Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 570: : Future Ace MT and Mysterious Man

Sato Kaede ignored these people who wanted to investigate the fiction, and directly released the giant marsh monster and other elves to act as the **** of the road.

These people suddenly became stiff when they saw this, and then stopped looking at them. In the end, they all left with unwillingness.

Sato Kaede is very clear that these people should be Els or Qiu Fengrin's subordinates, and their purpose is to probe his tone and see if he is allied with Sakagi Tomosei.

In fact, Sato Kaede is very happy that he can form a cooperative relationship with Sakagi Tomosei, because this should be his best choice in this ruin exploration journey.

He had hatred with both Els and Qiu Fenglin, especially Qiu Fenglin, because the other party chose to kill him, and he formed a relationship with the other party.

Therefore, Sato Kaede would not be able to join the two forces of Els and Qiu Feng Rin anyway. He originally intended to become a force on his own, but his choice made him very surprised.

But in any case, this journey of ruins exploration is a dream start. He is undoubtedly very safe to mix in the team of Tomosari Sakaki now, and he also revealed that he is a junior superpower, and he will definitely get Sakaki. The key protection of Zhicheng team.

Unknowingly, the time had come to more than six o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was setting, and the sky gradually dimmed. Soon, the bright stars filled the cloudless night sky.

At this time, Sato Kaede and Thomas set up a simple camp on the edge of the oasis lake. At this time, they are carefully preparing dinner for a group of elves, and they are also preparing enough for the last day of the island trip. ready.

The staple food of today's dinner is mainly fish. The lake in the oasis is very large, and there are a large number of special fish living in it, which is not only big but also delicious.

With the help of the giant marsh monsters of the red tyrannosaurus, Sato Kaede and the others harvested a few large baskets. At this time, the barbecue in the camp has been under high load. Now it is cooked by Thomas, a professional barbecue chef. Next, the fragrance almost diffused to the entire oasis.

The red tyrannosaurus still likes to eat raw food, so he eats his dinner early in the lake. Now he is lying on the bottom of the lake and slumbering. The loud gurgling sounds continue to spread around by the vibration of water waves. The original inhabitants living in the Oasis Lake were terrified.

Most of the delicious grilled fish baked by Thomas have entered the stomachs of the three big eaters, the giant marsh monster, the wind speed dog, and the desert dragonfly. The rest of the elves have eaten and drank early and are now playing.

As the most active and youngest frog seed in the team, she has been carefully cared for by the big brothers and sisters in the team. Now she is having fun, and bursts of sweet laughter fly out of her mouth.

As for the little elf brought out from the mysterious garden of Wonder Frog Seed, Sato Kaede has not conducted any training on her so far, so that she is still at level 8 so far.

The reason why Sato Kaede did not train the Miao Frog Seed is very simple. The Miao Frog Seed has not yet been able to digest the gift she received from the Mysterious Garden.

The gift that the wonderful frog seeds get from the mysterious garden is a very precious drop of life essence. This is the treasure that the heavenly king-level wonderful frog flower has absorbed a lot of life energy from the mysterious garden, and it can greatly enhance the wonderful frog seed itself. Her physical fitness lays a solid foundation for her future growth.

The Celestial King Miao Frog Flower specifically instructed Sato Kaede not to let her conduct strict training before the Miao Frog Seed had digested this drop of life essence in the body, and Sato Kaede currently strictly abides by this agreement.

The so-called life essence is actually the main material for making precious elf props, life orbs. Under normal circumstances, this kind of treasure will only be born in places where life energy is extremely rich and converges.

Of course, the matter is not absolute, it can also be nurtured by the veteran Heavenly King-level grass elves by absorbing a large amount of life energy from nature.

The cost is that a large area of ​​vegetation will wither in a certain environment, and the vegetation here will not grow for a period of time. At the same time, the grass elves that breed the essence of life will also be greatly injured.

The Heavenly King-level Wonder Frog Flower also relies on her own strength and tyranny, and the life energy of the Mystery Garden is far more dense than the outside world, and will not become a dead place, she dares to condense such a drop of life essence for her beloved descendants.

However, this compulsively condensed life essence is naturally far inferior to the life essence that has been successfully bred through countless years in the natural world, and its effect is only about one-tenth of the life essence normally bred in nature.

But precisely because of the existence of this weakened version of life essence, the body of the Miao Frog Seed is nourished by life energy almost every moment, and her physical fitness is constantly being tempered and improved.

Moreover, her body shape is therefore in a stage of rapid development.

When Sato Kaede first met Miao Frog Seeds, her body shape was about the size of a volleyball, but in less than a week, her body shape had reached the size of a basketball.

Although her size has increased, the speed of the Miao Frog Seed has not been affected by this. This is largely due to the steady improvement of her physical fitness.

With the characteristics of her own chlorophyll, in the sun, she can even keep up with the wind speed dog in a short time.

Not surprisingly, Sato Kaede will develop the Miao Frog Seed in the direction of the team MT in the future, and he also believes that the Miao Frog Seed will definitely become an excellent MT in the future, and it will also be an MT with high mobility. .


Soon, the happy dinner time passed, the night became thicker, the whole oasis gradually fell into silence, and everything began to quickly fall asleep.

Time has come to more than two o'clock in the morning, when the night is the darkest.

At this time, Sato Kaede hadn't fallen asleep, he was still sitting in front of the unextinguished bonfire.

However, he was sitting cross-legged at this time, like an old monk with his eyes half-closed, and his whole person was motionless. At the same time, waves of slight mental power fluctuations would radiate from him from time to time.

Yes, the reason Sato Kaede didn't sleep was that he was still in meditation practice. After he was promoted to a junior superpower, he found that his energy had become very energetic, and he had an endless energy.

And his own energy recovery ability is several times faster than before. He may need to sleep for seven or eight hours before he can recover enough energy. Now he only needs two or three hours to complete it.

Because of too much energy, Sato Kaede can't sleep now, because there is nothing to do, so he chooses to calm down for the first meditation training since becoming a superpower.

Unfortunately, his own superpower aptitude is really bad. In addition, it is the first time to perform meditation. The effect of meditation is not ideal. It is difficult for him to enter the deep meditation state, and from time to time, he will go out of the meditation state due to a little outside movement Quit in.

"It failed again. The state of deep meditation was too difficult to maintain, and my meditation efficiency was too poor. It took nearly 2 hours to complete a mental cycle, which was slower than the slowest time recorded in the book. Double the previous."

"Sure enough, with my qualifications, if you want to quickly improve your mental power, you have to rely on foreign objects. Otherwise, if you want to become an intermediate superpower, I am afraid that it will be impossible to achieve in a lifetime of meditation."

After Sato Kaede successfully completed the first complete mental cycle~www.NovelMTL.com~, he slowly withdrew from the state of meditation, and then a wry smile appeared on his face, and he thought a little discouraged.

"Come out, friends over there, if you have anything to say, come out and meet you."

Afterwards, his face changed, he immediately turned his head, and then intently said to a mysterious person hiding in the shadow of a big tree ten meters away.

Sato Kaede didn't know how this mysterious man did it. The other party was hiding in such a close place without being aware of it by the night watch.

If it hadn't been for the sudden discovery of a slight abnormality in the release of his mental power just now, he might have been touched by the opponent unconsciously.

For Sato Kaede to be able to see through his hiding, the mysterious person in the shadow is obviously very surprised, but since he has been discovered, the other party does not intend to continue hiding.

Suddenly, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the shadow of the big tree, and then there was an abnormal twist. Then, a mysterious person in night clothes suddenly emerged from the shadow.

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