Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 862: : Battle in the Sandstorm

In the sandstorm weather, the combat effectiveness of wild elves in the desert will not only not decline, but will increase. Some elves with the characteristics of sand hiding, sand pulling, and sand power will increase their combat power, like a fish in water.

The battle started soon. The first to be unlucky was the speculators in the outermost periphery of the oasis. Although they had discovered that a large number of wild elves had come to attack, they were unable to escape due to the sandstorm and eventually had to fight with the wild elves. The elves fought desperately.

These speculators dare to come to the crisis-ridden desert for wealth. Their strength is naturally not weak. Each of them is close to the strength of an elite trainer. Most of the elves in their hands are elves who are very suitable for combat in the desert environment.

Therefore, a fierce battle began.

The number of wild elves summoned by the powerful elves this time is very large, at least there are thousands of them. After some leader-level wild elves called, they rushed towards the human camp in the oasis.

Soon, the war quickly spread to the site of the ruins expedition where Sato Kaede was at this time.

Most of the personnel in the site of the ruins expedition are non-combatants. Although there are some elves in their hands, these elves are at best pets, and their combat effectiveness is scary.

Nowadays, a large number of wild elves have attacked, and many non-combatants in the resident are immediately suffering.

"Damn, the most worrying thing is here. You have to go out to fight, otherwise, this ruins adventure journey will fall apart before it starts."

Sato Kaede’s mental power can see the situation outside clearly. He knows the dangers outside at this time, but if his guards don’t support him, the non-combatants outside may suffer heavy losses, and he suddenly feels a little concerned. Embarrassed.

However, he quickly made a decision, because the strongest guy in the resident finally took the shot.

I saw a middle-aged man with a cold face flying high in the sky on a Tanabata blue bird. While commanding the Tanabata blue bird to deal with the ground elves below, he shouted the trainer in the resident to come out to challenge.

The characteristic of this Tanabata blue bird of God is obviously nothing to do with the weather. With this powerful characteristic, the sandstorm within ten meters of the Tanabata blue bird retreats one after another, so that a small vacuum appears in the dust storm covered by a large area. band.

At this critical moment, the leadership power is undoubtedly very important. A powerful trainer named Jindai appeared. The defenders in the garrison immediately came out of their residences, and then went to protect the non-combatants. .

Seeing this, Sato Kaede immediately put Rose Redto away and asked her to take back the rattan whip outside the iron shack. After that, he directly moved away from the iron shack that was about to fall again.

The wind and sand outside was so big, Sato Kaede had to wear a goggles that he had bought in Corydalis City.

This goggles can also be regarded as a high-tech product. In addition to helping users block their eyes from being attacked by wind and sand, it also has an infrared function that allows users to discover wild elves hidden in the wind and sand.

"Pikachu, use the flash, turn into the hidden dragon, and act on the Qixi blue bird."

As soon as Sato Kaede came out, he immediately asked Pikachu and the hidden dragon on his shoulders to give instructions.

Hearing this, Pikachu's tail suddenly lit up with a bright light, quickly driving away the darkness around him.

And the hidden dragon immediately turned his attention to the Qixi Blue Bird who was showing great power in the sky, and then used the acting trick.

In the next second, the hidden dragon successfully copied the irrelevant weather characteristics of the Qixi Blue Bird by acting as a move, and then quickly created a small irrelevant weather field.

Soon, the sandstorm that had been raging within two meters of Sato Kaede suddenly became quiet.

"Under these circumstances, this irrelevant weather feature is simply a god-level feature. With this feature, no matter how violent the sandstorm is, you won't be afraid."

Sato Kaede looked at the dust storm that was still raging around, but there was nothing around him, and he was suddenly overjoyed.

However, before he could be happy for too long, the ground beneath him quickly formed a vortex of quicksand, and his whole body began to sink underground, and several ground elves with strong hostility in their eyes were also drilled on the nearby ground.

"Come out, water arrow turtle, sea star, use a water gun to attack."

Seeing this, Sato Kaede didn't know where he had been attacked. Before the quicksand vortex was fully formed, he quickly moved away from the place in an instant, and then quickly released the water arrow turtle and sea stars to fight.

The level of the wild elves coming nearby is not particularly high. They are generally around level 20 or 30. The two levels of the water arrow turtle and the sea star are close to breaking through level 40. The elves can easily take advantage of attribute restraint to bring these wild elves. beat.

"Mr. Teppei, walk here~www.NovelMTL.com~ After Sato Kaede defeated the wild elves that were coming around, a sweet voice suddenly came from him.

Sato Kaede possesses mental power detection. In addition to being unable to conduct in-depth exploration, he still knows the surrounding environment very well. The owner of the voice is Lucy, a beautiful trainer.

He knew that this woman had been nearby early in the morning, but he had been watching and didn't mean to act.

Sato Kaede heard this woman's voice, and he also turned his attention to the other person, but he just nodded to the other person, and then went to support according to the direction he chose.

Although there is nothing wrong with Lucy's behavior, he doesn't need such a teammate who only cares about self-protection.

Lucy obviously didn't expect that Sato Kaede would ignore her. There was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes, but she was not angry, and nodded thoughtfully. Then, she quickly rode the fire-breathing camel under her to the safe area. .

Now that Sato Kaede has the capital to move freely in the sandstorm, he began to become active in the station. He directed the water arrow turtle and the sea star to continuously clean up the large number of incoming wild elves, and at the same time rescue those who have been wild Non-combatants besieged by elves.

Soon, Sato Kaede rescued more than a dozen non-combatants from the hands of wild elves, and then sent them to a safe location quickly opened up in the resident center.

"Quickly, go to the east to support. Mr. Becky and the others are trapped by a large group of wild elves. I'm here to report the letter. It's over if I'm late."

Sato Kaede was headed to a safe place by the fainted casualty, but the other party woke up midway. After seeing Sato Kaede walking freely in the sandstorm and extremely powerful, he immediately pleaded with Sato Kaede.

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