Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 477: : Black Heart and Sale

   Sato Kaede saw that the internal trading market near the early hours of the morning was still very lively, and he couldn't help showing such an expression on his face.

   In fact, when he left the temporary dormitory, he saw a lot of contestants coming here in twos and threes. I think these people have already weighed the difficulty and the pros and cons of this competition.

   Tonight is the final pre-match preparation. If you don’t hurry up and replace the things you don’t use with things that can help you increase your chances of winning this game, they probably won’t need them if they keep these things in their hands.

   It’s a pity that this game did not quit halfway through. The only way to quit the game is to be defeated by other opponents or be defeated by the elf on the mysterious island.

   Once Sato Kaede entered the internal trading market, the things he saw most were some stalls selling information and stalls selling maps of the mysterious island.

   Looking ahead, at least seven or eight of the ten stalls are either selling information or selling maps of mysterious islands.

   The market is capable of self-regulation. As long as there is demand, corresponding products will always appear on the market for sale soon.

   These Rockets veterans stationed on this Rockets base are all old fritters. They naturally know that the location of the second stage of the newcomer match is the mysterious island, and they also know the rules of the game.

   Therefore, some business-minded Rocket veterans started preparing for intelligence work and the drawing of accurate maps of the mysterious island early, and then wanted to borrow these things to earn huge profits from the participants such as Sato Kaede.

   Nowadays, for participants such as Kaede Sato who are about to enter the second stage of the newcomer competition on the mysterious island, the opponent's intelligence and an accurate map are really important.

   The former can greatly enable oneself to have a full understanding of the opponents he is facing, so as to prevent oneself from ignoring Tarzan to fight with those powerful contestants, and then increase the chance of oneself to pass the level.

  The latter can prevent one from getting dark on the mysterious island, greatly reducing the chance of straying into a dangerous place, and greatly improving the chance of survival.

   Therefore, in order to obtain these two things, Sato Kaede and a group of Rockets soldiers are accepting a group of Rockets veterans' extortion.

   However, it is Zhou Yu now beating Wang Gai.

   Seeing this situation, Sato Kaede took a deep breath, and then joined the feast of mermaid meat.

   However, when Sato Kaede really joined this feast of mermaid meat, he realized that he had met a real black-hearted businessman.

"Little brother, come and have a look. This book details the information of the participants. If you want, you can exchange it with items worth 5,000 merits, 10,000 points, or 200 million alliance coins. ..."

   Sato Kaede just passed by a booth selling information, and a fat Rocket member at the booth put a fat face on him, and then picked up a thick book to blow up to Sato Kaede.

   As for the information of other contestants, Sato Kaede is currently only limited to a roster with a rough introduction. Therefore, he is very interested in the introduction book of contestants recommended by the fat stall owner.

   Although the fat stall owner raised the selling price of the book to a very high level, it is still acceptable with his financial resources. Of course, he needs to conduct a simple inspection before buying it.

   And this inspection, Sato Kaede was a little dumbfounded, this thick player information introduction book, the content introduced on it is actually not as good as the roster in his hand.

   is not so much a book, it is a photo album, 80% of the content is filled with a large number of photos, as for the players' information is limited to basic information such as name, age, height and so on.

   Sato Kaede is naturally not interested in such a bizarre player profile introduction book. He immediately threw it to the fat stall owner, and then walked to the next stall selling player profile information.

   Sato Kaede walked around the bustling internal trading market. He was a little helpless to find that the information on the players sold by the intelligence dealers was actually very fragmentary.

   Most of them are inferior to the roster in his hands. At most, they can only give a general understanding of the basic information of other players. As for the most important players, the information on the elf is pitiful.

   So far, Sato Kaede has seen the most detailed player profile introduction book from a mysterious seller who is shrouded in black robe.

   But even so, this player information introduction book only introduces the basic information of the player and which elves he has in his hands. As for the detailed explanation of the player elves, nothing is mentioned.

   And the selling price of this player profile book has reached 500 million Union coins, which is no different from grabbing money.

   However, even if they know that these Rockets veterans are taking advantage of the fire, many contestants still choose to go bankrupt and buy these player information books.

   Some contestants are still very savvy. Although they are shy in their pockets, it is still possible for a few people to pool together and buy a copy. As for the subsequent distribution? These problems are not known.

   Sato Kaede is now very fortunate that he did not blackmail Nuogu but used the energy cube to honor the other party. The roster given to him by the other party is far stronger than the information of the players sold by the Rockets’ old dough sticks.

   For this, Sato Kaede can save at least several hundred million Union coins.

   Knowing the information of the opponent is so expensive, and the mysterious island map that can increase the chance of survival is naturally more expensive.

   Fortunately, unlike the rudimentary player profiles, the Rockets veterans here have a very good understanding of the terrain of the mysterious island. The maps they draw are much more detailed than the maps distributed during the conference.

   However, because each Rocket veteran explores the island in exactly the same area, and the exploration area is extremely limited, the map they draw is very precise and detailed, but it is only a small part of the mysterious island.

   Moreover, most of this small branch is only the outermost part of the mysterious island. As for the detailed map of a small part of the inner surrounding area of ​​the mysterious island, Sato Kaede only sees three points here.

And the detailed maps of the inner surrounding area of ​​these three-point mysterious islands, their value is naturally much higher than those of the outer maps. If you use alliance currency to settle, the lowest selling price needs 1 billion alliance currency, which is true. The lion opened his mouth.

   It's just that Sato Kaede met the real local tyrant at this time.

   Sakagi Tomomizu, the contestant with the hardest background in this competition, shocked the four people when he took it. Three detailed maps with a total value of 4 billion Union coins were bought by him.

   Regarding this, Sato Kaede can only express that the other party is truly inhuman. In the end, he bit his teeth and spent 300 million Union coins to buy a fairly detailed map of the eastern region of the mysterious island.

   After purchasing the map, Sato Kaede began to focus on some booths with various elf items. Compared with the player information and the detailed map of the mysterious island, he is now more concerned about the primary resurrection potion.

  Unfortunately, this kind of life-saving thing is also a life-saving thing for the Rockets veterans in this base~www.NovelMTL.com~Sato Kaede traveled through the market and found no one to sell it.

  In the end, Sato Kaede had to find a place with a good location, and then set up a stall by himself, and the item he sold was naturally the ancient giant fly of the quasi-kingdom level.

  In the logistics department, this ancient giant fly is worth 6000 merit points, but Sato Kaede knows that his value is much more than that.

Sato Kaede believes that as long as he sells this ancient giant fly, it will definitely attract the attention of many Rocket veterans here, and will be willing to pay a great price, even if it is a primary resurrection comparable to the second life. The potion will be exchanged.

   For any trainer, the powerful elf is the capital for them to stand and continue to grow stronger, especially for the Rockets veterans who are in crisis every day.

   Rocket veterans here, the elf in their hands is obviously much more likely to die than outside trainers.

   Once the powerful little elves that they have cultivated so hard in their hands are killed, even if they use the primary resurrection potion to recover a life, they will have a high probability of falling in the next battle.

   Therefore, no one of the Rockets veterans here dislikes the large number of powerful elves in their hands.



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