Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 712: : Target: Chimney Hill

I have to say that being chased by an ancient super mythical beast is definitely a catastrophic thing.

At this time, Sato Kaede has deeply realized the degree of danger. Had it not been for the powerful foreign aid of the Dragon King by his side, he would have been beaten by Gioka long ago, let alone escape. More than half an hour.

In this half an hour, the Super Tyrannosaurus has taken Genji and Sato Kaede all the way north from the 108 waterway to the vast virgin jungle between the 103 road and the 117 road, and Gaioka has gone crazy. Generally chasing after.

However, even if Sato Kaede had a powerful foreign aid like the Dragon King, he was already at a desperate situation at this time. For no reason, Genji's Super Flying Dragon was about to be unable to hold it.

Gaioka is indeed an extremely powerful ancient super mythical beast, his weather domain coverage is incredible, and he can freely control all the supernatural phenomena in the weather domain.

In the face of the sudden hurricane and the sudden fall of the thunder, the Super Flying Dragon, even a top-level Celestial Elf with a level of 85, is still scarred at this moment.

Fortunately, Sato Kaede possessed Pikachu, an elf with lightning rod characteristics, and Genji possessed a Tanabata blue bird that had nothing to do with weather characteristics. He and Yuanji were not killed by lightning falling from the sky.

But Pikachu is not a universal lightning rod. His current level is still too low. Although he has been releasing a large amount of current to relieve the huge amount of electricity absorbed from the lightning, his petite body is almost unable to hold it up until now.

The only good news is that Pikachu has been absorbing the lightning power created by Gaoka. The mutant Thunder Orb in his body is like a tree that meets the rain for a long time. It starts to absorb the lightning power created by Kioka crazy. Then glow with a new light.

It is precisely because of the help of the Mutated Thunder Orb, the electric treasure, that Pikachu was able to absorb the lightning power produced by the super mythical beast Gaoka with a level 33 elf for nearly half an hour.

"Little bastard, this time it’s the old man. I’m hurting you. Tyrannosaurus can’t hold on anymore, but old man, I have other elves on hand to deal with Gaoka. I will attract Gaoka’s attention later , You can take the opportunity to run away."

Genji is naturally very aware of the situation of his old partner at this time. When it comes to life and death, the old king of Fengyuan still adheres to his principles and did not choose to abandon Sato Kaede. Instead, he left the hope of survival to Sato Kaede.

When Sato Kaede heard Genji's words, his heart suddenly warmed, and then, a strong feeling of regret came to his heart instantly.

He shouldn’t be greedy. He knew that Gaioka was coming, but in the end he couldn’t help but absorb the power of Gaioka’s sacred beast. This caused Gaioka to hate him. It is miserable to control the source, and then, it may even be possible to kill the opponent.

"Damn, old bastard, I understand your intentions."

"I was the one looking for the big-headed fish. You are the Dragon King of Fengyuan area. It is really a shame that you are dead now."

"I'm nothing. I'm just a nameless man, and I'll die if I die, but if I survive this catastrophe, you must make up for me."

Sato Kaede thought he was not a good person, but he was not shameless enough to do something wrong and let others die for him, so he resolutely rejected Genji's kindness and said with a face.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes flashed blue and he moved instantaneously. He immediately disappeared from the super tyrannosaurus with Pikachu. When he reappeared, he had already reached the open air two hundred meters to the northeast.

Immediately, Sato Kaede immediately released the cross bat, and then let him continue to fly in the direction of the north.

Sure enough, when Sato Kaede left from the Super Tyrannosaurus, Guyoka's attention immediately shifted from the Super Tyrannosaurus to Sato Kaede.

"This stinky boy has a really bad temper, but the old man likes it, Tyrannosaurus. We have been chased for so long, so it's time to give it a bit of color and dive with the ultimate dragon god."

"Go, Qixi Blue Bird, use your irrelevant weather field to help that kid."

Seeing Sato Kaede's own opinion to face Gaoka alone, Genji couldn't help feeling hot. He immediately commanded the Super Flying Dragon to attack Gaoka to give Sato Kaede some time to escape.

At the same time, he also asked Tanabata Blue Bird who was guarding him to help Sato Kaede.

At this time, his impression of Sato Kaede was completely changed. He originally thought that Sato Kaede was a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, but from now on, Sato Kaede is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death at the critical moment.


Even in the face of the ancient super mythical beast, the super tyrannosaurus has no fear of emotion. He heard Genji's words, he suddenly roared, and his whole body exploded with amazing dragon energy and flight energy, and then turned into a huge dragon. The comet slammed into Guyoka, who was about to turn to flight.

This ultimate Dragon God Dive is a strong combination of Super Tyrannosaurus combining the final impact and Dragon Dive. With the characteristics of the sky skin at this time, the final impact of the usual moves is also transformed into flight. Department of moves.

Therefore, this ultimate Dragon God dive is completely a combination of super tyrannosaurus double base skills, especially after the six dragon dance moves of the super tyrannosaurus, the power of this skill combination has risen to an extreme Terrible degree.

Even if Gaioka is an ancient super mythical beast with a level of 100 but the actual combat power is far greater than that of level 100, it can't ignore the terrifying skill combination of Super Tyrannosaurus at this time.

In the next second, a loud noise of "Boom!!!" appeared.

The giant dragon-shaped comet transformed by the Super Tyrannosaurus slammed into Guyoka's body, and Guyoka also let out a muffled cry, and the entire body was hit by the Super Tyrannosaurus and moved to the left. Ten meters.

At this time, Genji, who was riding a desert dragonfly, saw the super tyrannosaurus successfully knocked Gioka into flight, his face suddenly smiled, he immediately took out the pokeball and took back the tyrannosaurus that had already launched a super-evolved form. Command the desert dragonfly to fly in the direction of the forest below.

"whispering sound!!!"

The attack of the Super Tyrannosaurus obviously succeeded in hurting Guyoka~www.NovelMTL.com~ Therefore, Guyoka's attention shifted slightly from Sato Kaede to Genji's body. He opened his mouth full of sharp teeth. Then he let out a deafening roar.

Suddenly, a huge sound wave appeared. At the same time, buckets of thick lightning fell from the rainstorm sky. The target was Genji and the desert dragonfly under him.

Fortunately, Genji's desert dragonfly flew fast enough, even if he took Genji to the forest floor, and then relying on his power as a ground-type elf, he managed to successfully carry down the thunderstorm created by Gaoka.

At the same time, Sato Kaede took advantage of the time that Genji had created for him, and quickly moved away from Gayoka. Under the full-flight of the fork bat, he quickly crossed Road 117 and entered the area of ​​Fuyan Town. Inside.

"I finally saw Chimney Mountain. I don't believe you will have time to care about me when you see your enemy."

Sato Kaede looked at the faintly visible Chimney Mountain in the distance, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart. He turned his head to look at the dark cloud that had been hard to get rid of and began to appear behind him, thinking bitterly.

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