Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 674: : The missing person

From the perspective of Teppei's identity, Sato Kaede came to Kaina City this time to defect to relatives, an uncle who had not contacted him for many years.

In fact, the most difficult thing for Zheping is that he had contacted this uncle who had never met to ask for help.

It’s a pity that Zheping, an uncle who has already established a foothold in Kaina City and has a small family business, doesn’t even look down on him, a poor relative, and when it comes to borrowing money, the other party starts to pretend to be dead, and he doesn’t want to borrow at all. One cent and one cent.

In the end, even if Zheping became a vegetative in the hospital, his uncle still didn't even look at him. He was really cold.

This shows how much Zheping’s uncle doesn’t want to see his poor relative.

Therefore, Sato Kaede did not have the intention of going to this "uncle" at all. When he came to Kaina City this time, he just wanted to use the most prosperous city in the Fengyuan area as a foothold, and then began to prosper. The alliance road in the marginal area.

However, he is now embarking on the alliance road in Fengyuan area. He first has to register as an alliance trainer. The alliance competition is always only for registered alliance trainers to participate. Similarly, the promotion within the alliance The same goes for the road.

In general, the alliance is similar to other forces and is also very exclusive.

So the question is, how can a civilian trainer with no background like Zheping be able to become a true alliance trainer?

It stands to reason that there is generally only one way, that is, Sato Kaede first goes to the elf center to register as a registered trainer of the alliance, and then completes some tasks arranged by the alliance. After reaching a certain number of tasks, Sato Kaede can automatically become A peripheral member of the alliance (even if not a direct trainer).

Although they are only peripheral members of the alliance, they also have the qualifications to participate in the alliance competition, and they also have the right to freely choose the tasks issued by the alliance and the right to use the internal currency of the alliance to purchase the goods inside the alliance

However, the situation has changed. Sato Kaede now has a very powerful letter of introduction. As long as he has this letter of introduction, he can skip the first link in minutes and become a peripheral member of the alliance. , It may even become an internal member of the alliance (a direct trainer).

Yes, this letter of introduction was naturally given to him by the old captain Lei Gu. Lei Gu is also an Alliance trainer, and as a former Heavenly King trainer, his status within the Alliance is not low.

It is precisely because of this that Sato Kaede is confident that he can quickly become a registered alliance trainer through this letter of introduction, and is also a person with a heavenly king trainer as his backer.

According to the words of Captain Lei Gu before leaving, Sato Kaede is now going to the Institute of Oceanography in Kaina City to find a Dr. Todd, and then give him this letter of introduction from Lei Gu.

Sato Kaede listened to the introduction of Captain Lei that this little elf doctor named Todd was his old friend. In the chaotic era, the two were also comrades-in-arms.

Todd’s hometown is really Kaina City. He is a top figure in the world of elf research in the study of sea elf. He has published many famous papers. Within the league, his status is higher than that of Regou. Much.

Therefore, Captain Lei Gu told Kaede with certainty that as long as he handed this letter to Todd, he wanted to be an alliance trainer at all.

The Institute of Oceanography is located in the upper right corner of the downtown area of ​​Kaina City. It is built on the high cliffs on the east coast of Kaina City. Sato Kaede is unfamiliar with the land. He asked many people to find this place far away. The noisy research institute in the downtown area.

However, when Sato Kaede came to the front door of the Institute of Oceanography, he discovered that the Institute of Oceanography was completely closed, even if he rang the doorbell outside for a long time, no one came to open the door.

Finally, in desperation, Sato Kaede had to use mental power to observe the situation inside through the door, and then he found that there was no one in the institute.

"What's the situation? What happened here? How come there is no one in such a big research institute."

Sato Kaede looked at the huge but empty research institute in front of him, thinking with a strange expression on his face.

Waiting here is obviously useless, Sato Kaede had to turn around and leave with a hint of disappointment.

However, he did not choose to give up on this. He went around in a circle, and finally found a person who knew something about the Institute of Oceanography in a small fishing village nearby.

"Old gentleman, you mean, the people in that institute have disappeared mysteriously in front of them."

In front of the small fishing village shop, Sato Kaede handed a bottle of premium beer worth 50 Union coins to the greedy old man in front of him, and then said with a look of surprise.

"Yeah, that's what happened in the past few days. It's very weird. All the people in the research institute disappeared overnight. If it wasn't for the person who sent the supplies in the morning, no one might have noticed it for several days. What"

The old man quickly took the beer that Sato Kaede handed over. After a few sips, he explained to Sato Kaede the reason why there is no one in the Institute of Oceanography.

"It's really unlucky. I didn't come late and didn't come early. It happened that I disappeared when I came. This is too unlucky. Is it because opening the treasure chest has consumed all the character I have accumulated for a long time?"

After hearing the old man's words, Sato Kaede couldn't help feeling disappointed in his luck, and thought very annoyed.

According to the old man’s introduction, the whereabouts of the people in the Institute of Oceanography are still unknown. Although the police in Kaina City were almost all out because of this incident and even alerted a Four Heavenly King, they have still not been able to find the missing persons from the Institute of Oceanography. Whereabouts.

"It is impossible to disappear for no reason~www.NovelMTL.com~ I guess the person in the institute was kidnapped, and was kidnapped without any means to fight back. If this is the case, this One thing is completely beyond my ability."

Sato Kaede followed the old man's brief analysis and finally came to a conclusion that made him feel very helpless.

Dr. Todd of the Institute of Oceanography was once a comrade-in-arms who was born and died with Captain Lei Gu, so his strength is obviously not bad, even if he is old, his strength has declined, but the quasi-kingdom level strength is definitely still there.

According to the introduction of the old man in the fishing village and what he learned about the Institute of Oceanography through mental exploration, the Institute of Oceanology did not have any signs of fighting. That is to say, the people in the institute should be not resisting. Or they were kidnapped without the strength to resist.

"By the way, on the night that the people from the institute disappeared, I happened to be walking by the sea. At that time, I seemed to have seen a boat leaving quickly on the sea. The boat was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye. "

Soon, the old man in the fishing village drank the 500ml bottle of premium beer. He hit a wine barrier, and then said to Sato Kaede drunk.

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