Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 875: : Bear kid elf

"Three, don't pass this time, I wish you all a smooth journey."

When Sato Kaede came to the door, he arched his hands to the Hughes and waved goodbye.

Unfortunately, although Sato Kaede greeted each other with a smile, except for Hughes who barely smiled, Kuroki Ryo and the black-haired woman did not show Sato Kaede any good expressions, and looked very upset at Sato Kaede.

Sato Kaede didn't care about this. After saying goodbye to the three of them, he strode towards the shore of the Oasis Lake.

The tasks Jindai gave to the four people this time were different, but from the perspective of difficulty, Sato Kaede was the easiest, Hughes was the second, the black-haired woman was again, and Kuroki was the most difficult.

However, although the difficulty of the task is different, the rewards are not much different, which naturally makes others feel envy and envy towards Sato Maple.

Hughes and the others naturally did not dare to show God’s face, nor did they dare to refuse the task given by God’s face, but to Sato Kaede’s face, they could still do it. Therefore, the negative emotions that were born in this naturally came from the luckiest Sato Kaede came to bear.

"Perhaps this is the benefit of high prestige."

Sato Kaede thought of Kuroki Ryo's face that was as dark as the one at the bottom of the pot, and couldn't help but smile, and thought a little gloating.

But he soon remembered something bad, and then shook his head and sighed again.

Speaking of it, Kuroki Ryo's strength is indeed there, and after that night, the other party deliberately approached the door early in the morning to ask him to fight against him.

If Ryo Kuroki didn't have a good way to deal with Pikachu, so that Pikachu completed a record of one wear three, Sato Kaede estimated that it would be difficult to defeat Tetsupei with the elf power in his hands.

But in Sato Kaede’s personal opinion, Kuroki Ryo is an unqualified trainer. He is too harsh on the elf, and his training method is similar to Shinji’s type. The elf has a slight mistake, just beating and scolding. .

In this person's eyes, the elf seemed to be just a tool for his purpose, and could be discarded at any time.

There is no doubt that Jindai is a trainer who loves elves very much. He is obviously very dissatisfied with Kuroki Ryo's treatment of elves.

Sato Kaede estimated that the reason why Goddai would give Kuroki Ryo a hard and tiring task was to use this to beat Kuroki to make him realize his mistake.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and Sato Kaede can’t control so many. There are more trainers like Ryo Kuroki in this world. Only let them truly understand the relationship between the trainer and the elf. What the fetters are, they can be transformed.

Walking and thinking about it, it seemed that Kaede Sato had already come to the shore of Oasis Lake.

As the source of life in the oasis, there will never be a shortage of living creatures here. Although humans occupy the oasis, there are still many living creatures desperately drilling here.

Perhaps it was the battle that night made the people who occupied the oasis clearly understand their insignificance. No one dared to take the initiative to attack the wild elves who came to the oasis lake to drink water, lest they would attract a large scale again. Wild elves attacked.

The wild elves are also very spiritual. After discovering that humans do not have much malice towards them, they quickly adapt to the life of human existence in the oasis.

When Sato Kaede came to the shore of the Oasis Lake, there happened to be a group of dull fire camels. The leader of the fire-breathing camels led the tribe to drink water on the other side of the lake, while staring at Sato Kaede and others vigilantly. .

However, the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and there are some mischievous young dull camels who curiously looked at the two standing and sparsely-haired creatures such as Sato Kaede, and deliberately approached the past and threw stones and sparks at Sato Kaede and others.

These bear children were generally dragged away by their parents quickly, and then they gave a severe lesson on the spot. Only some careless parents of bear children allowed the bear children to successfully approach Sato Kaede and others.

At noon, the sun was fierce, and there were few people coming to the shore of the Oasis Lake. The new arrival of Sato Kaede immediately attracted the attention of some bears and children.

Among them, a young and cunning cymbal with very clever eyes was the most deadly. When he saw Sato Kaede, he immediately used a rock blockade to create a small pile of small stones, and then threw it at Sato Kaede's side.

After throwing it, he got into the group very skillfully and disappeared into the group of camels in the blink of an eye.

Sato Kaede's reaction ability is still very good, but before Sato Kaede can dodge, Pikachu on his shoulders easily smashed the small stones thrown by the bear boy with an iron tail.

Afterwards, Pikachu proudly raised his small face and flew in mid-air, then showed a contemptuous look in the direction where the bear child was hiding, and made a grimace.

Even though the bear child stayed in hiding, he had been paying attention to the movement of Sato Kaede. Pikachu's contemptuous eyes and grimacing movements were naturally in his eyes. This immediately stabbed him deeply. Young self-esteem.


As a result, the bear boy ran out of the herd immediately, and then yelled to Pikachu in anger, a declaration of challenging Pikachu.

Unfortunately, before Pikachu could agree to this battle that was destined to abuse food, a fire-breathing camel rushed out of the herd, and then used the front hoof to give the bear child a little head. a bit.

The bear child wailed suddenly, and a big red bag suddenly appeared on his little head. Then, he was carried back to the herd by the fire-breathing camel. After a while, there were a few more painful sounds in the camel. Wailing.

"Interesting, as soon as I came up, I saw a foolish camel with its own characteristics~www.NovelMTL.com~ The qualifications are not bad, but unfortunately, I am not a trainer specializing in fire elves."

Sato Kaede witnessed the process of being dragged back to education by the parents. He suddenly smiled, and then said with some regret.

Because most of the dull and innocent characteristics of Dahuo camel, so Dahuo camel personality is generally relatively dull, so it is somewhat difficult to train.

But the fire camel with its own characteristics is different. It is full of spirit and mind. The trainer is handy in training, and is very calm at the critical moment. Trainers who specialize in fire elves naturally like this type of fire camel very much. .

"By the way, Asha might like him very much. Send her a message."

Soon, Sato Kaede thought of Asha, the energetic female trainer again, and then sent a message to Asha about the bear and child's foolishness.

But what Sato Kaede never expected was that Asha responded in seconds, and also gave the message that he would come here immediately.

"Spiritual dull Huo Camel, wow, I really want it, no, I can't continue to soak in the hot springs, I have to leave right away."

In the open-air hot spring in the Fuyan Gymnasium in Fuyan Town, Asha, who had been chatting with friends with a communicator because of doing nothing, suddenly received a message from Sato Kaede. When she saw it, she couldn't sit still, and quickly got out of the hot spring. Stand up, and then walked out violently.

As the granddaughter of the former Fengyuan Fire Emperor, Yasha naturally knows exactly what a spiritual Dolly Camel means. After the concealed Dolly Camel evolves into a Fire Spitting Camel, his characteristic will be transformed into an angry cave.

And her grandfather's once ace elf was a fire-breathing camel who mastered how to actively open the angry acupoint.

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