Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 542: : Initiation of retirement

Hercules has a physical racial value of 125, combined with a 150-power infuriating fist of the original system, and an explosion of anger.

In the end, Hercules, who was only level 37, succeeded in giving Super Bosco Dora a punch that was enough to make him dizzy.

However, the physical defensive power of Super Bos Kedora is too amazing, and the level of Hercules is 25 levels different from Super Bos Kedora.

Hercules's infuriating fist only slightly broke the defense of Super Boscordora's steel helmet, and the damage to Super Boscordora was far inferior to the ring bear strengthened by abdominal drum moves.

And the force is mutual. Although Hercules managed to inflict certain damage on Super Boscordora, his right arm was broken in this attack.

"Don't be stunned. Hurry up and kill him, Boss Kedora, use Flame Fist."

"Two-headed tyrannosaurus, ancient giant fly, come back quickly."

Seeing that Boscodora became unresponsive again for unknown reasons, and was easily succeeded by the enemy elf. At this time, Lanka who fell to the ground because of the Super Boscodora slammed to the ground and shouted angrily. .

"Damn it, what the **** Sato Kaede did to my Bosco Dora, it's okay to be slow once, but it's like this twice, there must be something weird in it."

Lanka was already fully alert at this time, and there was also a thought of retreating temporarily. Although he still didn't know what was going on, Boscordora was obviously not in the state at this time. If this continues, He might lose.

With no worries about the green hills and no firewood to burn, Lanka's heart was blown up at this time, and he felt extremely ashamed of his thoughts of retreating, but when he thought that he might really die here, he suddenly became angry. Discard all feelings of shame.

Super Boss Kedora is also exploded at this time. If it is normal, with his short-range explosive power, an elf like Hercules cannot hit him at all. Even if it hits, it is impossible to reach him. His head.

But after he defeated the ring bear with an iron-tailed move just now, a strong laziness was born in his heart, making his reaction slow and sluggish, which made Hercules hit his steel head.

Super Boss Kedora's fire fist went down, and Hercules was instantly beaten away by him, and then fell to the ground like a circle bear and lost his fighting ability.

On the other side, Thomas commanded the elves and the two-headed tyrannosaurus to enter the white-hot stage.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus is worthy of being a quasi-divine beast of the dragon system cultivated by Lanka. With the advantages of two heads that can perform different moves at the same time, as well as mastering a large number of different attribute moves, he still has the upper hand even if he is one enemy four.

Judging from the current situation, Thomas's Dajia and Black Rujia have been defeated by him, and now the Flame Horse and the Toad King are left to deal with them.

The flame horse is very fast. He has been using flame vortexes around the double-headed tyrannosaurus to contain it. Unfortunately, due to the rain and the fire system's poor effect on the double-headed tyrannosaurus, his attack is against the double-headed tyrannosaurus. The harm is minimal.

The Toad King, who has the characteristics of easy swimming, is currently the main force against the double-headed tyrannosaurus. With the advantage of rapid increase in speed in the rain, he can smoothly avoid the double-headed tyrannosaurus almost every time.

Even if he couldn't stop it, Thomas commanded the flame horse to provide support in a timely manner, so that the Toad King was put in danger.

Toad King’s freezing fists and mud bombs played a huge role in the battle with the two-headed tyrannosaurus. The former inflicted good damage on the opponent, while the latter greatly reduced the opponent’s hit rate.

Although judging from the battle situation at this time, the double-headed tyrannosaurus, which has been releasing various moves to bomb the Toad King and the Blazing Horse, dominates the situation, and the Blazing Horse and the Toad King will be defeated if they are not careful.

But if you look closely, 90% of the double-headed tyrannosaurus attacks are doing useless work, and the remaining 10% are easily resolved by the flame horse and the toad king commanded by Thomas.

It can be seen that the situation is actually under Thomas's control. Although he cannot defeat the two-headed tyrannosaurus in a short time, it is more than enough to hold the opponent.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus, who had been fighting very awkwardly, heard Lanka's order, and immediately abandoned Thomas as if it were an amnesty, and then walked in the direction of Lanka.

"Hmph, want to run, no way, Flame Horse, Toad King, stop him."

Seeing that the two-headed tyrannosaurus wanted to get rid of himself, Thomas did not dare to agree. He finally found a soft persimmon to handle. He naturally refused to let it go. He quickly directed the flame horse and the king of toads to encircle and prevent the tyrannosaurus from leaving. .

At the same moment, the Ancient Giant Fly, who had been dealing with the Wind Speed ​​Dog, received Lanka's instructions, and quickly chose to get rid of his opponent, and then went in the direction of Lanka.

The speed of the ancient giant fly with 6 accelerations is extraordinary, that is, the wind speed dog with the super fast move can keep up with his speed in a short time. If there is no black eye, it can prevent the opponent from retreating. Otherwise, if he wants to go, he will simply Not many elves can stop it.

The ancient giant fly immediately lifted into the sky, quickly shook off the wind speed dog that was still trying to entangle, and then quickly flew to Lanka.

"The Hidden Dragon, copy the characteristics of the Toad King by acting as moves, and then transfer them to the beautiful flower and the giant marsh monster through the exchange of characteristics."

"Gotha Duck, immerse in water on the two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Boscodora, and then continue to block Boscodora's sharp stone attack with the positioning method."

"Beautiful Flower, it's time for you to play, use the butterfly dance, and then use the most powerful energy ball to attack the double-headed tyrannosaurus."

"Giant Marsh Monster, I beg you again, entangle Boscordora, don't let him have a chance to leave."

Sato Kaede, who had been staring at Lanka, was keenly aware of Lanka’s retreat. He quickly gave orders to the chameleon who had returned to him, and then quickly made further steps to the other elves. Command.

Hearing Sato Kaede’s words, the hidden dragon quickly shifted his gaze to another nearby battle group, and then copied the characteristics of the Toad King, which was rapidly increasing in the rain at this time, by acting as moves~www.NovelMTL.com~ , Quickly jump to the beautiful flower, and use the feature exchange moves to give the toad king's free travel characteristics to the beautiful flower.

Immediately afterwards, the hidden dragon replicated the free travel characteristics of the beautiful flower at this time by playing moves, then jumped to the giant marsh monster, and used the characteristic exchange moves to give the free travel characteristics to the giant marsh monster.

At the same time, the Gotha Duck suspended in mid-air immediately cancelled the fixation method on the Super Boscodora, and then sprayed a special pattern against the two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Super Boscodora not far away. Water flow.

Because the two-headed tyrannosaurus was entangled by the flame horse and the king of toads, it was accidentally hit by the special water sprayed by the Gotha Duck. In a short time, the skin and hair of the double-headed tyrannosaurus were dyed with a layer of water blue. The color and attributes have temporarily changed to water systems.

As for the Super Boss Kedora, his speed is still his major flaw. Facing the fast and rushing current of the Gotha Duck, he can't avoid it at all. Like the double-headed tyrannosaurus, his whole body is up and down. Suddenly dyed a layer of aqua blue, the attributes also temporarily transformed into water systems.

(PS: There is one more chapter tonight, I guess I won’t write it, you are going to send the blade...)

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