he has not reached the Heavenly King level yet, judging from the aura emanating from his body, he is not far from the Heavenly King level. It is estimated that in a while, he will naturally be promoted to the Heavenly King level.

The size of the big steel snake is too huge, and every move contains extraordinary power. Once he is hit by his iron tail trick, it will definitely be more violent, let alone severely injured.

Bonfire and other lava team members saw the giant steel snake's huge tail swept over menacingly, and their expressions changed drastically. They lost a lot of their three souls and seven souls. They rushed to dodge, where they dare to be a car.

It’s just that many members of the Lava team at the scene were hit by a big steel snake like a bonfire just now. Although luckily not dead, all of them were seriously injured. Some of them broke their legs and couldn’t run. .

The bonfire happened to be one of the people who broke his leg. She watched the giant steel snake's huge tail and Taishan swept over it, and she couldn't help but feel desperate.

After all, the Nine Tails of the bonfire are the pinnacle elves of the quasi heavenly king. She did not lose the fighting ability because of the burrowing attack of the big steel snake.

When the steel snake attacked again, she immediately threw it to the bonfire, and then tied her with her tail to quickly get out of the attack range of the steel snake iron tail move.

On the other side, the evil cursed doll saw the bonfire escaped, and his scarlet eyes showed a trace of disappointment. Then, he turned his attention to the big steel snake.

Suddenly, a wave that made the soul feel throbbing emanated from him, and he began to curse the big steel snake by following the orders of the campfire.

Although the Big Steel Snake is very large and indestructible, his soul strength is only at the same level as other creatures. The non-physical defense such as curse is the enemy of the Big Steel Snake.

Compared to the huge steel snake, the cursed doll is extremely small, but the big steel snake was stared at by the cursed doll at this time, and his heart suddenly gave birth to a chill, and a sense of fatal threat quickly came to his heart.


So that he immediately turned his attention to the cursed doll flying in the air at this time, and then used the dragon's breath trick on the cursed doll at the same time, he also made a deafening noise attack.

The release of the curse requires a high level of attention from the user. Although the curse doll successfully avoided the giant steel snake's dragon breath trick without interrupting the curse skill, the giant steel snake's noise attack could not be avoided.

Suddenly, the terrifying noise made Cursed Doll extremely painful, and subconsciously covered her ears with her hands, because of this, the cursing skills that were originally halfway in progress were immediately interrupted.

The backlash power of the curse skill is absolutely terrifying. When the curse skill is interrupted, the cursed doll who cares for one and the other is immediately backlashed by the curse skill.

There were many holes in the cursed doll's entire body. The terrible curse power came out of these holes and then clung to the cursed doll. These cursed powers were like the hottest magma, and the cursed doll was tearing. The cries of the heart and lungs.

On the other side, while the big steel snake turned his attention to the cursed doll, the lava team members who had escaped from the campfire quickly dispersed under the call of the bonfire and some lava team elites, and then curled up the big body. Surrounded by steel snakes.

Subsequently, under the command of the bonfire, they commanded the elves around them to attack the big steel snake.

Bonfire knew that the steel snake's physical defenses were extremely astonishing, so she only ordered her elves to make special attack moves against the steel snake.

In the lava team, most of the lava team members are equipped with two kinds of fire-type elves, which are very common in the abundance areas of the lava beetle and the lava bug, and the number is far more than one.

Therefore, at this time, most of the lava team members who also knew the attribute restraint released the dull fire camel, fire camel, lava bug and lava snail in their hands, and then all fired sparks and sprayed flames at the big steel snake. , Big characters, flames and other fire moves.

Sato Kaede was also in the team besieging the steel snake at this time, and was very close to the position of Dr. Solans. At this time, he just symbolically asked Xiaoaoguyan to perform a whirlwind on the steel snake, and then continued to make soy sauce. Waiting for reinforcements.

At the same time, the bonfire also released the other two fire elves, the fire-breathing camel and the platypus, and then let these two elves, both of which reached level 68, cooperate with Nine Tails to use the big character flame on the steel snake. burst.

So many fire-type elves work together to use various fire-type moves on the big steel snake, even the big steel snake dare not fight it head-on. After he has eaten some fire-type moves, he immediately immerses his head and uses it quickly. Digging a hole and lurking underground.

"A good opportunity, let the elves of the Earth Element such as Fire Camel, Fire Camel, Little Fist Stone, and Rumble Rock work together to produce a magnitude."

Bonfire is also a Dr. Elf. She knows all the tricks that elves can master. At this time, seeing the big steel snake burrowing away because of fear of fire attack, she suddenly showed a scheming smile on her face and immediately picked it up. A megaphone in his hand, and then shouted into it.

Although the bonfire is fierce to the enemy, she still loves her companions very much. Otherwise, she would not enter the cave to rescue in spite of the danger. Therefore, her prestige in the lava team is extremely high. She gave an order at this time. The team members followed suit.

Nearly fifty elves who can only use magnitude moves at the same time use magnitude. Although these elves vary in level, the power that erupts is equally astonishing.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking of the earth within a hundred meters of it~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the big steel snake under the earth was in pain at this time, even he could not ignore the power of the earth shaking.

In the end, the big steel snake was finally unable to withstand the huge damage caused by the magnitude of the many elves and was forced to drill out of the ground again.

At this time, Bonfire once again issued an order to the members of the lava team, asking the fire elves in their hands to perform fire moves on the steel snake again.

Many people are powerful, ants bite to death, and the big steel snake that has been hit hard in succession is once again subjected to the flame attacks of many fire elves. His scarred body is finally unable to bear it, and can only fall unwillingly. on the ground.

However, even though the big steel snake fell, the bonfire was not happy at all at this time, and his face was even more ugly than before.

It turned out that the movement between the Big Steel Snake and the Lava team was too great. This undoubtedly brought a guiding light to the Alliance personnel who were waiting for the Lava team to find trouble.

At this moment, under the leadership of Mulla, the Alliance personnel, who are only a lot more than the Lava Team, have surrounded Bonfire and other Lava Team members.

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