Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 717: : Gift of Poseidon

Sato Kaede has never been stingy with his ace elf. He saw the giant marsh monster staring at the blessing mark of Gaoka in his hand, and he immediately understood the mind of the giant marsh monster.

"Are you ready, go and accept this gift from the ancient super mythical beast."

In the next second, he used the superpowers of mind-shifting to transfer the blessing mark of Gaoka in his hand to the giant marsh monster, and then spoke to the giant marsh monster with telepathy.

The giant marsh monster has been with Sato Kaede for a long time. He has been born and died with Sato Kaede. Naturally, he will not be polite to Sato Kaede. He knows that Sato Kaede in front of him doesn't know where to take out the things that are great for him. the benefits of.

So, when Sato Kaede signaled him to use it, he immediately grabbed Gaoka's blessing mark in front of him with his hands.

However, before the palm of the giant marsh monster touched Gaoka's blessing mark, Gaoka's blessing mark seemed to be spiritual.

It seems to perceive the giant marsh monster's desire for it and the giant marsh monster is an excellent successor. It directly broke free of Sato Kaede's thought power, and then quickly flew towards the giant marsh monster's forehead.

Unprepared, the giant marsh monster was successfully attacked by Gioka’s blessing mark, and a huge alpha mark appeared on his forehead. At the same time, black lines began to extend from this alpha mark to the giant marsh monster’s skin. come out.

In the blink of an eye, the Giant Marsh Monster himself hadn't reacted, and strange lines similar to those on Guyoka appeared on his skin.

After the black lines on the giant marsh monster completed the orderly covering of the skin of the giant marsh monster, a blue phantom exuding terrifying coercion suddenly emerged from behind the giant marsh monster. There is no doubt that this blue phantom The shadow is the ancient super mythical beast Gaioka.

And what it appears at this time is not its usual form, but the way it returns to its original state. It is staring at the giant marsh monster in front of it trying to absorb its power with scrutinizing eyes.

When the original Gaoka phantom appeared, the face of the giant marsh monster suddenly became extremely painful. Obviously, the power of the ancient super mythical beast was not so easy to absorb.

However, the giant marsh monster is after all a giant marsh monster, he is still the powerful elf that kills a fierce reputation on the mysterious island, and the original Gaioka phantom is just a power clone of Gaioka.

Soon, the giant marsh monster succeeded in absorbing a trace of the original force of Giooka in the mark of Giooka’s blessing. Even though the original Giooka phantom on his body was unwilling, it eventually turned into a large number of blue light spots. Pour into the body of the giant marsh monster.

In an instant, the aura of the giant marsh monster became stronger and stronger.

A powerful aura as vast as the sea gradually radiated from him, and I don't know if it was due to the absorption of a trace of the original power of Gaioka, the giant marsh monster also had a trace of the majesty of a divine beast at this time.

"It deserves to be a treasure that possesses the power of a super **** beast, it is magic."

Sato Kaede felt the miraculous change of the giant marsh monster, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he immediately used the system's detection ability to detect the giant marsh monster again, and then he immediately understood what was going on.

The information of the giant marsh monster is as follows:

Elf: Giant Marsh Monster

Level: 65

Attribute: water + ground

Features: Humidity + Rain

Sex: male

Carrying props: the mutant superb blue water stone

HP qualification: 31 (31)

Attack qualification: 31 (31)

Defense qualification: 31 (31)

Special attack qualification: 31 (31)

Special defense qualification: 31 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 31 (31)

Qualification evaluation: gold (individual total value is 186)

Level skills: (mud shooting, impact, cry, water gun, mud throwing, see through, endurance, mud bomb, arm hammer, rock fall, turbid waves, slam, earthquake, brute force)

Genetic skills: (renewed, mirror reflection)

Skills taught: Frozen Fist

Skill Disc: (Defense, Awakening Strength·Flying, Rock Enclosure, Freezing Wind, Iron Tail, Current Tail, Surfing)

Skill Combinations: Earth Ice Hammer (arm hammer + earth force + freezing fist), earth fury (earthquake + earth power), ice spike spear (throwing + freezing fist)

Special Blessing: Gift of Poseidon

(Gift of Poseidon: The Giant Marsh Monster has been recognized by Gaoka. He successfully absorbed a trace of Kioka’s original power. From then on, his life span will be greatly increased. At the same time, he who has obtained the original power of the divine beast will obtain the divine beast. Majesty, he will suppress other ordinary elves to a certain extent.)

After the giant marsh monster used Gaioka's blessing mark, although his data panel added the words Rain Feature and Poseidon's Gift, he has undoubtedly received many benefits.

Especially for the last gift of the Seagod, the potential of the giant marsh monster has not only increased invisibly, but he will have the advantage when fighting against other ordinary elves in the future.

Obviously, the giant marsh monster was also very tired in the battle of will with the original Gaoka phantom. After he absorbed the power of the Gaoka beast, he soon fell to the ground and fell asleep. At the same time, he The alpha mark on the forehead and the black lines on the skin quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Sato Kaede immediately took back the giant marsh monster with a poke ball, and then let the night skull replace the task of guarding the giant marsh monster.

After he calmed down, he began to focus on the system store again. Although he spent 30% of the system energy in exchange for the blessing mark of Gaioka, 54% of the system energy remained in front of him. You can continue to redeem some good things in the system store.

It is a pity that there is only one Blessing Mark of Gaoka in the system store. Otherwise, Sato Kaede even wanted to redeem it again after seeing the changes made by the Giant Marsh Monster using Kioka's Blessing Mark.

Sato Kaede also regretted the Super Mark. This valuable system product can only be exchanged once.

In a few minutes, Sato Kaede made another decision in his heart. He immediately spent 20% of the system energy to redeem four fantasy gene supplement potions from the system store.

"Cross bat and hidden dragon, you two have worked hard along the way. Take it, you deserve these."

Afterwards, Sato Kaede used the superpowers of mind-shifting to pass two fantasy gene supplementary medicines to the cross-character bat and the hidden dragon respectively, and then said to them with a smile.

The fork bat is his initial elf~www.NovelMTL.com~ Sato Kaede has a certain preference for him, but unfortunately due to the aptitude and the difficulty of increasing the level later, the fork bat is gradually being excellent by other aptitudes His companion catches up and surpasses, and his role gradually degenerates into assistance.

In this regard, although Sato Kaede is willing to help the cross-shaped bat, he has always treated the symptoms and not the root cause. The level of the cross-shaped bat cannot keep up with other excellent companions. Until now, he can finally solve the cross-shaped bat. The problem of slow level upgrade.

As for the hidden dragon, Sato Kaede feels that he owes her a lot. On the mysterious island, if he hadn't helped the hidden dragon, which has the role of a trait converter, he might have turned into a pile of dead bones and graves. The grass is several feet high.

Unfortunately, due to its own qualifications, the level and strength of the hidden dragon are also extremely slow.

So far, her level has just entered the 40th level, and her mastery of her own skills has been slowly improving, making it difficult for her to exert the power of her own changeable characteristics.

However, Sato Kaede believes that after the hidden dragon uses the two fantasy gene supplements this time, the changeable nature of her body will usher in spring.

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