Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 525: :meet by chance

Of the four Gotha ducks, Sato Kaede chose only one. There is no doubt that in order to deal with a dangerous enemy like Lanka more surely, he naturally chose the Gotha duck with the highest level.

This Gotha Duck has a level of 46 and is well-qualified and has many moves to master. It fully meets the needs of Sato Kaede. With a little training, he can quickly become a useful elf. .

The only thing that Sato Kaede feels pity is that the characteristic of this Gotha duck is moisture, not his favorite hidden characteristic. It can swim freely.

The information of Gotha Duck is as follows:

Elf: Gotha Duck

Level: 46

Property: Water

Features: moisture

Sex: male

Carry props: none

HP qualification: 24 (31)

Attack qualification: 23 (31)

Defense qualification: 25 (31)

Special attack qualification: 26 (31)

Special defense qualification: 21 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 23 (31)

Qualification evaluation: purple (individual total value is 142)

Level skills: (first step, water jet, water play, grabbing, tail wagging, water gun, mind power, crazy scratching, water fluctuation, body fixation, piercing sound, mind hammer, water tail, immersion, self-suggestion, instant Amnesia, water cannon.)

Genetic Skill: Hypnotism

Skills taught: move mind, hold, light wall, destroy death light, pray for rain

Skill CD: None

After the battle, Sato Kaede asked Immediately Beautiful Flower to give a simple treatment to the four seriously injured Gotha ducks one by one. His move immediately won the favor of the 46-level Gotha duck that he subdued.

"Sorry, please lend me a hand for the time being. If things go well, it can be over in a day at most. Then, if you want to return to the ethnic group, I will let you go."

Sato Kaede took out the Elf Ball, and then solemnly promised the Gotha Duck who took the initiative to walk in front of him from the group.


Hearing Sato Kaede's words, the Gotha Duck, who was the leader of the nearby group of Duck Duck, suddenly lit up. He nodded to Sato Kaede, and the resistance in his heart instantly disappeared.

As an elf whose intelligence is no less than that of a normal human, Gotha Duck doesn't like poor Sato Kaede who is weak in spirit. Even if Sato Kaede defeated him head-on, he was far from approving Sato Kaede in his heart.

"Finally stabilized. A high level has the advantages of a high level, but it also has disadvantages. I hope he can not make a mistake. With his strength, it should be enough to have an impact on Boscordora."

Sato Kaede noticed that the hostility in Gotha Duck's eyes had disappeared a lot, and knew that what she had just let Meihua treat them and what he said to him had an effect, and she immediately felt relieved about Gotha Duck.

This time the plan to deal with Lanka is very important. If there is a big problem in one of the three conditions, then this plan can only end in failure.

Gotha Duck is the second most important condition in this plan. He is not allowed to make many mistakes. Sato Kaede is afraid that Gotha Duck will just perfunctory or deliberately make mistakes because of a bad relationship with him.

After all, the Gotha Duck he had just conquered was too high-level, and was the leader of a group of elves, plus it possessed the very common arrogance and very egoistic character of super-powered elves.

It would be strange if such an elf didn't get awkward when getting along with Sato Kaede at first. Just think about the red tyrannosaurus. Now that time is pressing, he doesn't have much time to "get on well" with Gotha Duck.

Therefore, Sato Kaede's best way now is to give Goda Ya a promise so that he can serve himself as hard as possible.

In fact, because of the existence of the system, Sato Kaede is undoubtedly very picky about the selection of the elf, and the Gotha duck in front of him simply did not meet his requirements.

The first qualification is a bit low, the second personality is not good, and the third year is too big and lacks potential.

Therefore, Sato Kaede is indeed planning to put this Gotha duck back to nature after defeating Lanka.

In addition to the Gotha Duck, there are Alidos and the circle bear. If they are willing to return to nature, Sato Kaede will let them leave.

To be honest, with the exception of the red tyrannosaurus and the chameleon as an auxiliary, these little elves that he conquered on the island were not cultivated by him, so they always feel uncomfortable when using them.

Part of the reason for this is that Sato Kaede lacks tacit understanding with them, but it is more that the fighting style and fighting thinking of these little elves have been fixed, and Sato Kaede's command is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Unlike the wind speed dog and the beautiful flower, these two elves cultivated by him can easily play 100% of their strength in his hands, even exceeding 100%, and can often do leapfrog battles.

With the perfect end of the Gotha Duck capture, Sato Kaede also began to prepare to go back to the foothills of Kentello to meet Thomas. In order to be able to return as soon as possible, he chose to take the waterway this time.

Judging from the map, he is now located in the northwest direction of the foothills of Kentello, and the map shows that the river next to him is connected to the river of fang fish that flows through the foothills of Kentello.

Moreover, as long as Sato Kaede walked north along the upstream side of the road, and then made a turn to the southeast, he could go down the river and return to the foothills of Kentello at the fastest speed.

"Please, Tyrannosaurus, take me upstream."

After Sato Kaede thought about the plan, he immediately released the red tyrannosaurus, and after climbing on his back, he directed him to take him to the upstream direction.

The Tyrannosaurus is worthy of being an elf with the "famous name" of a water bully.

The red tyrannosaurus swayed forward in the river, and the weak water elves flee from the wind, while the powerful elves found that the red tyrannosaurus was just passing by, and they opened their eyes and closed their eyes as if they hadn't seen it.

In the process of moving upstream against the river, except for a few violent water elves who came out to provoke a little, Sato Kaede passed very smoothly.

According to the information displayed on the map, he also successfully directed the red tyrannosaurus into the river connecting the river of fang fish, and began to downstream.

Compared with the previous process of going straight upstream, the process of going down the current seems a bit tortuous, but the twists and turns are what Sato Kaede hopes to happen.


Suddenly, a slight noise came from the pocket of Sato Kaede's clothes. The sudden noise made him feel energetic, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"If you have a reaction, will it be Maitel? Forget it, I'll know if I have seen it, Gyraniposaur, go to the right side."

"Come out, Wind Speed ​​Dog, run with all your strength, and take me to the southwest."

Sato Kaede quickly took out the luminous and sounding detector from his pocket. After determining the source of the signal, he quickly brought the red tyrannosaurus to shore and released the wind speed dog ~www.NovelMTL.com~ , He rode the wind speed dog and galloped to the southwest at a very fast speed.

At the same time, in a dry cave seven or eight kilometers southwest of Sato Kaede’s location, Maitel, who was taking a rest, heard the sound of the communicator in his dimness, and suddenly jumped from the ground. When he got up, his face showed a hint of surprise.

"People are coming too fast, **** it, Bi Diao, take me out of here quickly."

Matter watched the flashing frequency of the signal light on the detector in his hand rise rapidly, his face was not only difficult to look, he quickly released the badly injured Bi Diao, and then ordered him to take himself away.

The two main elves in his hand were both seriously injured. Now that he encountered other contestants at this time, he was almost eliminated in the end. He can't care about Bi Diao's injuries now, and must leave here immediately.

It is a pity that the distance of seven or eight kilometers is only a matter of one or two minutes for the wind speed dog running at full strength. Mettle, who was awakened, just released the Bi Diao, and Sato Kaede riding the wind speed dog has appeared in his Right now.

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