Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 567: : Struggle and balance

With the help of the desert dragonfly, Sato Kaede and Thomas landed from the sky 100 meters away from the east of the oasis.

Later, Sato Kaede released the giant marsh monster, and Thomas also released the Toad King, and then the two took the elf in their hands and slowly led Thomas to the direction of the oasis.

If you lose, you don’t lose. Facing a group of unfamiliar Rockets elite personnel in the Oasis Land, Sato Kaede is absolutely not able to lose to them in terms of aura. Otherwise, once they are looked down upon by these people, the subsequent relic exploration The trip will inevitably lead to accidents.

The giant marsh monster knew what Sato Kaede meant. In fact, when he saw the rod-tailed scaly dragon, hudi, tyrannosaurus, and biting land shark in the oasis, the hill-like awe-inspiring aura on his body had been quietly lifted. Coming up.

At the same time, he cooperated with the use of his master-level ground system energy control, so that every step he took at this time was stepping on the pulse of the nearby earth.

For a time, the giant marsh monster seemed to transform into a prehistoric behemoth with a terrifying aura. Every step it took, the ground within a radius of 100 meters shook slightly.

When the giant marsh monster raised its aura to the apex, some elves in the oasis land also showed their power.




The three dragon-type quasi-sacred beasts, including the rod-tailed scale ankylosaurus, the tyrannosaurus, and the biting land shark, all roared, raising their aura to the apex in an instant, and then each held one side and collided with the aura of the giant marsh monster.


At this time, in Els’ Hudi, a terrifying mental power fluctuation broke out in his body instantly, and his aura rose to the extreme. Then he joined the three dragon-type quasi-sacred beasts and giant marsh monsters in this aura contest. .

The giant marsh monster, the rod-tailed scale ankylosaurus, the violent flying dragon, and the biting land shark, these five elves are not only the highest level, but also the top strength among all the elves in the oasis at this time.

The five little elves have experienced a hundred battles and are able to achieve one-to-one feat. They all feel a fatal crisis from each other, that is, they all have a chance to defeat each other.

In terms of aura, neither of them accepted each other, and began to compete with each other, so that the atmosphere of the oasis land fell into a depression.

As for the other elves in the oasis, when the five elves such as the giant marsh monster were secretly competing in their auras, many of the elves with good strength also broke out with a strong momentum and wanted to join this. In an imposing contest.

It is a pity that although most of the little elves are good in strength, they can't match the strength of the five giant marsh monsters. They soon lost in this imposing battle, and then unwillingly lower their proud heads.

In the end, only a handful of elves can persist in the imposing battle of the five elves, but without exception, the eyes of these elves show awe of the five elves.

"People who can be valued by my uncle are really amazing, and they grow so fast."

"This ugly monster has become stronger again. Forget it, as long as he doesn't grab the baby from me, don't trouble him."

"Not only has the mental power broken through to the elementary superpowers, but even the elves have improved so much? It's really a headache."

"This guy's giant marsh monster is even more deadly. You must find a chance to get rid of it this morning."

Tomosei Sakaki, Cho, Els, and Qiu Fenglin watched the strongest elf in their hands fighting against the giant marsh monster in an imposing manner without letting the wind fall. They all thought with solemn expressions, with deep fear in their eyes. .

Sato Kaede, who came with the giant marsh monster at this time, such as Sakagi Chisari, Cho, Els, and Qiu Feng Rin were so jealous. Others in the oasis area naturally did not dare to treat Sato Kaede as a waiting person.

The five Rocket thugs who had previously packed up with Qiu Fenglin were all in cold sweats, and were shocked by their arrogance and arrogance. They originally thought Qiu Fenglin was just scaring them, but they didn't expect this to be true. evaluation of.

If they really went to trouble Sato Kaede single-handedly, judging by the fact that the giant marsh monster dared to fight with the four strongest elves in the oasis at this time without losing the wind, they would probably have gone.

For a time, many people have elevated Sato Kaede to the same height as Sakagi and others. Even if it is not as good, it is not far off.

The giant marsh monster and other five elves did not last for a long time. When they saw that they couldn't help each other, they converged on their aura and then glared at each other, but their eyes showed respect.

When this short-lived imposing battle ended before the elf, Sato Kaede and Thomas also walked into the oasis land, and then met with Miya who had come forward.

"Sato-sama, welcome your visit. You have worked hard along the way. Please follow me. We have prepared your overnight camp in the oasis tonight."

Miya is not a person who is not ignorant of current affairs. This time she personally felt the strength of Sato Kaede, a former ally, she was shocked and quickly changed her attitude, and in order to complete the instructions of Sakagi Tomosei, she will The gesture was very low, and he directly used honorific words to Sato Kaede in the dialogue.

"Really, that would be a pain, but before that, please take me to see Mr. Tomosari Sakagi."

After hearing this, Sato Kaede nodded slightly unexpectedly, but he did not choose to follow Miya directly to the camp prepared for him, but chose to let her take himself to see her current master.

"Uh, yes, I will lead you the way."

Hearing Sato Kaede's refusal to go to the camp without hesitation, Miya, who was already ready to take the lead and lead the way, suddenly stiffened with a smile on her face and a trace of irritation in her eyes, but she quickly covered it and continued to smile. Said to Sato Kaede.

"Small, I'm a fool, if I go, can I get off the boat, haha."

Sato Kaede naturally noticed Mi Ya's slumped expression just now, and couldn't help but secretly smile.

This ruins exploration was invited by Tomosari Sakagi. Although not invited by the other party personally, since Sato Kaede is here, it is better to meet the other party first.

But as soon as Mia came up, she was going to let him go to the camp that the other party had prepared for him. Sato Kaede knew what she was thinking about.

Once he really went in front of other people in the oasis, it was almost equivalent to announcing that he had joined the team of Sakagi Chisei, and it was difficult to argue.

Although Sato Kaede has not stayed in the oasis for a while, he has already keenly discovered the general situation in the oasis on the way he came.

To be precise, there are now four forces in the Oasis Land. They are the small group headed by Tomo Sakaki, the small group headed by Els, the small group headed by Qiu Fenglin, and loose solo groups such as butterflies. Man.

Among the four forces, the strongest is undoubtedly the small group headed by Tomo Sakaki, and the remaining three forces have no room to resist in a single confrontation.

But the remaining three forces at this time were weirdly united because they were afraid of the dominance of Sakaki Chicheng's family. Although they looked similar, they also allowed the four forces of Oasis Land to form a fragile balance.

Now with the arrival of Sato Kaede, this fragile balance may be broken at any time. If he chooses to join Tomosei Sakagi, then the remaining three forces probably have no room to contend with.

For such a situation, Sato Kaede does not want to happen, for two reasons:

The first point is that Sato Kaede’s allegiance now is the boss of Sakagi, not Sakagi’s Tomosari. Although Sakagi’s nephew is said to be his nephew~www.NovelMTL.com~, they are two people. If he joins Sakagi’s team now Go, that's almost the same as choosing to stand on the side of Sakagi Chisei.

If Boss Sakagi knew about this, what would he think of himself? For this question, Sato Kaede didn't want to know the answer at all.

Loyalty is a precious virtue, especially for those in power, loyal subordinates are what they crazily pursue, but if he finds that his subordinates are unfaithful to him, the consequences are absolutely very serious.

Sato Kaede knew that Mr. Sakaki was a good leader, so he was also very aware of the consequences of betraying the other party, and he could not bear the consequences for the time being.

The second point is that Sato Kaede personally doesn't want Sakagi to be the only one in this ruin exploration tour.

Although the ruins exploration journey is full of dangers, it also means that there are huge opportunities hidden. If Mr. Sakaki is the only one in his family, the difficulty for him to seize opportunities from the troubled waters can be said to increase.

Sato Kaede is absolutely unwilling to do this kind of risky work for others.

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