Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 589: : Meet Nazi again

The golden city under the night is still as prosperous as ever. After entering the night, this city that never sleeps, but burst out with greater vitality than during the day.

Perhaps it is the reason why people of different colors are accustomed to the night of Golden City. Compared with the citizens of Yuhong City, the people in Golden City have more psychological endurance, even when facing the terrible atmosphere of Sato Kaede. , They can also be at peace.

However, Sato Kaede, who wears a variety of weird skin masks, his appearance still makes the people in the bright and secret areas vigilant.

Golden City is a world-famous cosmopolitan city. Due to huge disputes over interests, various forces are entrenched here. Therefore, there are definitely not a few superpowers gathered here.

Not long after Sato Kaede appeared in the Golden City, he immediately attracted the attention of these heavenly king-level powerhouses, and they were all from here.

Therefore, they are very aware of the state Sato Kaede is experiencing now, which is the stage that the trainer will experience after returning from a long-term battle with the cruel nature in the wild.

In the eyes of these heavenly king trainers, Sato Kaede, who has reached this stage at such a young age, has a limitless future, but he is now a very dangerous young trainer. Any slightly excessive behavior will cause him a strong reaction. Any carelessness is very likely to cause him to kill.

Moreover, these heavenly king-level trainers are artificial, and Sato Kaede is estimated to be an elite figure trained by a major force. If they dare to bully the small against Sato Kaede, it is very likely to cause greater conflict.

Therefore, the Heavenly King-level trainers of these major forces currently have no choice but to restrain them and prevent them from provoking Sato Kaede, who is extremely unstable at this time.

Along the way, Sato Kaede, who felt the strange gazes of everyone around him, was very anxious at this time. There was a kind of urge in his heart that he could not wait to wipe out all the weak chickens around him who dared to point him. Fortunately, his reason made him hold it back. This terrible urge.

"Relax. This is not a mysterious island. It is an orderly human society. It is safe. Moreover, most people are just weak chickens. You don't need to care too much. No one around can hurt me."

However, in order to counteract the growing anxiety in his heart, he began to use some of the super power methods learned from the super power book presented by Mi Ya to self-suggest. Through self-suggestion, the anxiety in his heart gradually Settle down.

Sato Kaedan was sitting in a relatively quiet downtown park. He was sweating profusely and his face was deeply tired, as if he had just finished an intense exercise.

"Huh, I have to find a way. If it weren't for the psychological hint, I almost couldn't control the killing thoughts in my heart just now. This is the case among ordinary people. If I enter the underground black market, I am afraid I really cannot control myself Up."

He was breathing air, trying to stimulate his brain and make himself awake.

"You dare to come to the Golden City in this state. You are really fearless if you don't know."

"Yes, you are just a fellow of civilian origin. Although your qualifications are good, your vision is still very poor. Hurry up and leave Golden City and find a quiet place to rest. If you continue to stay in Golden City, which is full of In a noisy city, sooner or later you will lose control of your inner desire to kill, and then it will be difficult for Mr. Bangi to do it."

"You guy seems to be killing crazy on the island, and the desire for killing accumulated in your heart is so big. I now leave a spiritual barrier in your heart, which can slightly suppress the huge desire for killing in your heart, but I want to completely resolve it. I can only rely on you."

"Give you a suggestion, go to the urban area to find those bald donkeys. They are very good at controlling emotions and purifying the mind. This may also help to improve your weak mental power."

When Sato Kaede was resting and about to start again, a few cold and beautiful voices suddenly appeared in his mind. In a moment, his whole figure seemed to be electrocuted, and he sat on the spot.

After a while, Sato Kaede slowly came to his senses. Suddenly, a girl with long black hair and a white dress flashed in front of him, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Sato Kaede suddenly stood up, and then quickly observed the surroundings, but apart from seeing some citizens walking in the park, where was there a figure of a black-haired girl in a white dress.

"It was Nazi who spoke to me just now."

However, Sato Kaede thought for a moment, and suddenly realized who the person he had just met was, and he couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

In the Golden City, he was able to telepathize with him silently, and he also left a mental barrier in his heart that needed at least advanced superpowers to be able to display. This person is obviously the super queen Na of Golden City. posture.

Immediately, Sato Kaede, who felt that his condition was much better, finally reacted, and he quickly bowed deeply in the direction where Nazi had just disappeared.

Judging from what Nazi said just now, Sato Kaede knew that Nazi might have come to help him at the order of Boss Sakaki, but since the other party is willing to help him, it is naturally a great kindness to him, and he owes superpowers. The queen is a big favor.

"Urban capital area, if my condition is really that bad, maybe I should go there to try my luck."

Perhaps because of the mental barrier left by Nazi, Sato Kaede is not as sensitive to the strange gaze of the surrounding people now, and the anxiety in his heart is not as strong as before. He stood up straight again and murmured.

After a short while ~www.NovelMTL.com~ he left the place casually, and then entered a nearby store. When he came out again, he had put on a suit and another face, and the smell on his body was also used. A crowd of men's perfumes covered it.

Sato Kaede passed through an excellent disguise, he smoothly got rid of all the tracking behind him, then took a taxi with a face and moved to a location where he was familiar with the entrance of the underground black market of Golden City.

The purpose of his visit to the underground black market of Golden City this time is very simple, that is, to sell the two-headed tyrannosaurus in his hand. Under his care, this quasi-sacred beast of the dragon family has recovered very early.

However, the two-headed tyrannosaurus is indeed loyal to Lanka. No matter how intimidating Kaede Sato is, he just doesn't eat either.

Ever since, Sato Kaede had to sell this precious dragon quasi-sacred beast in exchange for some resources.

The Golden City underground black market is the largest black market in the Kanto region, and it is currently under the complete control of the Rockets. According to Sato Kaede, this is undoubtedly the most suitable place for him to sell the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

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