Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 587: : Special salesperson and final stage

Sato Kaede and Thomas boarded the special plane that flew over from the Rockets headquarters in order to pick up and pick up the advanced players. At this time, there were already many advanced players in the plane. Tomosei Sakagi was already in it.

This special plane flew from the north, so its first stop was to land at the Rocket Base on the northern coastline of the Mysterious Island, and then it came clockwise to the Eastern Rocket Base where Sato Kaede was located.

Thomas boarded this special plane at the northern base. As soon as Sato Kaede's loyal subordinate got off the plane, he immediately came to the entrance to wait for Sato Kaede.

It is no wonder that if it were not for holding Sato Kaede's thigh, Thomas would have been eliminated long ago, and he could still stand here.

For this, Thomas is also very clear in his heart that he has not lost his position because of the compliments of everyone around him after promotion, but is more grateful to Sato Kaede.

The inside of the aircraft is like a luxury private room in a high-end hotel, with all kinds of food and wine, and there are special handsome or beautiful waiters who provide the most attentive service for those who are promoted such as Sato Kaede.

However, these waiters are obviously not ordinary waiters. They are a group of highly persuasive people. Simply put, they are a group of sellers, but they are not selling products, but the forces behind them.

Yes, these waiters are arranged by the big factions inside the Rockets, and the purpose is to poach out Sato Kaede who has undergone severe tests and has great prospects outside.

In order to poach Sato Kaede and others, the big guys of the major factions within the Rockets have offered various generous conditions. For those who have advanced, they have even given promises to provide quasi-god elves in the future.

This shows how much the top of the Rockets attaches great importance to people like Sato Kaede who emerged from the mysterious island survival trial.

Of course, for these special sellers, those with innocent backgrounds like Thomas are most welcomed by them. After all, people with their own hard backgrounds like Butterfly, Sakaki Tomosei, and Qiu Fenglin cannot be poached away. .

Perhaps it’s because the boss of Sakaki hid Sato Kaede’s background too well, and Sato Kaede shines in this island survival trial, he is now hailed as the younger generation of the Rockets with Tomosei Sakagi, Cho and Shu Fengrin. One of the Big Four in China, the future is promising.

Especially not long ago, the deeds of Tomosari Sakaki who did not let the wind go down, made his prestige among the younger generation of the Rockets even further. When these special sellers saw Sato Kaede boarding the plane, they immediately looked like a cat smelling fishy. The same swarmed.

It's a pity that Sato Kaede has already invested in the leadership of Sakagi boss. He has entered the strongest and most potential faction in the Rockets. How could he look at other factions.

Therefore, Sato Kaede has always chosen to just smile and not answer to these special sellers who have offered various generous conditions, without giving any affirmative response.

It was not until a special seller who clearly knew Sato Kaede’s identity and who had been observing for a long time in secret to relieve Sato Kaede, there was no other special sellers around him. At this time, everyone knew that Sato Kaede had joined the boss of Sakaki. .

As a result, some advanced players who also chose to join the boss of Sakaki began to greet the Big Four, Sato Kaede, with the intent to get familiar with each other.

However, it may be that Sato Kaede fought with Sakagi Chisari in order to save the butterfly. Many of the promoted who chose to join the boss of Sakagi only had a good face with Sato Kaede, and they did not have a deep friendship. They almost all chose to surround him. Zhicheng, the nephew of the boss Sakaki, turned around.

"Hmph, this group of idiots will definitely be in bad luck in the future. That **** is a smiling tiger who cannibalize people without spitting out bones."

Seeing those promoted who were turning around Sakaki Tomosei, Thomas, who was sitting next to Sato Kaede, sneered.

After Sato Kaede took him away, he told him what happened in the ruins. Therefore, Thomas also hated Sakaki Tomosari, who almost killed his own life, and was also very grateful to Sato Kaede for saving his life again.

Now seeing those unknowingly advanced players like Pugs surrounding Sakamoto Chisei and choosing to neglect Sato Kaede, he was immediately very upset and couldn't help muttering a few words.

"Don't mind, Thomas, everyone has their own ambitions. This newcomer competition is not over yet. Don't relax too much. Get ready for the next battle. If you can get the top rankings, you can also exchange more benefits. ."

Sato Kaede ordered an ordinary waiter to once again bring some food to the giant marsh monster who had eaten the table full of food around him, and then said to Thomas in a nonchalant manner in a telepathic manner.

"Yes, Sato-sama, I will definitely prepare well and I will never shame you."

Thomas heard the words and nodded quickly.

Two hours later, all the advanced players boarded the special plane that was about to fly to the Rockets headquarters. This time only 36 people were able to complete the second stage of the island survival trial.

Yes, in the last few days, the number of people surviving on the island was suddenly reduced by nearly half. A large part of the credit goes to the ruins expedition organized by Tomosei Sakagi.

In this ruins expedition, the team of 37 people, in the end, only Sato Kaede, Thomas, Cho, A An, Qiu Feng Rin, Sakagi Tomosari and his six men returned alive, and the other 25 people all stayed in the ruins forever.

Yes, Els and all of his men have fallen. They died in the calculations of two superpowers, Tomosei Sakaki and Miya. Miya completed her revenge~www.NovelMTL.com~ and Although Qiu Fenglin finally escaped, his strength was greatly damaged as a result. In addition to the Tyrannosaurus being preserved, several other main elves were buried in the ruins, becoming the weakest among the Rockets' young generation Big Four.

At the same time, according to the rules of numbered cards, the person who won the most numbered cards this time is undoubtedly Tomosari Sakagi. He won 32 numbered cards and ranked first in the standings, so he got the place in the third stage finals.

The second and third place in the standings are Qiu Fenglin and Sato Kaede respectively. According to the rules, the two of them directly get into the semi-finals.

As for the remaining 33 qualifiers, they will have a series of battles to obtain the last two semi-finals and compete with Qiu Fenglin and Sato Kaede for the finals.

This specially modified plane flew very fast. It took Sato Kaede and everyone through the thick sea of ​​clouds, and then flew all the way north.

In the end, after more than three hours of flying, it finally landed in a private parking lot in Yuhong City.

(Note: Yuhong City was formerly called Rainbow City)

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