Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 841: : Follower

Unfortunately, the image in the purple crystal ball lasted less than a second, and the entire purple crystal ball suddenly burst.

The black-haired woman named Yunzi seemed to have received a heavy blow from some unknown force. At the moment when the purple crystal ball burst, she flew up a distance, and then spit out a big mouthful of blood from her mouth, her face was completely bloodless. Suddenly, his face became paler.

"He is someone who cannot be peeped."

Yunzi fell to the ground, then covered her chest with her hands and gasped for breath. After saying this, she fainted.

"How come, Yunzi is a mid-level spiritualist, no matter how powerful he is, he is only a mid-level superpower. Yunzi can't see him with divination."

Seeing this, another woman with short blonde hair nearby saw this, she hurriedly walked over to help Yunzi up, and found that she was not in a serious condition, but just passed out. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with an incredible expression.

"Chee, it's really tricky, Captain, what should we do now? Yunzi said that he is a person who cannot be peeped, that is, he cannot be found by means of mysterious power such as divination."

The green-haired man stood up from the ground, glanced at Yunzi who had fainted indifferently, then turned his head and said to the burly man.

"The task must be completed. Since Yunzi's divination methods cannot be used to find him, let's rely on technology."

"Green Mori, contact the guys in the information department and ask them to help us find someone. The trainer who got the lightning bird is called Ryugasaki Shinichi. Although it is only a pseudonym, if we can find some of his video materials, then it must be Some clues can be found."

Hearing this, the burly man didn't answer immediately, instead he pondered on the spot for a while, then said to the green-haired man named Lusen.

"I know, I will do it now."

Lu Sen heard the words and said little by little, he immediately took out a specially shaped communicator from his body, and then began to dial a certain number in the address book.

Soon, Lu Sen contacted someone from the Information Department of Fengyuan Alliance Headquarters. After he explained the specific situation here, the other party began to execute it quickly.

Unfortunately, half an hour later, Yunzi also woke up from the faint, but Lu Sen and the others still didn't wait for any information from the Information Department, and their faces couldn't help but look hard.

Until ten minutes passed, the communicator on the burly man rang a bell, but it was not an information from the Ministry of Information, but an order to terminate the mission.

When the burly man saw this, he immediately told the other three people the order to terminate the mission. For a while, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became extremely dignified, and the eyes of all four of them showed strong unwillingness.

"Shinichi Ryugasaki, it's been a long time since I met an interesting prey like you, we will remember you."

The four of them glanced at each other, and they suddenly thought of the above sentence with similar meaning.

On the other side, Sato Kaede, who had already set up an open-air tent on the bank of a certain small river on Road 117, had also successfully received good news from Dr. Oki, and his mood suddenly improved.

"Who is sneaking over there, come out!"

However, just as he was about to take off the Variety Weird Skin Mask on his face, he suddenly frowned, then turned his head to a big tree 100 meters away, and shouted loudly.

"As expected of Mr. Ryugasaki Shinichi, I was discovered by you just when I was close to a hundred meters away from you. As the intelligence said, I am a powerful superpower."

In the next second, a black-robed man with a grimace mask slowly walked out from behind the big tree, and then yin and yang said to Sato Kaede strangely.

As soon as he finished speaking, the black-robed man suddenly crossed a distance of tens of meters and suddenly appeared in front of Sato Kaede.

"You are also a superpower. No, you didn't show any superpower fluctuations in your body just now. You can't be a superpower."

Sato Kaede saw the black-robed man suddenly appear in front of him, and he immediately grasped the two elven **** that had been taken from the elven belt with both hands, and said solemnly.

"Hehehe~, if I am a real superpower, that would be great, but unfortunately, I don’t want you to be so lucky. I also rely on this little guy to do it. Look, This little guy's super talents shouldn't be bad."

Hearing this, the black-robed man suddenly chuckled a few times, and then continued to say to Sato Kaede strangely.

Afterwards, a natural bird with a feather color different from the normal natural bird suddenly appeared on the shoulder of the black-robed man, and then stared at Sato Kaede maliciously.

"The shining natural bird, your Excellency is really lucky. Did you rely on him to find me?"

When Sato Kaede saw the heterochromatic natural finches suddenly appearing on the shoulders of the black-robed man, his face suddenly changed. After he vaguely passed the system's detection ability to see the information of the flashing natural finches in his eyes, he asked.

According to the information he obtained from the detection of the flashing natural bird with the system's detection capability, the flashing ability of this flashing natural bird is called the predictor. This flashing ability can greatly enhance the flashing natural bird's ability to predict the future.

Sato Maple estimated that this black-robed man could find him ~www.NovelMTL.com~ by the powerful predictive ability of this shining natural bird.

At the same time, under his secret command, a morphing dragon lying on his shoulders began to creep along his body to the ground, and then was about to quietly go around behind the black-robed man.

"Hahaha~~, Mr. Ryugasaki Shinichi, as a superpower, you should be very aware of the abilities of the elf, you can't hide this little action from me."

"However, you guessed wrong. I didn't rely on this little guy to find you. Although this little guy has a very powerful ability to predict the future, you seem to be very special. The ability to predict the future cannot affect you."

"So, in order to find you, I had to borrow a good helper from home. Thanks to his help, I found you smoothly. Come out and say hello."

It is a pity that before the hidden dragon can successfully get around behind the black-robed man, the black-robed man suddenly laughed, and then looked at Sato Kaede with a playful look.

In the next second, the grass under the hidden dragon grew wildly, and then quickly wrapped him into a zongzi.

Immediately afterwards, a light green elf flew out of a dense grass nearby. He quickly circled in mid-air, and then stayed in the air between the two, but his eyes were fixed on it. Sato Kaede with an unusually ugly face.

"You, who are you?"

When Sato Kaede saw this pale green elf, his face changed drastically. He immediately moved back several meters in an instant, as if he was facing an enemy, his face was extremely solemn.

This light green elf that has just emerged from the grass and perfectly escaped Sato Kaede's mental power detection. He is the elf that travels through time, the **** of the forest, Shirabi.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Ghost Blowing Lantern Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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