Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 867: : Successful retreat

The situation that Sato Kaede and others broke into the battlefield is naturally not hidden from the people of Jindai and others. A struggling Jindai and the blonde woman first noticed the appearance of Sato Kaede and others, and there was a glimmer of joy in their eyes, and then continued to work hard to drag. The king-level wild elf who lives on the battlefield.

The two heavenly king trainers, the gods and the blonde women, are indeed powerful. Under the subtle command of the two, even if the heavenly elves occupy a numerical advantage, they only have the upper hand.

At present, the blonde woman's biting land shark has knocked down three wild elves of the Heavenly King level, and this is still one dozen five.

For this, biting the land shark also paid a great price. At this time, he was covered with scars, and one of his arms was broken and he was hanging weakly.

Uranus-level elves’ injuries can no longer be healed by ordinary means. Their bodies are very powerful, but once injured, it is difficult to recover. The healing energy they require far exceeds that of elves below the Uranus-level.

Roseland's grass field was able to treat some minor injuries for the bite shark at first, but her grass field was also unsustainable for serious injuries such as fractures.

However, to bite the land shark is to bite the land shark. Although he can't use one arm and is scarred all over his body, his combat effectiveness is not weakened.

Roselando is also not easy. Although she has been relying on rooting and super absorption to continuously restore her physical strength, but the speed of recovery is far less than the speed of expenditure. In addition to the treatment for the biting shark, she also needs to separate Most of the healing power goes to treat the wounded in Shibao.

There were a lot of wounded in the stone fort, but none of them died. A large part of the credit for this was from Roselleto. Unfortunately, there were too many wounded. Roselleto obtained the treatment through rooting and super absorption. Energy is a drop in the bucket.

On the contrary, the situation on the side of God is still very stable. Because the Tanabata Blue Bird has the characteristics of having nothing to do with the weather, she can fly freely in the air regardless of the sandstorm.

Tanabata Blue Bird is the master of Dragon Dance. After so long, with the blessing of Dragon Dance, his attack power and speed have been upgraded to a very terrifying existence, and he can be the same as the King of Heaven with any single blow. The wild elves suffered the most.

Because he was staring in the air, the six Uranus-level wild elves besieging the hesitant Eidolons have been throwing rodents, not daring to attack the hesitating Eidolons too much, and always keep a part of his mind to pay attention to the Qixi bluebirds, so as not to let the Qixi bluebirds find flaws and defeat them.

And because of the hesitation Eidolon possessing an evolutionary stone, his physical defense and special defense have become very amazing, even if he is besieged by six wild elves of the same rank as the king, he can still be able to block it with ease.

In addition, he also mastered the big killer to share the pain, as long as there were enemies around him and the enemy could not kill him in seconds, his physical strength was almost endless.

The six heavenly king-level wild elves have extremely high combat intelligence, and they have always wanted to work together to defeat the disgusting piece of brown candy, but the hesitation Eidolon masters the ability to swallow the black hole.

Whenever the six heavenly king-level wild elves work together to attack the hesitant Eidolon, the hesitant Eidolon will display the talent of the black hole swallowing to transfer most of the enemy's attacks to another space.

Under the influence of the extremely shameless and almost insoluble water mill tactics of the wandering Eidolon, two of the six heavenly king-level wild elves have already run away due to their injuries, and the remaining four are unable to swallow this breath. But he has been chasing and fighting the wandering Eidolon.

However, the use cost of the natural ability of the wandering Eidolon black hole swallowing is also extremely high, each time it consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, and this natural ability is extremely dangerous when used.

Hesitating Eidolon was not injured at this time, but his physical strength and mental state had already fallen to the bottom, and he did not dare to use the talent abilities that the black hole swallowed again.

The appearance of Sato Kaede and others was noticed by Jindai and the blonde woman, and naturally also noticed by the wild elves who were fighting against them.

Fortunately, these wild elves of the Heavenly King level are proud and proud. They both disdain to solve the ants like Sato Kaede with their own hands. Instead, they send out special sound signals to let their hands go down to intercept Sato Kaede and others.

It is precisely because of this that although Sato Kaede and others were not attacked by the wild elves of the Heavenly King level, the pressure increased instantly.

"Hold on, the stone castle will be here soon. When the stone castle is reached, we can safely leave the battlefield by flying through the air."

Sato Kaede directs the elves around him to repel the wild elves, and at the same time encourages his companions around him.

As the king-level wild elves sent their capable men over to intercept, Sato Kaede and others finally started to attrition.

The strong man who complained at the beginning was accidentally attacked by a sand-pulling panzan king, and his chest was stabbed to the heart by his paws. If there is Lucy’s last healer elven fat man, he will be treated in time. He is dead.

The initiator of Becky also fell to the ground because his body was hit by a rock-type move released by a ground-type elf. Now, only six trainers including Sato Kaede can persist.

However, Sato Kaede was right. They were already very close to the stone fort. Everyone saw the location of the stone fort through the bright light, and the spirit was not only refreshed.

According to Sato Kaede's plan, they first had to rely on the big steel snake and other elves to approach the stone fort, and then rely on flying elves to rescue the people in the fortress.

Among Sato Kaede and others, a female trainer named Fitz happens to be a trainer specializing in flying elves. The number of flying elves in her hands is no less than ten, and each one is a medium-sized flying elves. , There is no problem with each carrying three people at the same time.

In the final step of the evacuation plan, the hidden dragon is the key. Sato Kaede prepares to transfer the characteristics of the hidden dragon, the characteristic converter, to these flying elves.

In this way, these flying elves who temporarily acquired irrelevant weather characteristics can ignore the invasion of the sandstorm, and then smoothly evacuate from the battlefield through the air~www.NovelMTL.com~ Unfortunately, if it weren't for the hidden dragon to repeatedly use impersonation and feature exchange It consumes a huge amount of physical strength, and the temporary properties acquired by the elf last for a short time. Sato Kaede worried that the hidden dragon's physical strength would not be able to support it. He wanted to approach the stone castle through this method from the beginning.

Two minutes later, the big steel snake finally dragged his scarred body and brought Sato Kaede and others to the stone castle.

At this time, people who were still struggling in the stone castle finally saw the hope of survival.

"Don't worry, everyone, listen to my arrangements. Don't be in a situation of scrambling. If anyone doesn't obey the command, I will throw him out."

When Sato Kaede was less than 100 meters away from the stone fort, he had already entered into the stone fort by teleportation, and then he would listen to his retreat plan at high speed through the telepathy.

The people in the stone castle had already been desperate, and now they saw Sato Kaede and others risking their deaths. They dared to complain, all of them obediently obeyed Sato Kaede's arrangements.

Soon, with the help of the chameleon, plus Lucy Fattin's wish to heal the chameleon, a dozen flying elves finally successfully and temporarily acquired the characteristics of irrelevant weather.

Subsequently, under the command of the trainer, Fitz, these flying elves carried a group of wounded in the stone fort into the sky in an orderly manner, and then quickly flew towards the direction of Oasis Lake.

After seeing the people in the stone castle being rescued by Sato Kaede and the others, after the two gave a signal, the gods and the blonde woman stopped entanglement with the wild elves in front of them.

Jindai quickly commanded the Tanabata Blue Bird to dive down, and he picked up the blonde woman, and then commanded the Tanabata Blue Bird to quickly follow the large army.

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