Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 678: : Temporary tasks

At noon, Sato Kaede stepped on his tail at 2 o'clock and entered the elf center in the city center on time. After that, he walked along the stairs to the second floor.

When he came to the mission hall on the second floor, it was already crowded with people. He looked around and was surrounded by frowning civilian trainers, who were gathering together in twos and threes and whispering.

"Zheping, here, here."

As soon as Sato Kaede squeezed into the crowd, a loud voice suddenly came from the crowd, and at the same time, a long and callused hand stood up from the crowd.

Sato Kaede heard this voice, his expression unchanged, and then slowly walked in the direction where his hand appeared.

And when the people in the crowd heard the name Teppei, many people's expressions suddenly changed. When these people watched Sato Kaede leaning toward them, they all let go and let Sato Kaede pass smoothly.

Soon, Sato Kaede came to the side of a tall and thin young man unimpeded, while beside him were a woman with a cold temperament and a burly young man in a fighting suit.

The tall and thin young man is named Phil, the cold girl is named Shafina, and the burly young man is named Goodman. These three people are all locals in Kaina City, and the three are currently companions of the same task team of Sato Kaede.

In the past few days, Sato Kaede has not really wandered around in Kaina City. In fact, he is actively seeking and integrating into some local trainer groups.

The effort paid off, and he quickly found the organization through elf battles with some local trainers.

The strong are always favored by others. Although Sato Kaede is an outsider from other areas, with his outstanding strength, he quickly integrated into some local civilian trainer groups.

The reason why Sato Kaede chose to integrate into the local trainer group is simple, that is, he facilitates him to obtain some useful information for him.

These so-called useful information are actually temporary tasks issued by some alliances to local civilian trainers, and these temporary tasks are the stepping stones for civilian trainers like Sato Kaede to join the alliance.

Under normal circumstances, the Alliance will regularly issue some temporary tasks in the elf center where there are a large number of trainers. However, these temporary tasks are too few for the large group of civilian trainers.

There are too many monks and less porridge, which simply cannot meet the needs of the huge group of civilian trainers.

However, that is only under normal circumstances. A large number of accidents occur every day in a super-large city like Kaina City, just like patients in the emergency room of a hospital, which can occur 24 hours a day.

Once there is an accident, especially when it comes to elf or trainers, the alliance must send trainers to deal with them, but the number of alliance trainers is also limited, and they are not always available to do it.

Once there is a shortage of manpower, at this time, the alliance will naturally choose to hand over the unexpected events that need to be dealt with but no one is dealt with to the civilian trainers like Sato Kaede who are keen to become alliance trainers.

After all, civilian trainers like Sato Kaede grab a lot of them, and the cost is low. Even if something goes wrong, the Alliance doesn't have to pay too much responsibility, because this is a deal you like.

When a trainer embarks on the road of a trainer, life and death should be ignored, especially for a civilian trainer like Sato Kaede. If you don't work hard, you will never want to stand out in your life.

These temporary tasks issued by the Alliance to civilian trainers are irregular. Unless the trainer stays in the task hall of the elf center for a long time, it is difficult for the trainer to get these temporary tasks.

Moreover, the difficulty of these temporary tasks issued by the alliance is much more dangerous than those issued on a regular basis, and it is often difficult to solve them by personal strength alone.

Because of the two particularities of temporary missions, mission teams spontaneously formed by some civilian trainers appeared.

Normally, the task team will send a person to stay in the task hall of the elf center for a long time to watch for the emergence of temporary tasks. Once the temporary tasks appear, this task team member will immediately take some good tasks and then notify The rest of the team will perform together.

Sato Kaede joined the task team of Phil and others only the genius before. The reason for joining was that Sato Kaede convinced the three of them with his strength, and then Phil, who had the most cheerful personality, took the initiative to ask Sato Kaede to join.

As the first mission team to invite him to join, Sato Kaede naturally did not refuse. He readily agreed to Phil's invitation, and today was the first time he performed a temporary mission issued by the alliance.

Phil was the person sent by the mission team to station in the mission hall today. When he appeared on a temporary mission, he immediately notified Sato Kaede and others with a communicator.

However, this time there was only one temporary task in the task hall, and the number of people needed was very large, so Phil didn't have to fight, he just waited for the arrival of Sato Kaede and others in the task hall.

"That's it, Zheping, are you going? If you go, we will definitely be able to return home this time."

After Sato Kaede came to him, Phil enthusiastically explained the contents of this temporary mission to Sato Kaede, and finally asked Sato Kaede eagerly whether he would take this temporary mission.

At the same time, Shafina and Goodman also turned their eyes to Sato Kaede, with a trace of desire in their eyes.

For Sato Kaede’s strength, the three of them are very clear. They all know that Sato Kaede has a very strong Pikachu. As Phil said, as long as Sato Kaede joins this mission, their team will definitely be able to return with full satisfaction. .

It turned out that the temporary task this time was to suppress the sudden elf riot

Not long ago, a relatively large-scale elven riot broke out on the eastern coast of Kaina City. At present, a large number of wild water elves in the ocean are rushing ashore to destroy the human settlements along the coast, and there are some close to Kaina City. sign.

Because of the shortage of manpower in the Alliance in Kaina City at this time, the alliance high-level officials in Kaina City specially ordered Kaede Sato and other civilian trainers to go for reinforcements, so as to assist the Alliance personnel in repelling the wild elves that were committed in the future.

In order to quickly convene a large number of civilian trainers for reinforcements, the alliance will give very rich rewards this time. The alliance will issue a certain number of special elf **** to the civilian trainers, and then use these special elf **** according to the trainers to subdue them in this elf riot. The elf to measure the contribution value.

If the trainer finishes using the special elf ball, the trainer can pick it up again, that is to say, as long as the trainer is capable enough, he will gain more in this elf riot.

"Then naturally we have to participate~www.NovelMTL.com~ If we are lucky, maybe this mission will be able to save us enough contribution value as a stepping stone, but after all, this is a large-scale elven riot, so we should be careful. Wonder, you can never be greedy."

After hearing what Phil said, Sato Kaede's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer, he nodded to Phil, and then replied with a smile.

"Of course, the contribution value can be accumulated slowly, but there is only one small life, which is lighter and heavier, we are still very clear, rest assured, you let us go east, we will never go in other directions."

Seeing Sato Kaede's promise, Phil suddenly smiled, he nodded immediately, then patted his chest and said.

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man with a cold face led several Alliance policemen out of the back door of the mission hall.

These people are not nonsense, as soon as they came up, they quickly registered the list of people who participated in the suppression of the elven riots, and at the same time distributed a certain number of special elven **** to the participants.

And every civilian trainer who completed the registration and got the special elf ball, they immediately left the mission hall, and then quickly rushed to the place where the elf riot occurred.

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