Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 860: : Harvest and departure

To be honest, Sato Kaede really didn't expect the matter to be solved in such a simple way. He thought he would have to fight hard with Keith, an elite of the Lava team called Poison Man in the gray area of ​​Corydalis, but he was surprised. Be a fisherman once.

Sato Kaede did not stay in place for a while. After he defeated Keith, he immediately took back all the elves with a poke ball, and then took Keith away from this building, which will become a lively abandoned building soon. .

And when Sato Kaede left shortly after, the young man who had just escaped returned and brought several helpers, but at this time, people were already empty.

Immediately afterwards, piercing sirens also came from nearby, which caused the young man and others' complexions to change suddenly, and they quickly and carefully collected clues on the scene.

Although there are few residents near the abandoned building, the fighting just now attracted the attention of some nearby residents. After they reported to the local police station, some Union guards on duty at night began to rush here.

In the end, the young men found nothing, and they had to leave the abandoned building with a frustrated expression before the Alliance police arrived.

Ten minutes later, Sato Kaede has arrived in the lobby on the second floor of the Pokemon Center in the city center. His identity at this time is Shinichi Ryugasaki, an Alliance bounty hunter, and he is carrying the lava of Chis in his hand. Team elite.

At this time, Sato Kaede has taken away all the belongings in the hands of Qisi, and this time he came to the Pokemon Center, the purpose of natural is to let Qisi use his remaining value, he believes that the alliance will definitely like his gift. .

After all, Keith’s identity is a backbone member of the Lava Team branch base in Viola City. If the Alliance can get some information about the Lava Team from him, it will definitely gain a lot.

Sure enough, Keith’s reputation within the Corydalis City Alliance is very resounding. As soon as Sato Kaede reported the identity of Keith, several high-ranking officials from the Cosy City Alliance rushed there, including Tie Xuan. Trainer.

"It's you."

Tie Xuan immediately recognized Sato Kaede, the bounty hunter who had conquered the Lightning Bird not long ago, and her face suddenly became serious.

"It's me. I also thanked Mr. Tie Xuan for helping me. Otherwise, I would not be lucky enough to get the Lightning Bird. No, I will give a gift to the Alliance."

When Sato Kaede saw Tie Xuan recognize him, he did not deny it, and bluntly admitted that he was Shinichi Ryugasaki, and then said without joking.

Several senior officials of the Corydalis City Alliance at the scene saw Sato Kaede admit that he was Shinichi Ryugasaki, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little serious.

However, the Alliance has cancelled the hunt for Shinichi Ryugasaki at this time, so Sato Kaede is still an ally of the Alliance.

In addition, at this time, Sato Kaede brought the key member of Keith's lava team branch base in Corydalis City. It can be seen that Sato Kaede is on the side of the alliance.

Therefore, the dignified atmosphere was quickly dissipated by one of the alliance members who came over while talking and laughing, and Tie Xuan and others' attitude towards Sato Kaede gradually improved.

Sato Kaede did not choose to wrestle with Tie Xuan and others for too long, but the alliance saw that Qi Si was alive, and their sincerity was also very good. In the end, he successfully exchanged Qi Si for 20,000 League contribution points. .

Afterwards, Sato Kaede disappeared in front of Tie Xuan and the others in an instant, and when he appeared again, he had already returned to his residence in the elf center.

As soon as Sato Kaede returned to his room, he immediately probed the room and the outside with mental power. After finding that there was no abnormality, he took out the space equipment of Keith from his body, and then flipped the contents inside. Upside down,

Soon, he found the poisonous essence he dreamed of.

"Finally, it's done. It's not easy for Keith. Such a large piece of poisonous essence should have 80g. He also almost collected the core materials for making black silt."

Sato Kaede looked at a large piece of poisonous essence glowing with purple streamer in the glass jar in his hand, thinking with surprise along the way.

However, the real surprise is still to come. After Sato Kaede collected the poisonous essence, he began to carefully sort out the remaining items in the Qisi space equipment, and then found that the most precious thing in Qisi's hand was not the poisonous essence, and one An orb that emits glamorous purple light.

Yes, the name of this purple orb is called the Poisonous Orb. Like the black silt, it belongs to the most famous poisonous treasure.

Compared to the black silt that can continuously restore the stamina of the poison-type elves, the Toxic Orb is not too attractive to trainers who specialize in poison-type elves.

After all, the effect of the poisonous orb is negative. Except for the poisonous elves or the steel elves, the only end of other elves carrying it is to fall into a poisonous state.

However, for poison elf, the poisonous orb is also a very good auxiliary training tool, and the poison elf holding it will continuously purify and strengthen the toxins in the body.

And as an auxiliary prop for the Poison Elf's promotion to the Heavenly King level, it is undoubtedly very suitable.

In addition, Keith deserves to be a trainer who is obsessed with cultivating poison elf, and has been in the gray area of ​​Corydalis for many years, relying on his status as the backbone of the lava team to make a lot of profits in the black market.

In his space equipment, he actually possessed a very good book for cultivating poison-type elf and a large number of food materials for the production of poison-type elf. Among them, he had prepared the other auxiliary materials for making black silt.

"It's really killing and setting fire to the golden belt. Looting will always be faster than collecting it by hard work. With this book on cultivating poison-type elf and so many ingredients for making poison-type elf food~www.NovelMTL.com~Nido The poison elves like Wang also have a way to quickly increase their strength."

Sato Kaede sorted out a large number of items in the Kits space equipment, and couldn't help being surprised by the richness of this unexpected harvest. He also reaffirmed the importance of Ryugasaki's identity.

After finishing the inspection of the loot, he had a sumptuous supper with a group of elves, and then returned to the residence of the elves center to start the evening meditation training.

At 9 o'clock the next morning, Sato Kaede continued to use Teppei's identity to meet Lucy and Hughes at the door of the Elf Center.

Hughes really did what he said yesterday, he really came here in a super domineering giant off-road vehicle, and he took Sato Kaede and Lucy to the direction of Route 111 quickly.

According to Hughes, this RV-like off-road vehicle is a high-tech product that he specially commissioned by Devin to manufacture. This off-road vehicle can run on flat ground regardless of the terrain.

With such an extremely windy off-road vehicle, the road is naturally not peaceful. Before leaving the city of Corydalis, Sato Kaede and others were attacked by a group of robbers.

However, Sato Kaede and the three are excellent trainers. It is impossible for non-Tianwang level trainers to pose much threat to them. They quickly repelled these robbers and then continued on the road.

The task of running errands that Sato Kaede took was fairly simple. With the help of Hughes, an off-road vehicle and some passers-by, he quickly found the task goal and successfully completed the task.

Then, after another day and a half, the three finally arrived at the stronghold established by the Ruins Expedition in the desert.

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