Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 607: : Identity and Purpose

At this time, the "ordinary stone" Saori held in her hand was an inestimable top-quality moon stone.

Although it looks no different from the stone on the side of the road at this time, its true face is invisible under Sato Kaede's "firing eyes".

The information of the moon stone in Saori's hand is as follows:

Elf Prop: Moonstone

Quality: Supreme

Function: Make a specific elf complete the evolution, and at the same time improve the elf's aptitude slightly.

The moon stone is different from the general evolution stone. It does look like an ordinary stone during the day, but as long as it is put in a dark place at night, it will show its true colors.

To be honest, Sato Kaede didn't expect that he would encounter a moonstone of the highest quality in this way.

I have to say that traveling, and then meeting more trainers and rubbers, this is indeed a good way for trainers to quickly improve their strength.

Because the things you have been searching for the most are likely to be in the hands of other people. Only by meeting and communicating with other people can you have a great opportunity to get what you want.

In fact, Sato Kaede just guessed that the giant moon stone guarded by the Pipi clan of Tsukumi Mountain was of top quality, and was not 100% sure.

If his guess is wrong, even if he finds this huge moon stone, it will be of no use at that time, but now it's fine, and the big problem that has been plagued by Sato Kaede is finally finding hope for a solution.

However, it is only hope at the moment, Sato Kaede is not naive enough to think that such a girl in front of him will really let him use money to buy this inestimable top-quality moon stone in her hands.

When Sato Kaede took out the best moon stone from Fujiwara Saori, he could almost confirm the true identity of the other party.

Wherever you can find the best moon stone in the wild, in Sato Kaede’s opinion, Saori said that she obtained this best moon stone by saving a Pipi in Tsukimiyama. It is too fake. .

Pippi is a very rare and precious elf. It is very difficult to encounter even in Yuejianshan. Moreover, Pippi's appearance is very cute. They are undoubtedly very attractive to a girl like Saori who is full of heart. Strong.

Sato Kaede can guarantee that if Saori really sees the injured Pippi at Tsukimiyama, the opponent's first reaction is to use the poke ball to conquer Pippi, and then he will treat Pippi.

As for saving Pippi, and finally releasing Pippi, and getting a precious gift like the best moon stone, this kind of thing usually only exists in dreams.

Therefore, the reason why Fujiwara Saori, such a young coordinator trainer, has such a precious and extremely high-quality moon stone in her hands, is the most reasonable speculation that she got it from other people.

And the cost is very small. This, Sato Kaede can be sure from what Saori said just now and facial expressions. When the other party mentioned the best moon stone, it was a casual expression, obviously not the best. The moon stone is in mind.

So the question is, who would give Saori a small price for such a precious evolution stone? When Sato Kaede thought of this question, he immediately thought of the Fujiwara family, a large family that controls a large number of mines around Nibi City.

If Saori is a very high-status figure in the Fujiwara family, then the origin of the best moonstone is completely plausible, and it is most likely given to her by some of the elders of the Fujiwara family.

After all, it is not too difficult for the Fujiwara family, who owns a large number of mines near Nibi City, to find a top-quality moonstone.

However, Sato Kaede still has some things that he can't understand. He has never met Saori So, and now he has only just met.

Why did the other party take out this superb moon stone so suddenly?

What is her purpose?

Does the other party know that he has many good things in his body?

How did she know?

What else is her identity?


For a time, Sato Kaede had many questions in his heart, and he was a little wary of the girl in front of him who was most likely the daughter of the Fujiwara family.

Although Sato Kaede was very puzzled at this time, for him, the best moon stone was always striving for it. This thing is the key to whether Nitorino can become a golden elf, even if it is to take risks and cut The meat is also worth it.

"Please don't panic, Miss Fujiwara, I am talking to you."

"Let’s tell you that the quality of your moon stone is very high, which is what I have been pursuing. However, the quality of this moon stone is really good. Its value is incalculable. Money can hardly buy it."

"Actually, I don't believe in any coincidences in the world. If I am not mistaken, Ms. Fujiwara, you should be the daughter of the Fujiwara family."

"After all, moonstones of this quality are hard to come across in the wild, but I think for the Fujiwara family, who owns a large number of mines around Nibi City, it should not be difficult to find moonstones of this quality. There should also be a lot of inventory in hand."

"So, if you take out such a precious evolution stone, what do you want from me? Let's just say that as long as the value is equal, I am willing to exchange it."

After Sato Kaede quickly figured out some of the things hidden behind the best-quality moon stone, he responded to the expectant expression of Saori with heart and soul.

Sato's heart suddenly rang Sato Kaede's voice, and she was shocked. Fortunately, Sato Kaede explained in time, and her concentration was not bad.

However, Saori's heart was still shocked at this time, she never thought that Sato Kaede would actually be a superpower.

As Sato Kaede thought, Saori's true identity is the daughter of the Fujiwara family in Nibi City. Therefore, Saori, who has been well-educated since childhood, knows the power of superpowers.

When she was very young, Saori was warned by her elders not to provoke superpowers, otherwise it would be easy to kill.

After all, ordinary humans are too weak for superpowers. If they want to kill an ordinary person, they can do it without knowing it, and it is still very easy.

Moreover, Saori also knows that superpowers possess magical abilities such as telepathy, mind reading, hypnotism, etc. Therefore, ordinary people have almost no secrets in front of superpowers.

When she thought of her scheming in front of a superpower like Sato Kaede just now, Saori couldn't help but feel scared, and a layer of cold sweat formed on her back.

In fact, it is not a coincidence that Sato Kaede and Saori met. All of this was actually arranged by Sato. The purpose is to get close to Sato Kaede and obtain something from Sato Kaede.

Saori is a thoughtful girl. She always makes detailed investigations before doing things. With the power of the Fujiwara family, she can easily find some information about Sato Kaede.

Judging from the data she collected, Sato Kaede was just a civilian trainer who was lucky enough to set foot on the road of a trainer. It has only been more than three months since his debut, and there is no background at all.

Because of this, although she was a little surprised by Sato Kaede’s eyesight in the waiting hall, she still did not take Sato Kaede too seriously. If she knew that Sato Kaede was actually a superpower, she would never dare to be one. People come.

A civilian trainer who has awakened superpowers, no matter how unbearable his background is before, he is destined to be extraordinary.

For an ordinary civilian trainer, more than three months may only be enough to get them out of the ranks of rookie trainers.

But for a super-powered person with super intelligence and mastering all kinds of incredible abilities, more than three months is enough for them to grow to a height that most trainers need to look up to.

Now that Saori thinks of Sato Kaede's sharp eyesight in the waiting hall just now, she immediately knew that the other party was definitely not relying on blindness, but relying on real materials to make such a powerful prediction.

For a time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Saori was also thankful that she did not do anything malicious or excessive to Sato Kaede. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

For any ordinary person, it is absolutely disastrous to be hated by a powerful trainer of superpowers.

"I, I'm so rude, Mr. Sato, please forgive me for my recklessness. I don't have any malice towards you. The reason why I want to approach you is actually just to get some high-quality energy cubes."

"I promise, Master Mikari told me about you personally, and I also got your communication number from Master Mikari. I have contacted you, but your number has never been connected."

"But I didn’t expect that I would meet you at the airport today. So, I will come to you to approach you, but I promise, I really have no malice. I just want to buy something like Lord Mikolli from you. Show me that kind of gem-like energy cube."

After knowing the identity of Sato Kaede's superpower, Saori was in a state of confusion at this time. She panicked a little, and immediately told Sato Kaede all of her goals.

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