Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 490: : Grumpy Bear and Purifying Defilement


The white pillar of fire exuding the terrifying high temperature hit the circle bear from the front, and in a short time, no matter how good the circle bear's physical fitness was, he felt a heart-burning sensation at this time, and immediately let out a painful wailing.

Along with a heat wave spreading quickly to the surroundings, the white pillar of fire released from the wind speed dog's mouth quickly disappeared because of the exhaustion of energy, and the white flame that erupted from the body quickly extinguished.

Such an astonishing fire ability burst out in an instant, and the side effects of the overheating move were quickly manifested. For a while, the flame aura on the wind speed dog began to mostly weaken.

At this time, the circle bear that was still in front of the cave entrance had become an African, his hair had been completely burnt, and his skin had burned on a large scale, and a burst of barbecue aroma radiated from him.

However, even if the wind speed dog is overheated by a big fire trick, the ring bear has not fallen down yet, and it also aroused his fierceness. He got up from the ground with scarlet eyes and then ignored it. All charged towards the wind speed dog.

Perhaps it was the burn condition that triggered its own perseverance characteristics and the complete eruption of fierceness, the ring bear actually increased in momentum, and moved incredibly fast.

Such a fierce appearance looked like a severely burned patient, it was an enraged bear-shaped tyrannosaurus.

The monstrous ferocity erupted from the circle bear, making the weak-willed creatures within a hundred meters of the circle tremble on the ground. Even if it was not frightened, it felt that the chest was pressed by the boulder, and it was out of breath for a while. .

"Guerrilla tactics, don't go head-to-head with him."

Sato Kaede saw that the circle bear hadn't fallen down and was able to explode with such a powerful force, a glint in his eyes suddenly appeared. He did not recklessly let the wind speed dog step forward and immediately chose the most sensible way to command.

At the same time, Sato Kaede also released Alidos, and then ordered him to take him to climb to the nearest big tree nearby.

The ring bear's attack race value is as high as 120, and the attack power was originally astonishing. Now the burned state stimulates his perseverance characteristics, causing his attack power to increase again by 50%.

(Note: Perseverance characteristics. When being burned, paralyzed, poisoned, or sleeping, attack power is increased by 50%, and the burn attack halving effect is ignored.)

It can be said unceremoniously that the current output ability of the ring bear is at an explosive level, even if the super-physical dragon quasi-sacred beast is now going up to face him head-on.

Wind Speed ​​Dog is the only main elf Sato Kaede currently has on hand, unless Sato Kaede's brain is broken, otherwise he would not bear to let him fight with the circle bear who has completely lost his mind.

Although the ferocious circle bear is moving very fast at this time, it is still a sluggish existence compared to the wind speed dog who masters the speedy moves.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog completely obeyed Sato Kaede's command, and directly pulled away a long distance from the ring bear with his foot force, and then began to fly a kite against the ring bear with jet flames.


Ring Bear has been unable to beat the Wind Speed ​​Dog, and was frequently attacked by Wind Speed ​​Dog, and suddenly yelled with anger and had to vent everything in front of him.

"Rumble!!" A loud noise appeared.

For a time, the terrain around the cave was completely destroyed by the irrational circle bear. Whether it was rocks or trees, all were turned into fragments under his broad bear's paw.

But the circle bear in a state of serious injury, his temporary eruption state is obviously impossible to maintain for too long, and he is frequently attacked by the wind speed dog.

After about half an hour, accompanied by a painful wailing, the scorched and **** circle bear finally couldn't hold on, and fell into a big pit that he had made.

"It's such a ferocious giant bear. It can continue to toss for nearly half an hour after suffering such a serious injury. I really underestimated you just now. Go, Pokemon."

Seeing the ring bear finally fell, Sato Kaede immediately rode Alidos down from the tree, and then quickly approached the edge of the big hole, and then took out a black elf ball from his body and threw it at the fallen ring bear past.

Sato Kaede originally thought the strength of this 44-level lap bear was just good, but judging from the fact that the opponent was not overheated by the wind speed dog and could continue to toss for nearly half an hour, the strength of this lap bear Very powerful.

Moreover, the willpower of this circle bear is terribly tough. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be able to continue fighting frantically for nearly half an hour with a severely burned and injured body.

Combining these two points, Sato Kaede decided to subdue him. Even if the elf could not fight for him for a while, it would increase his burden. He did not regret making such a decision.

The circle bear information is as follows:

Elf: Circle Bear

Level: 44

Attribute: General

Characteristics: Perseverance

Sex: male

Carry props: none

HP qualification: 29 (31)

Attack qualification: 27 (31)

Defense qualification: 25 (31)

Special attack qualification: 26 (31)

Special defense qualification: 28 (31)

Speed ​​qualification: 30 (31)

Qualification evaluation: purple (individual total value is 165)

Level skills: (arm hammer, longing, grabbing, staring, tongue licking, fake cry, random grabbing, surprise blow, sweet fragrance, living in harmony, splitting, grimace)

Genetic skills: belly drum, sacrificing impact

Skills taught: destruction of death light, flame fist

Skill CD: None

"Boom~" sounded.

Sato Kaede's process of conquering the circle bear was very smooth. After the black elf ball shook on the ground for a few times, the flashing red light in the center button suddenly went out.

As soon as Sato Kaede accepted the ring bear, he immediately released him, then took out a few bottles of burn medicine and a large roll of medical bandage from his body, and then began to use these things to treat the ring bear.

Huanquan Xiong's current injuries are very serious, and he can't help but fall into a state of serious injury. Instead, he has suffered extensive burns all over his body. If he is not treated in time, he will most likely not survive tonight.

It took about twenty minutes, and Sato Kaede, sweating profusely, with the help of Wind Speed ​​Dog and Alidos, he finally used five bottles of burn medicine and two large rolls of medical bandages to apply and bandage the whole body of the ring bear.

"Huh~, it's always done, if only the beautiful flowers are there, there is no need to make it so tedious and laborious."

Looking at the circle of bears in front of him who were **** into zongzi with medical bandages, Sato Kaede wiped the sweat from his forehead, and couldn't help sighing the importance of the team doctor Meihua in the team.

Huanquan Xiong's physical fitness is very good. After receiving timely treatment, his vitality gradually stabilized, and after Sato Kaede instilled several healing potions, his vitality began to slowly increase.

Seeing that the circle bear's injury started to improve, Sato Kaede used a poke ball to put the circle bear away, and then took the wind speed dog to the cave where the circle bear lived.

A cave where a circled bear lives, and a cave where a single bear lives, the environment inside is obviously very bad.

The ground is full of all kinds of moldy and rotten fruits that hurt after a few bites, a large number of rotten bones, and a tuft or fresh large size ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ a mixed rotten fruit flavor, The stench of putrefaction, feces, and urine lingered in the cave. Sato Kaede and Fengshou Dog couldn't stand it within a few seconds after entering, and quickly escaped from it.

It's hard to imagine how this circle bear usually lives in such a foul-smelling environment and still looks very moisturized.

"Wind speed dog, use your flame to purify all these filth."

As soon as Sato Kaede escaped from the cave, he immediately shouted at the wind speed dog who was retching beside him.

Wind Speed ​​Dog did not hesitate, he immediately resisted the discomfort in his stomach, and then sprayed a white pillar of fire toward the cave in front of him.

In an instant, the cave where the circle bear lived suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and all the dirt inside was turned into ashes under the burning of the flame. 2k reading network

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