Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 625: : Dragon Girl

Sato Kaede used two rare pink diamonds to quickly close his relationship with the two beautiful girls. Suddenly, he seemed to have become a very rare male girlfriend of the two, and the two began to talk in front of Sato Kaede. stand up.

During this conversation, Sato Kaede also quickly deepened his understanding of Xiaoqian and Nana.

Although Xiaoqian speaks carelessly, a little bit ignorant, but she is always unambiguous on major issues. She is a very lively daughter and a delicate heart.

And Nana Mi made Sato Kaede a little refreshed of her impression of her. He originally thought that Nana was a very gentle and intellectual woman, but he didn't expect that Nana was the heart of a female man.

In front of a good person, Nana will take the initiative to let go of her disguise, as long as she talks about things related to the game, she will show a strong sense of struggle.

The addition of two beautiful girls with extraordinary temperament in front of the dining table is naturally very eye-catching, especially since this dining table was originally very eye-catching. Suddenly, Sato Kaede's dining table almost attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd.

In this regard, Sato Kaede, who doesn’t want to be eye-catching, is a little helpless, but there is nothing to do. After obtaining the consent of two beautiful girls who have a lot of affection for him at this time, they continue to wear the strange change Leather mask to disguise.

Both Xiaoqian and Nana are very talkative people. During this conversation, Sato Kaede only needs to say occasionally and express his opinions.

However, in the second half, the two beautiful girls apparently partnered to let Sato Kaede speak more, so Sato Kaede briefly stated some of the things he had experienced in the mysterious island for more than a month.

The things he experienced in the mysterious island for more than a month are estimated to be much more exciting than the things that ordinary trainers have experienced in a lifetime. The two beautiful girls showed surprised expressions after learning about the things he experienced in the mysterious island. .

"Oh my god, you are surrounded by a large group of wild elves every day, and now you can still jump around. It's amazing."

"The trial of the Heavenly King-level Wonderful Frog Flower is really difficult, hell-level difficulty, but if you can think of a way to survive it, if I go, I guess my brain is not enough. I will kneel in the first level. ."

"If there is a chance, you will also take me to the island to practice experience in the future. Although it is a bit dangerous, it is indeed a place where you can quickly improve your strength."


While listening to Sato Kaede's account of his experience on the island, Xiao Qian and Nana Mei sighed and were shocked by Sato Kaede's difficult and dangerous experience for more than a month.

Happy times always pass very quickly, and after a while, the game time in the afternoon begins again.

For this reason, Sato Kaede also had to terminate the conversation with the two beautiful girls. After the three wished each other a smooth game, Sato Kaede said goodbye to the two beautiful girls.

Sato Kaede has completed four matches in the morning, and he can enter the second stage of the game by defeating five opponents according to his needs. Now he only needs to complete one game.

In the fifth round of the match, Sato Kaede still easily defeated his opponent, thus firmly entering the second stage of the game.

However, after five rounds of battles, most of the participants in the competition have been eliminated this time, and almost none of the remaining 120 people are weak.

Therefore, Sato Kaede encountered a difficult opponent in the first round of the second stage.

In the large-scale battle arena in the downtown area of ​​Manjin, an open-air battle arena that can accommodate thousands of people, Sato Kaede is standing at both ends of the battle arena with a blue-haired girl holding a whip. At this time the auditorium was full.

"Come on, Xiaochun, I won with the entire net worth, let the guy from Kanto see how amazing the dragon girl is."

"Xiao Chun, my goddess, please look over here, I will definitely try my best to cheer for you."

"You guy from Kanto, you surrender quickly, do you still want to defeat the dragon-type quasi-sacred beast, otherwise it will be late, your elf will be beaten by Xiaochun's dragon elf Flowing."


At this time, the audience in the auditorium was enthusiastically cheering for the players on both sides of the match, but the cheering sound almost showed a one-sided trend. The vast majority of the audience were cheering for the blue-haired girl holding a whip. Sato Kaede cheered up almost no audience.

"I didn't expect that I would meet her here. Sure enough, it is correct to participate in this battle. The Dragon Girl from Moyan City, let me see what you can do."

Sato Kaede didn't even hear the cheering sound in his ear that was completely falling towards his opponent, and his attention was always on the blue-haired girl who was looking at him with cold and sharp eyes. At the same time, feel behavior for the opponent you meet.

The blue-haired girl is now wearing a blue one-piece tight-fitting skirt, with a huge white unknown orb on her chest, a pair of blue leather gloves on her hands, and one on her wrists. Black bracelet, a pair of straight and slender legs are wearing a pair of blue leather boots.

In the end, the blue-haired girl wore a black cloak on her shoulders, and with the dragon-like aura revealed on her body, she looked heroic, mysterious and noble.

Yes, Sato Kaede's opponent in the first round of the second round was Yulongdu's cousin Yulong Kotsubaki.

This talented girl from Ink Smoke City is almost a trainer who is almost at the peak of her debut~www.NovelMTL.com~ because the opponent is the AFC Champions League this year.

"Hurry up, referee, don't waste time."

After Xiaochun looked at Sato Kaede who was facing each other, she nodded to Sato Kaede, who was always shocked, and then slapped the whip in her hand against the ground in front of the nearby referee, with a cold face. The referee with a panic on his face said

"Yes, hurry up and turn the game roulette."

Facing Xiaochun's forceful urging, the referee naturally didn't dare to say anything, and nodded quickly, then took out the walkie-talkie to instruct the backstage staff.

Soon, the results of the two battle roulettes on the big screen came out. This time the battle field was the grass field, and the party who sent the elf first was Sato Kaede.

"Caozhichang? It is up to you, King Nido, to prepare for battle."

After the referee signaled that Sato Kaede dispatched the elf, after Sato Kaede slightly forehead, he took out an elf ball from his body and threw it into the air.


In the next second, King Nido suddenly landed on the green grassy ground like a hill, and as soon as he came out, he let out a deafening roar, which for a while covered the enthusiastic cheers of the audience.

"Fly dance, Tanabata Blue Bird, this time the battle is up to you."

Xiaochun looked at Queen Nido of Sato Kaede, her arrogant face suddenly showed a dignified look. After hesitating, she took out a blue elf ball with a black dragon claw mark on its surface, and then Throw it into the air.

The next moment, an elegant and beautiful Qixi blue bird suddenly emerged from the elf ball. With a wave of her wings, her whole body instantly flew up into the sky. In the blink of an eye, she slipped into the white clouds and disappeared.

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