Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 895: : Strange flying mount

"Oops, I underestimated Kyuubi's sense of smell."

Sato Kaede has been observing the surrounding situation with vague mental power. When he saw Kyuubi shifting his head to his side, he knew that things were going to happen.

"Kyuubi, burned that tree."

The bonfire's reaction was quick, and the methods were very harsh. She didn't care who was on the tree, she directly let Kyuubi shot and burned it.

Nine tails' orders for the bonfire were obedient. When the bonfire spoke, nine dark blue fireballs suddenly appeared from the tips of her nine erected tails, and then quickly shot at the tree where Sato Kaede was at this time.

The temperature of the dark blue fireball was very high. In a short time, the entire tree became a huge torch, and a large number of lava team members led the elves to surround the tree.

However, what makes the bonfire face gloomy is that the big tree burned for a long time and saw people appearing on the tree and shouting when they were burned by the fire.

"What's the matter, is Nine Tails feeling wrong? No, the feeling of Nine Tails has never been missed. The man must have used some weird method to escape just now. Listen to me and release the Coyote and Great Wolfhounds. Ask them to search using scent detection, and that person must be nearby."

When Bonfire saw this, she couldn't help feeling weird, but she quickly dispelled Kyuubi's thoughts that she was wrong, and immediately asked the people around her to issue search instructions.

The prestige of the bonfire in the lava team is obviously very high. When the lava teams on the scene heard it, they immediately used their coyotes or great wolfhounds, and then followed the instructions of the bonfire to let these canine elves use smell detection.

At the same time, Sato Kaede competed on a big tree ten meters away from the east of the original tree. The moment Kyuubi launched an attack, he immediately used teleportation to come here, and successfully escaped. .

"It seems that I can't just sit back and wait for death. This woman is really cruel, and I'd rather kill her."

At this time, Sato Kaede had seen a large number of lava teams released coyotes and great wolfhounds to search through mental power detection, knowing that he could not continue to hide if he wanted to hide, and could only bite the bullet and run away.

"Come out, Jewel Starfish, Ultrasonic Larva, you two take me out of the sky."

Sato Kaede was not slow at all, he immediately released the gem starfish and the ultrasonic larva, and then responded to it with heart.

Hearing the words, the gem starfish immediately laid its body flat, floated in the air with the superpower of mind-shifting, and then let Sato Kaede jump up.

The ultrasonic larva grabbed Sato Kaede's back, relying on its own floating characteristics and wings to instigate Sato Kaede's weight as much as possible.

It is worth mentioning that the ultrasonic larva has been following Sato Kaede for more than two weeks. In these days, Sato Kaede has successfully tamed it with more than a dozen energy sands, and then used dragon blood ginseng and dragon bone fruit. Its home.

Dragon's blood ginseng and dragon's blood ginseng are worthy of being treasures for cultivating young dragon elves. Ultrasonic larvae have only eaten two dragon's blood ginseng these days, and he has shed the shells twice in succession, and his body has grown a little.

Sato Kaede felt that Genji gave him the experience notes and learned that ultrasonic larvae need to shed their shells at least 30 times if they want to smoothly evolve into desert dragonflies, while ultrasonic larvae husk once a year if they grow normally.

It can be seen that the two dragon blood ginseng has successfully helped the ultrasonic larvae to reduce the natural growth time of two years, and it is still 28 years away from the time when he normally evolved into a desert dragonfly.

However, such things as dragon blood ginseng and dragon bone fruit cannot be eaten often. If you eat too much at one time, the young dragon elves will have indigestion and even be harmful. It is best to eat them every other week.

"Found it, where is that guy!"

As soon as Sato Kaede appeared, a sharp-eyed member of the Lava Team immediately spotted him, and the opponent shouted.

"Grab him, don't let him run."

Hearing the news of the bonfire, he immediately turned his gaze to Sato Kaede who was about to escape, his face suddenly chilled, and he immediately shouted.

In the next second, several lava team elites around the bonfire immediately released King Yan, the most common flying elf in the Fengyuan area, and then boarded them to chase Sato Kaede.

On the other side, Jewel Starfish has successfully taken Sato Kaede into the air.

Immediately, the three tentacles of the gem starfish and the two starfishes aligned in the same direction, and then released six high-pressure water guns. With the powerful driving force of the high-pressure water guns, it suddenly took Sato Kaede in the air. Move at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, Gem Starfish took Sato Kaede to fly tens of meters away, throwing away the chasing soldiers behind him.

"This, this also works..."

"The gem starfish can still be used like this..."

"Unexpectedly, you can fly so fast..."


All the members of the Lava team who witnessed the gem starfish and Sato Kaede galloping away in the air, their faces were stunned, and they murmured.

However, King Yan is a very powerful flying elf after all. Their unwilling character makes them unbearable that the non-flying elf, the gem star star, can fly faster in the air.

Therefore, without the trainer's reminder, they had enough energy to fly, and they used high-speed movements or downwind moves to speed up.

Although the speed of this alternative flight mode of the gem sea star is very fast, the disadvantage is very obvious, that is, the duration is not long. As the amount of water stored in the gem sea star gradually decreases, its flight speed gradually decreases.

When Gem Sea Star took Sato Kaede to fly thousands of meters away, Gem Sea Star began to be a little weak afterwards~www.NovelMTL.com~ The whole body became much smaller due to dehydration.

At this time, the elites of the Lava Team who had been chasing after him gradually moved away from Sato Maple and were about to catch up with him.

"Such a long distance should be enough, hey, it seems that obscurity is also a good thing. The guy thought I was a trash fish and didn't catch up, so he would just let these men go down and chase me."

Sato Kaede had long realized that the jewel starfish could no longer work. He turned his head and looked at the few elite Lava team behind him, with a relaxed smile on his face.

Finally, Sato Kaede stopped the gem starfish in a dense grass in front, and then quietly waited for the follow-up soldiers.

"Hey hey~, kid, don't you run away? Obediently, just catch it, otherwise we're welcome."

"Yes, that's the case, but you kid also has some abilities. You have trained a gem starfish as a flying mount, and the speed is not bad."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just tie it up, Master Bonfire is not very patient."


Soon, the six elites of the lava team appeared on Sato Kaede's head separately on the King Yan. They surrounded Sato Kaede in an orderly manner, looked at Sato Kaede condescendingly, and then verbally attacked Sato Kaede.

"It's all here, let's start, come out, Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts."

Sato Kaede paid no attention to the words of these people. After he confirmed that there would be no more chasing soldiers, he slowly took out a poke ball from his body, and then looked at the six lava team elites in the sky with a playful expression. .

As soon as the voice fell, Pikachu flew out of the elven ball, and then, a thunderbolt fell from the air. An elite lava team who had just jumped and chased him suddenly fell from the air with his eyes rolled and his whole body scorched. .

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