Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 514: :Kentello Foothills and the River Crossing Incident

The toothfish is not a cold-blooded creature without feelings. They also have a fear. In fact, when there is only one toothfish, they are very timid.

When the number of fang fish is no longer so huge, especially when they realize that they have no advantage in the number, the fear in their hearts will outweigh the bloodthirsty taste in their hearts.

The fish-killing operation lasted for about an hour, and there was a lot of blood on the nearby river. Even if the river flow was extremely fast, it would be difficult to wash away the blood completely for a while.

The huge amount of bleeding also indirectly confirmed how great the victory of this fish-killing operation was. After this battle, the number of fang fish in the river dropped sharply by at least half.

Nowadays, no matter how strong the **** smell is in the nearby river water, the fang fish in the river dare not continue to approach here one after another. The arrogant water hunters in the past are now like mice crossing the street, and they are in panic all day long.

In fact, when one of the fang fish was afraid to overcome the bloodthirsty emotions in his heart and began to turn around and flee, all the fang fish instantly awoke.

In less than ten seconds, the army of fang fish in the nearby river fled everywhere.

After the fang fish army fled in a hurry, the water elves led by Goda Duck and the elves on both sides of the strait were all excited and cheered for victory.

However, after the battle was over, these little elves who fulfilled their goals quickly became alert to each other, especially the Bleed Sheep clan, who were full of guard against the carnivorous wild elves nearby.

Fortunately, they still have this level of comrade-in-arms relationship, and all the carnivorous wild elves have obtained a lot of loot in this fish-killing operation, so the follow-up is not without continued bloodshed.

In the end, they all left contentedly.

Sato Kaede left contentedly this time. Beautiful Flower was a big show in this fish-killing operation, and she also gained a lot of experience points. She was only upgraded by one level last night, and now she has been upgraded by another level. The level came to 44.

As for the wind speed dog and the circle bear, the number of fangs he defeated was less than one-fifth of the beautiful flower.

However, Alidos has gained a lot in this fish-killing operation. By stealing teachers from many of the same races on the sidelines, his talents are not bad, and he quickly learned the basic use of the missile move.

Immediately afterwards, Alidos used the missile needle he just learned to participate in this fish-killing operation. With three sword dances and the gathering of Qi, the power of the missile needle released by Alidos is comparable to the bullets released by a sniper rifle. .

Although the number of fangs defeated by Alidos is also far less than that of Beautiful Flower, he also gained a lot of experience points, and his level is not high. After this battle, his level has increased by two consecutive levels, reaching 38. level.

After the fish-killing operation, Sato Kaede also continued to ride the wind speed dog to the upper reaches of the river, but the width of the river did not change much, and there was still a bonus of 20 meters away.

As he walked, unknowingly, the wind speed dog took Sato Kaede out of the spider forest, and then came to the foothills of the Kentalo mountain north of the spider forest.

The piedmont area generally refers to the area bordered by the hillside and the flat land. The Kentalo piedmont area has a large area of ​​flat land surrounded by mountain slopes. Due to the abundant water resources nearby, a large area of ​​succulent weeds grows on these flat areas.

Therefore, it attracts many herbivores and wild elves, such as the former Maori sheep family, who usually forage here.

In fact, Catalo is not the real ruler of this area. The reason why it is called the foothills of Catalo is simply because Catalo belongs to the largest ethnic group here.

The true ruler of the foothills of Kentello is actually the cubs. There is a relatively small group of cubs and lions living in the foothills of Kantello. The leader of the cubs is close to the heavenly king. Fire Lion.

In addition to the cubs as the main carnivorous elf group in the foothills of the Kentalo Mountains, there are also several coyote groups. Compared with the sparsely populated cubs and lion groups, the coyote groups can be described as numerous huge.

Had it not been for the coyote group that there had not been a powerful big wolf dog to integrate these coyote groups, the little lion and lion group would have been driven out of the foothills of the Kentyro by these coyote dogs.

As Sato Kaede entered the foothills of Kentero Mountain, the terrain became relatively flat, the river was not as turbulent as downstream, and the depth and width of the river channel gradually became much smaller.

Sato Kaede looked over, and there was almost no end in sight of a large piece of low grass. Although it was a foothill area, the foothills surrounded by mountains were also hidden in this large piece of fertile grassland.

At this time, a large group of Kentyro was leisurely eating the weeds growing on the flat ground not far away. At the same time, a dozen large wolfhounds were sneaking on the grass, and then little by little. Move in the direction of the group.

In addition to the wild elves such as Cantello, there are also a large group of buffalo grazing nearby, but these ordinary animals saw Sato Kaede riding a wind speed dog, and they evacuated quickly like frightened deer.

"It's really a good place for hunting. There are many hillsides here. In addition, there are rivers nearby and easy access to water. The red tyrannosaurus can also survive in the river. It is more appropriate to build a new temporary residence here."

Looking at the unique geographical environment at the foot of Kaitlin Mountain and the rich resources here, Sato Kaede suddenly had the idea of ​​establishing a new base here.

After a cursory observation of the geographical environment of the foothills of the Kentalo Mountains, Sato Kaede rode a wind speed dog to continue moving in the direction of the upper reaches of the Liya River. He did not forget his purpose and continued to find a suitable section of the river.

It didn't take long for Sato Kaede to find a narrow section of the river. After the speed dog raced, he smoothly led Sato Kaede to the other side of the river.

However, what Sato Kaede never expected was that a group of coyotes and great wolfhounds were lying on the tall grassland across the river. The sudden appearance of the wind speed dog immediately alarmed these local predators. .

Although the wind speed dog exudes an unpleasant aura ~www.NovelMTL.com~, these predators who have the courage to come up because of their number advantages are not afraid of wind speed dogs. They move orderly under the call of the wolf. The wind speed dog and Sato Kaede quickly surrounded.




These coyotes and great wolfhounds then surrounded Sato Kaede and Wind Speed ​​Dog, and they began to howl one after another, trying to deter Sato Kaede and Wind Speed ​​Dog.

"It seems that you can't be kind, come out, beautiful flower, circle bear, Alidos, tyrannosaurus, ready to fight."

Sato Kaede saw the wind speed dog jumping into the wolf den with him, his face could not help showing a trace of helplessness, but there was no trace of fear. He immediately threw four pokeballs to release the main combat power in his hand. .

In Sato Kaede's view, this group of coyotes and great wolfhounds, which are not particularly high in level, are good targets for them to use for leveling today.


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