Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 696: : The background of the Ocean team

The Hague’s punishment soon came to Sato Kaede’s ears, but Sato Kaede was not the real Bakuk. He didn’t care at all. At this time, he was patiently looking for the logistics office on the fifth floor of the base. With your favorite items.

Of course, in order to conform to Bakuk’s crazy and rude character, Sato Kaede still showed a very angry look after hearing the punishment. He threatened to show Dr. Peter a good look in the future, and even cursed in front of some people. A few words about the cadre of the marine team from The Hague.

The Ocean Team is indeed the Ocean Team. With its geographical advantage, this organization that has been entrenched in the Fengyuan area for hundreds of years has collected almost all types of water elves. At the same time, it also masters a large number of water elves training methods. .

In addition, all kinds of rare water attribute materials are also available. For example, the scales of the deep sea that Sato Kaede had been searching for and couldn't find. There are hundreds of stocks in this ocean team base alone.

"It's really rich enough. No wonder that nine out of the ten trainers of the Ocean Team are trainers specializing in water elves. This is not only because of environmental factors, but also closely related to the huge water attribute resources that the Ocean Team masters. Association."

"With such a sound water system elf training method and such a huge water attribute resource, trainers as long as they are not stupid know how to choose. After all, as long as you don’t die, you may not be able to use the rich resources of the ocean team to grow into a king-level training in the future. Family."

In the guest room of the logistics department, Sato Kaede was looking at a thick book in his hand that was full of redeemable items for contribution points with his legs tilted up. He couldn't help being surprised by the deep foundation of the Ocean Team.

In animations and games, Sato Kaede has always thought that the regional dark organization of the Ocean team is very weak, and it is not comparable to the Rockets, even the deadly rival Magma team.

But from now on, he has completely changed the ocean team, a dark organization, a dark organization that has been able to deal with the Fengyuan Alliance at sea for hundreds of years, it still has an extremely deep foundation.

Among other things, just the Ocean Team's knowledge of cultivating water elves is enough to make countless civilian trainers in Fengyuan, an area whose water area is wider than the land area, aroused, and its foundation is extremely deep.

Sato Kaede’s Bakuk identity card now has more than 35,000 Ocean Team contribution points. This Ocean Team contribution point looks like a lot, but in fact, there is still a very big gap with the items Sato Kaede currently wants to redeem. big.

Since he already had a good book on the cultivation of water elves, "Encyclopedia of Water Stills", he was not very interested in the books on the ocean team that cultivated various water elves.

What interested him was the rich water-attribute materials used to cultivate water elves in the Ocean Team. However, among the dazzling array of exchange item names, Sato Kaede's heart was most inspired by the book titled "Super Encyclopedia" .

Yes, judging from the name, it can be seen that this is a precious elf book for cultivating super-powered elf. The only pity is that this elf book is incomplete.

Judging from the brief introduction of the items exchanged within the Ocean Team, this elf book only contains three methods for cultivating super-power elf elves, namely the Laluras clan, the jumping pig clan and the Libra clan.

But I am afraid that this elf book is incomplete, and its value is immeasurable. After all, this is a book for cultivating super-powered elf, and its value may only be comparable to books for cultivating dragon elf. .

The exchange price of this elf book is 100,000 Ocean Team contribution points, which really makes Sato Kaede, who has only more than 35,000 Ocean Team contribution points in his hand at this time, feel a headache.

However, since Sato Kaede accidentally discovered such a precious elf book here, even if it was incomplete, he would not be able to give up so easily anyway.

If he just missed it, he still doesn't know when he will have another chance to meet the books for cultivating superpowers.

However, he now has only three days to collect the 100,000 Ocean Team contribution points. Three days later, the Alliance will launch an attack on the Ocean Team base. At the same time, he has to find Dr. Todd's whereabouts within these three days. , And then rescued it safely.

It has to be said that Sato Kaede wants to complete these two things in three days, and the difficulty is really not small.

"Forget it, the ship will go straight to the bridge head. If I really can’t collect the 100,000 ocean team contribution points, then I have to exchange some precious water attribute materials. This time I come to the ocean team base, the rescue mission will still be released. In the first place."

Sato Kaede closed the book in his hand, thinking helplessly in his heart.

Afterwards, he returned the thick list of redeemable items to the female member of the beautiful ocean team at the front desk, and then asked the other party to take him to the base where the elves were stored to collect the two elves.

Thanks to Haifeng, an early bird who took the initiative to find the door, Sato Kaede not only received a Laplacian, but also got the opportunity to receive two elves from the base for free. This immediately let Sato Kaede not use it. Spend a lot of contribution points to redeem the elf.

Sato Kaede had seen the Laplacian that Haifeng took the initiative to pass a long time ago. The aptitude was decent, with an individual value of 155, and the characteristic was water storage.

However, she is just an ordinary Laplace, not the Dragonborn Laplace, and has not inherited dragon moves such as Dragon Dance and Dragon Wave ~www.NovelMTL.com~ inherited moves. There is only the tide.

The beautiful female member of the ocean team at the front desk obviously knew that Bakuk was able to receive the notice of the two elves for free, so when Sato Kaede asked to go to the elves' inventory room to collect the elves, she immediately respectfully took it. Go past Sato Kaede.

The elf resources stored in the ocean team base are still very rich. Of course, more than 95% of the elf are water elf, and the average amount of elf distribution in this elf inventory room is really high. It's so pitiful.

This little elf storage room in the Ocean Team base has a large space, and there are a large number of neatly arranged shelves, and these shelves store a large number of elf **** in different categories.

At this moment, there is far more than Sato Kaede among the Pokemon’s Ocean Team members selected in the Pokemon inventory. As soon as Sato Kaede came in and looked around, he found that there were no less than 15 Ocean Team members here choosing their favorite Pokemon. .

At the same time, he also found a large number of surveillance cameras installed in the elf inventory room, monitoring almost all corners of the elf inventory room.

It is obviously not a simple matter for the trainers to choose the elf. Since most trainers cannot observe the attributes of the elf through the poke ball, they can only release the elf one by one for observation, and then select the best.

"Oh~, there is actually Pikachu here. I'm really lucky. In this way, my Pikachu can be used just as well."

Sato Kaede went half a circle in the elf inventory room, and he found that there was Pikachu on the shelf where the electric elf was stored. He suddenly brightened his eyes and thought with joy.


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