Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 598: : Surprised Sophia

It was almost 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and on the forest path near Tokiwa City, a war of elf was unfolding.

Above the devastated forest path, a desert dragonfly was engaged in a fierce air battle with a eagle. The powerful moves released by the two elves continued to fail, and then hit the ground, leaving a shocking trail on the battlefield. Scars.

Since this place is already close to Tokiwa City, the fierce battle between two powerful elves has long attracted the attention of the city people. At this time, there are more or less onlookers standing around the battlefield.

Judging from the current battle situation, Bi Diao's situation has been suppressed by the desert dragonfly, and with the superposition of the desert dragonfly and dragon dance moves, his situation has become more and more uncomfortable.

In fact, at the beginning, Bi Diao relied on the three high-speed movements to firmly occupy the speed advantage, so he was originally fighting against the desert dragonfly.

However, the desert dragonflies always seem to be able to perform the actions of the eagles as unpredictable, and can often respond to avoidance or counterattack measures before the eagles start their actions.

Because of this, several waves of outstanding aerial raids by the Eagle were cleverly avoided by the desert dragonfly. Instead, they accidentally ate the lightning-fast iron tail of the desert dragonfly, and suffered a little loss.

Immediately afterwards, as the moves of the desert dragonfly and dragon dance were superimposed, the speed began to catch up with Bi Diao little by little, and the situation of the battle was gradually reversed. Now Bi Diao was crushed by the desert dragonfly.

Suddenly, the training master of the eagle seized the opportunity of the desert dragonfly to rush too hard, and immediately commanded the eagle to counterattack.

Under the excellent command of the Bi Diao trainer this time, Bi Diao once again used electric light to accelerate suddenly, and then demonstrated excellent air combat flying skills, with a beautiful air reentry to avoid the desert dragonflies with a dangerous trick. Claw, and then quickly fired a back carbine.

Seeing that Bi Diao would use a lightning-fast steel wing move to strike the desert dragonfly with a heavy blow.

But at a critical moment, the back of the desert dragonfly's head seemed to have eyes, and the long tail instantly covered with a metal-like luster, and then used a magic dragon's tail-like iron tail to hit Bi Diao's head with great precision. Above.

Suddenly, Bi Diao, who received a heavy blow to his head, let out a scream, and then fell from the air like a geese with folded wings.

At this time, Kaede Sato’s blue eyes flashed by leaning on the cross-character bat flying in the air again, and the desert dragonfly burst out with a terrifying dragon energy, and then turned into a dragon-shaped comet directly below the falling star. Carved away.

The next second, with a "boom~~" sound, the earth shook.


Afterwards, the desert dragonfly flew into the air again from the smoke and dust, and let out a roar of victory.

"Damn it, who can tell what's going on, is this guy a superpower, who has been shutting his mouth since the beginning of the battle, but his desert dragonfly has performed so well."

Seeing his scarred and unconscious in the big pit, a yellow-haired man who also flew in the air with the help of flying elves muttered with an ugly face.

But even if the yellow-haired man was not reconciled, the outcome was already divided. He had to take a fierce look at Sato Kaede, who had retracted the fork bat and desert dragonfly, and rode the wind speed dog again, and then used the poke ball The defeated Bi Diao took it back.

Counting the yellow-haired men, Sato Kaede has already defeated eight Rocket elites who dispatched the quasi-king-level elf in a one-on-one manner.

Relying on his telepathic superpowers, he almost defeated these proactive Rockets elites in a crushing posture in his battles along the way.

However, judging from the intensity of the battle, the opponents he encountered were clearly getting stronger.

At the very beginning, it only took him less than two minutes to defeat the Rockets elite with the hot monkey, and the yellow-haired man he faced just now, he spent seven or eight minutes comparing the opponent's level 57 Eagle beat.

Unsurprisingly, there will be stronger Rockets elite in the future. At this time, Sato Kaede can't understand the arrangement of the Rockets leader for him.

The situation he is currently encountering is like challenging a gymnasium in a game. Could it be that Sakaki himself will not be the last one he has to challenge? Thinking that the result is very likely to be like this, Sato Kaede suddenly felt a little collapsed.

But at the same time, he has some small expectations in his heart. As a trainer who desires to become stronger, he also desires a strong opponent.

After Sato Kaede defeated the yellow-haired man, he successfully rode the wind speed dog into Tokiwa City this time, and then on the way to Tokiwa Gymnasium in the central city, he was not blocked by other Rockets elites.

However, when he had seen Tokiwa Gymnasium from a distance, an iceberg beauty with long straight and ice-blue hair appeared suddenly, and then blocked Sato Kaede's path like the previous eight elite members of the Rockets.

When Sato Kaede saw this iceberg beauty who suddenly appeared, he suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had seen each other somewhere.

It’s a pity that Iceberg Beauty is obviously the same as the eight previous Rockets elite members, and did not choose to chat with Sato Kaede. She pointed her finger at a fairly standard battlefield on the side of the road, and then walked over without a word. .

Seeing this, Sato Kaede also knew that the opponent was the 9th Rocket Elite member who was going to play against him. He did not speak either, and directly directed the wind speed dog under him to follow him with telepathy.

To be honest, Sofia was very surprised when she saw Sato Kaede.

She was carrying out the secret order of the boss of Sakagi this time, as the ninth examiner to assess the strength of a new member~www.NovelMTL.com~ but what she never expected was that this new member was actually It will be Sato Kaede.

As the person who helped Sato Kaede embark on the path of a trainer, Sophia knew that Sato Kaede was very good, but she did not expect that he would grow up so fast. Just less than three months after his debut, he already had it. The strong strength of the quasi-tianwang level trainer.

Moreover, after defeating 8 quasi-tianwang-level examiners in a row, he was able to face her, the last examiner, in such a full state.

Suddenly, Sophia remembered the rookie match that had just ended the second stage yesterday, and then thought that Sato Kaede also participated in this rookie match. A very complex emotion suddenly arose in her cold heart. .

"It's ridiculous, a monster will be born in my hands."

As a loser who was fortunate enough to enter the mysterious island, Sophia already knew why Sato Kaede's strength had risen so quickly, and thought a little bit self-deprecating in her heart.

Immediately, she was also reminded by Sato Kaede that she had been violently abused by a certain super **** the island, and her eyes suddenly became colder.

In the next second, an ice-blue elf ball was thrown out of her hand. When the elf ball that fell on the ground opened, a terrifying cold air suddenly spread across the entire battlefield like a hurricane.

In an instant, a thin layer of ice formed on the ground of the entire battlefield at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the thin ice covered two-thirds of the battlefield, a Mahang exuding a powerful aura suddenly became stable. Standing on the reflective ice.

This Mahangra had just stood on the ice. With him as the center, a light snow began to fall within ten meters.

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