Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 557: : The Breakthrough of Kaizhi Renko

After the Kaizhi Heart Lotus emerged and bloomed, an energy vortex with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared over the lake. Then the center of this funnel-shaped energy vortex was the Kaizhi Heart Lotus blooming with charm. .

At this time, Kaizhi Xinlian was greedily absorbing the pure energy dripping from the energy vortex. Gradually, the white lotus gradually dyed pink, and a gorgeous pink halo radiated from it.

At the same time, a wave of mental power was gradually released from it, and this wave of mental power became stronger with the passage of time.

This process lasted for about ten minutes, the energy vortex above the lake gradually disappeared, and the Kaizhi Xinlian completely changed from white to pink.

Then, like a flash in the pan, when the Kaizhi Xinlian completely turned pink, it lasted about ten seconds before it began to wither quickly.

In just a few seconds, the beautiful pink lotus disappeared, leaving a bald lotus floating on the water.

And at this time, this bald lotus was packed with lotus seeds that exuded pink light, and now bursts of unusually pure mental power fluctuations were emanating from these unusual lotus seeds.

When the super-powered elves around the lake saw the lotus seeds in the lotus, their eyes suddenly showed fiery gazes. If it weren’t for the dull king and Hudi who were above the lotus at this time, they didn’t do anything to make them feel excited. Dread, some anxious guys have already taken action.

"Are those are Kaizhi lotus seeds, they are really good treasures."

At this time, Sato Kaede, standing on the high branch of a big tree more than ten meters away from the lake, was holding a telescope to observe every move in the lake. When he saw the peculiar lotus in the lake, his eyes could not help but show fiery Gaze, murmured in his mouth.

Unlike the natural bird, who learned about the effects of Kaizhi lotus seeds from his parents, Sato Kaede, who has the system identification function, now knows the effects of Kaizhi lotus seeds clearly, and its effects are much better than what the natural bird just said. Be big.

The information of Kaizhi lotus seeds is as follows:

Props: Kaizhi lotus seeds

Efficacy: 1. Increase the user's upper limit of mental power by 1-10 points, 2. Slightly repair the user's mental trauma

Restrictions: 1. Only creatures with innate mental power of 10 or more can be used, 2. If repeated use, the effect of improving mental power will gradually decrease, 3. Users with mental power of 200 or more cannot obtain the effect 1

Description: This is a gift from nature

There is no doubt that Kaizhi Lotus Seed is very useful for Sato Kaede, a superpower with very low superpower aptitude.

If the number is sufficient, Sato Kaede can use the effect of Kaizhi Xinlian to quickly increase his mental power, and no longer need to become a salted fish superpower who can't even use a little superpower skills like before.

More than two weeks ago, Sato Kaede was lucky enough to become a superpower through the awakening potion. His mental power was 10 points at the time. Now more than two weeks later, his mental power is still 10 points.

I have to say that this is something that Sato Kaede feels very sad.

Sato Kaede doesn't have much hope of becoming a powerful superpower like Nazi. His biggest expectation of becoming a superpower is to be able to communicate with the elf using telepathy.

Once he has mastered the super skill of telepathy, he can command silently, which can greatly enhance his commanding ability, thereby greatly enhancing the combat capability of the team.

However, the prerequisite for telepathy is that the mental power of the superpower needs to reach 50 points. This goal, which is not difficult for most superpowers, is pressed on Sato Kaede like a mountain.

Sato Kaede wants to accomplish this goal because of his low super power aptitude. If there is no adventure, he may need five or six years. This is still the case where most of the time is allocated for meditation training.

However, Sato Kaede now sees hope with the emergence of Kaizhi lotus seeds. Although it is said that the more Kaizhi lotus seeds are taken, the weaker the effect of improving the user's mental power will be. However, if Sato Kaede takes seven or eight pills, he may be You can get what you want.

Sato Kaede just took a rough look. There are at least nearly fifty lotus seeds in that huge lotus. Although there are nearly a hundred powerful super-powered elves staring at the lotus, with his current strength, he Still very confident that I can get a piece of it.

In about a minute or two, some of the lotus seeds in the lotus seem to have matured, just as the ripe fruit will naturally fall from the tree, so these mature lotus seeds will naturally come out of the lotus. .

However, Kaizhixinlian obviously does not want its seed descendants to be eaten by other creatures so easily. It also has the mind to reproduce descendants. It shoots the mature lotus seeds from its lotus like bullets shot from a pistol. come out.

There were eight Kaizhi lotus seeds that were shot out of the lotus in the first batch, and there was no sign at all. These Kaizhi lotus seeds were shot out of the lotus so suddenly, and then flew out in all directions.

However, the super power elves near the central lake have been staring at the lotus. The Kaizhi lotus seed just spit out the first batch of mature lotus seeds, and some super power elves that reacted quickly reacted immediately.

The most rapid response was undoubtedly the Diya King and Hu Di, who were above the lotus. As soon as the lotus made a movement, they immediately broke out a tyrannical wave of mental power, and then flashed, and they successfully took one of them. Kaizhi lotus seed restrained with thought force.

The remaining 6 Kaizhi lotus seeds still flew out in other directions desperately, and within the blink of an eye, they were hundreds of meters away from the lotus.

However, there are too many super power elves to encircle them. Some super power elves such as Yongjira, Laluras, and Kirulian master teleportation. They react very quickly, and they appear in a single instant movement. Some Kaizhi lotus seeds were flying in the trajectory, and then successfully restrained with thought force.

In the end, the first batch of lotus seeds that were shot out of the lotus porch all ended in a failure to break through, one by one fell into the hands of some powerful super-power elf.

The result of the failure of the first batch of descendants to break through seems to be very annoying to Kaizhi Xinlian. In less than a few seconds, the second batch of Kaizhi lotus seeds that broke through appeared again~www.NovelMTL.com~ and this time the opening of the breakthrough. The number of Zhilian seeds reached 23.

As if a goddess scattered flowers, 23 Kaizhi lotus seeds with shining pink light shot in all directions.

For a while, the super power elves near the lake also seemed to be in a hurry. Many of these super power elves had multiple traffic accidents because they were chasing the same Kaizhi lotus seed.

"Boom!" appeared.

Two puff pigs flying at high speed in the air accidentally collided in the air because they were chasing the same open-minded heart lotus. In the end, two puff pigs that fell from the air and hated each other secretly were able to look sadly ahead. Kaizhi Lianzi slipped away in front of her.

In the next second, when the two Puppies thought that the Kaizhi lotus seed ahead was about to escape successfully, a wave of spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared on the flight path of this high-speed flying lotus seed.

Then, a natural finches with a star spot on the beak suddenly appeared, and then with one of the small paws under the body, it accurately grasped the Kaizhi lotus seed that was supposed to have escaped.

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