Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 576: : Enter the Dream Ruins

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After Sato Kaede conquered the gangsters, the mighty team set off again. This time, the ruins expedition team went quite smoothly along the way, and did not encounter any major problems again.

Finally, at about 10 o'clock in the morning, the ruins expedition team finally reached the desert where the dream ruins were buried.

Judging from the bare surroundings, the entire fantasy relic has been buried under the thick yellow sand. If it weren't for Tomomi Sakagi, he said that this is the buried location of the fantasy relic, Sato Kaede and others really did not believe it.

However, when the ruins expedition team gradually penetrated into this desert where the dream ruins were buried, Sato Kaede finally believed that the ancient ruins were buried under the yellow sand.

Because he saw the remains of ancient puppet soldiers out of the sand here, to be precise, some broken parts of mud puppets, mud puppet giants, and scale puppets.

Judging from the degree of weathering of the remains of these ancient puppet soldiers, they were damaged not long ago. If Sato Kaede is not wrong, the person who destroyed these ancient puppet soldiers was Tomosei Sakagi, who escaped from the dream ruins not long ago. A group of people.

Obviously, the ancient puppet soldiers in these ruins are very difficult to deal with, even if they escape the ruins from the invaders, they will still be chasing after them.

"The entrance to the ruins is under my feet, but it was buried by yellow sand again. Now we need to remove the sand that buried the entrance, and then the outside air will circulate inside the ruins. Otherwise, the oxygen content in the ruins will not be enough to support me. Exploration."

After Tomomi Sakaki walked around in the sand, he finally stopped somewhere, and then vowed to everyone around him.

Everyone came here with all their hardships, and the purpose was nothing more than to gain something from the ruins. Now naturally they will not shrink from a little yellow sand.

After Sakagi determined the location of the entrance to the ruins, they released some vigorous little elves one after another, and then ordered them to dig up the sand under the entrance.

Under the joint efforts of a group of elves, some mud bricks that seemed to be very weathered began to appear in front of everyone. With the expansion of the excavation scope, a thick brick wall appeared in the excavation site.

"Very well, Toros, it's up to you."

Tomosei Sakagi saw the brick wall appeared in the excavation site, and his eyes suddenly showed a hint of joy. He first stopped the excavation team, and then said to a Rockets man with a half mask on his face.

"Yes, my lord."

"Come out, Big Eat Flower, Abo Monster, Overlord Flower, and use the dissolving liquid on the brick wall below."

Hearing this, the half-masked man named Toros immediately bowed and said to Sakagi Chisari, and then immediately released three poisonous elves, all of which were level 45 or higher, and ordered them to attack the ancient brick wall in the excavation site. Out the solution.

As soon as Toros’s voice fell, the three poisonous elves, including Da Shihua, immediately spit out a black liquid with a strong pungent smell from their mouths. As soon as these black liquids fell on the brick wall, bursts of white smoke suddenly emerged from the bricks. The wall rises.

In a short while, under the action of the dissolving liquid of the big edible flower, the arbor monster and the overlord flower, a large hole was corroded in the thick brick wall, and then there was a gloomy black atmosphere and some gas with a strong decay smell. It radiates along this big hole.

"Everyone quickly disperse, now the gas coming out of the hole is toxic gas, although the toxicity is small, it is better not to inhale it."

Seeing a big hole corroded by the dissolving liquid in the brick wall, Tomosari Sakagi said loudly to the members of the ruins expedition team who were watching near the excavation site while walking outside.

Hearing the words, everyone immediately ran towards the upper air vent, lest they could inhale these turbid gases that had been immersed in the ruins for an unknown period of time.

"What's the entrance here? Is this clearly creating a thief hole, but Tomomi Sakagi is very dexterous. It seems that he has used this method to enter the ruins more than once."

At this time, Sato Kaede, who had come to the upper air vent early, looked at the dark hole in the excavation site from a distance, thinking a little speechlessly in his heart.

The process of frustration at the robbery cave continued for nearly two hours. At this time, the smell from the robbery cave was not as obvious as it was at the beginning.

However, the gloomy black aura exuding from the robbery hole has not disappeared. These gloomy black auras are obviously not a good thing. Even the fierce sun cannot purify them for a while.

The members of the ruins expedition team also took advantage of the time when the thief was discouraged. When one of the subordinates sent by Tomosei Sakagi determined that the poisonous gas emitted from the thief had basically disappeared, the crowd began to wait. Ruins adventure tour.

Looking down from the entrance of the cave, the sun can only leave a spot of light on the ground. It can be seen that there is obviously a long distance from the ground.

Therefore, everyone can only rely on some small flying elves, and then follow the thieves into the ruins.

Before Sato Kaede entered the ruins, he released the natural sparrow and Hudi, two super-powered elves that could only move instantaneously, and then asked them to plant a mental power coordinate at the entrance.

This mental power coordinate can be said to be an important security guarantee for Sato Kaede's adventure tour of the ruins. Once he encounters an invincible enemy in the ruins, he may fall into a predicament that he cannot escape.

This mental force coordinate will become a precise spatial coordinate, which allows natural finches or huts to move smoothly to bring Sato Kaede back to the entrance.

Of course, the radiation range of a mental force coordinate is about a distance of tens of meters.

If Sato Kaede wants to safely let the natural finches or moustaches take him back to the entrance safely, he must replant a new spiritual coordinate every tens of meters along the way to build a short long-distance space transmission channel .

After the two super power elves completed the construction of the mental power coordinates, Sato Kaede asked the powerful Hu Di to use the super power method of mind shifting to lead him and Thomas into the ruins along the thief.

At this time, there were more than a dozen ruins expedition members standing in the ruins below the robbery cave. They had confirmed the surrounding environment before Sato Kaede came in. According to reports from some returning expedition members, the environment around the entrance was still safe. of.

Connecting under the thief seems to be an empty corridor in the ruins. The width of the entire corridor is very large, and there is no problem with accommodating seven or eight people walking side by side.

There are two thick stone walls on both sides of the corridor. With the help of light and light, everyone can clearly see a large number of unknown patterns carved on the stone walls. Because of the weathering of time, many of these patterns are already invisible. Up.

The location where everyone is now belongs to the first floor of this dream ruin, so Tomosei Sakagi, who has already explored here, is obviously very familiar with the route of this floor.

And the ancient puppet soldiers patrolling at this level have obviously been cleaned up~www.NovelMTL.com~Along the way, the ruins expedition team did not encounter any danger.

In a short while, Tomochi Sakaki led the expedition through the intricate corridors, and then entered a mysterious hall.

At this time, the hall was in a mess. The ground was full of various scattered remains of ancient puppet soldiers, and there were a lot of pits on the ground. Obviously a fierce battle had taken place here.

"Be careful, everyone, the really tricky guy is coming soon."

Tomochi Sakaki led the people into the mysterious hall. He looked at the walls around the hall and found that the walls were intact, and he said to the people around him with a solemn expression.

As soon as the voice came to an end, a "bang!!!" sound appeared.

The opened stone door behind everyone closed automatically, and the speed was very fast.

At the same time, some mysterious creatures resembling letters but with an eye in the center began to fly out from the walls around the mysterious hall. They quickly gathered together and arranged in a certain order.

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