Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 546: :Heart-born servant and powerful butterfly

Compared to Lanka's tragic ending, the situation of Yosuke Noda, who is aware of the current affairs, is undoubtedly countless times better. He did not hesitate to make a decision to surrender after seeing the butterfly and the rod-tailed scaled dragon.

Although the butterfly and the rod-tailed scale ankylosaurus looked down on Noda Yousuke, they didn't take Noda Yousuke to death because the other party surrendered and handed over all the good things on them.

However, the death penalty can be avoided and the living crime cannot escape. After the butterfly successfully obtained the space backpack from Noda Yousuke and temporarily solved the shortage of storage space, she and the rod-tailed scaled dragon continued to go back to the gem beach to dig gems.

However, Noda Yousuke did not get his wish to return to the base through a special device. The burly and strong body was commanded by the butterfly and the scaly dragon as a miner servant.

Therefore, when Lanka fought Sato Kaede, Noda Yusuke was forced to dig gems for the butterfly and the scaly dragon.

With the addition of Noda Yusuke, a miner who knows what constitutes a good gemstone, the speed of collecting good gems by the butterfly and rod-tailed scaled dragon naturally increased a lot. Shortly after Lanka was defeated by Sato Kaede and escaped, The butterfly and rodtail scale ankylosaurus soon faced a shortage of storage space.

At this time, Noda Yusuke, who has a deep resentment towards Lanka, immediately gave a small report to Die. He told Die Lanka that she had a space backpack with a larger space and there were many more precious than gems on her body. s things.

Die didn't care if Lanka had such a good baby. In her opinion, gems of good quality were the best treasures, but the large-capacity backpack on her Lanka was deeply attracted to her.

The lack of space backpack capacity has a profound impact on her mining industry. If she can get a large space backpack from Lanka, it would be great.

As a result, Die directed Noda Yousuke to lead her to find Lanka, which is why the two of them have entered the territory of the large-scale Cocodora community.

It's just that the large Cocodora tribe killed Lanka, a human that they hated to the bone, not long ago, and the two were hit by the fish because of Lanka.

There is no doubt that this time Noda Yousuke gave the butterfly to the pit. The two of them had just entered the territory of the large-scale Cocodora, and soon they were besieged by a large number of Cocodora, Cocodora, and Boscodora. The situation was very serious.

"Master Butterfly, let's run quickly, these Coco Dola, Coco Dola, and Boss Coco Dola must be crazy and there has been a big riot."

Under the protection of the fast-swimming frog, Noda Yousuke dangerously avoided a huge rock that was attacking him at a high speed. Then he rolled on the ground and came to Dio's side, and then said to Dio with a face of fear.

However, behind this fear, Noda Yousuke's eyes still have a hint of indelible joy.

In fact, Noda Yousuke had long expected this to happen. The reason why he told Dielanka that he had a large-capacity backpack was not only to hurt Die and Langa, but also to re- Be free.

Although Cho did not kill him, Noda found out that Cho did not intend to let him go. Except for a suit and elf, his number plate and a special device that could provide the base with accurate coordinates were given to Cho. gone.

He is almost a mine slave of Die now, and if there is something wrong, Die and Rodtail Scaly Dragon will beat and scold him again, without any human rights.

Noda Yousuke understands it. Although Butterfly looks a bit naive and straightforward, his character actually hides the element of violence like most dragon elves, and regards the weak as grass.

She will only give proper respect to opponents of the same level. As for those creatures that are weaker than her, unless they are more like and valued by her, she will all be regarded as slaves that can be killed at will.

As a trainer who has already shown his prowess in the Rockets, Yosuke Noda naturally does not want to live a life without dignity and carelessness like a slave. It is more uncomfortable than killing him. Times.

Therefore, when Butterfly began to complain that the space equipment in his hands could not continue to hold more high-quality gems, Noda Yusuke, who had been thinking about how to escape, immediately came up with a coup to make Butterfly and Lanka lose both.

As for the fact that they will be besieged by the large Cocodoras, this was also expected by Noda Yousuke, but he was a little surprised that the large Cocodoras reacted a bit too strongly.

However, Noda Yousuke likes this kind of accident. For the large Cocodola tribe, the butterfly and his elder brother Scalysaurus are undoubtedly more threatening than him.

Therefore, at present, the butterfly and rod-tailed scale ankylosaurus almost attracted more than 90% of the firepower of the surrounding coco dora, coco dora, and bos coco dora, which immediately gave Noda Yousuke the hope of escape.

Although it was a pity to be able to see Butterfly and Lanka fight to death, but the so-called opportunity is not to be missed, Noda Yousuke has made up his mind to take advantage of this great opportunity to escape.

"Huh, what are you afraid of, you coward can just go and guard the line of defense on the left, leave the rest to me."

"Brother, go and clean up the Boss Kedora that is in front."

"Thorn Dragon King, continue to ask for rain, expand the rain cloud precipitation, and then the water cannon sweeps"

"Old man, use a wide range of surfing."

"Electric Dragon, use thunder to attack the Bos Kedora that is in command."

"Coconut tree eggs, continue to maintain the grass field, and if you have the opportunity, use grass knots to deal with those Bosco dora."

"Lizard King, continue to sow parasitic seeds while traveling through the battlefield."

Hearing Noda Yousuke's spineless words, he glared at him with a butterfly holding a blue and black whip, said with an unhappy face, and then began to give orders to the elves around him.

Although the situation is very serious now, Die is still calm and composed. The big scenes she has seen are much better than those of Yosuke Noda, a trainer with little field survival experience. In fact, she has surrendered to those little elves. Called more.

Her rich experience in group battles tells her that it is not time to escape, as long as she defeats the Boss Kedora, which is much larger than the average, and the battle situation will change.

Once in the fighting state, Die seemed to change someone in an instant. If she was an ignorant dragon princess before, then she is now the dragon queen with great power, and a powerful pressure is revealed from her.


Hearing the words of the butterfly, he immediately uttered a roar of the dragon to frighten the enemy in front of him, and then used a qi-heavy bomb to block all the cocodoras and codoras in front of him. repel.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately rushed forward to the Boscodora which was protected by a large amount of Cocodora, Kodora, and a small amount of Boscodora.

At this time, the thorn dragon king and the old man dragon immediately supported them. A water cannon repelled the enemy who was blocking the tail of the rod, and the other used the large amount of rain on the ground to make a wide range of surfing. To attract the attention of enemies who are in front of the rod tail scale ankylosaurus.

As for the level 51 electric dragon that passed the electromagnetic levitation at this time, the two long horns on her head once again erupted a strong current, and under her control, the current went straight into the natural black cloud.

With the help of the transmission of the dark clouds and the electrical increase in the dark clouds, the electric current injected into the dark clouds by the electric dragon grew rapidly and came to the top of Boscordora~www.NovelMTL.com~ Her thoughts moved, a thick bucket like a bucket. Lightning fell from the sky in an instant, and then fell exactly on the Boscordora who was commanding the tribe.

Suddenly, the 62-level Bosco Dora, the small leader of the Coco Dora tribe, was suddenly struck in pain by the thunder of the electric dragon, and for a while, he could not continue to command the tribe to siege the butterflies and the others.

However, the Cocodoras who lost their command immediately caused a lot of chaos, reducing the pressure on Die and the others.

As for the Alora coconut tree eggs with long necks and tails, he continued to maintain the grass field to heal his companions, and at the same time, with the advantage of his height, long field of view and wide field of vision, he began to take advantage of some Boscotos who were also struggling to maintain command. Pull used to tie a grass knot to further expand the chaos of the Cocodora ethnic group.

In the end, the green shadow that swiftly shuttled among a large number of coco dora and coco dora, the lizard king obeyed the instructions of the butterfly, while using leaf blades and billions of tons to absorb and solve the enemy, while sprinkling a large number of parasitic seeds on the road.

As soon as these parasitic seeds fell off the lizard king's tail, they immediately absorbed the rain and the nutrients of the earth and grew up wildly, and then quickly entangled many coco doras and coco doras around them.

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