Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 470: : A lot of loot

This 51-level quasi-tianwang-level ancient giant fly had just been defeated, and the red-eyed fighting wild flying elves in the surrounding battle group suddenly became excited, the red light in their eyes quickly disappeared, and then they fled in panic.

   Seeing the enemy fleeing in a hurry, a group of Rocket veterans suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They did not choose to pursue them.

They first saluted Sato Kaede who defeated the ancient giant fly, and then quickly took out some black poke **** to subdue the defeated wild elves nearby, and then rushed to the battle group to support or treat the wounds. Soldiers.

Sato Kaede saw the movements of the veterans, and his eyes flickered. After hesitating, he immediately waited for the crossed bat and the wind speed dog to continue rushing to the direction of the ancient giant fly, and then took out a wizard ball to bring the ancient giant The fly conquered.

   Sato Kaede’s process of conquering the ancient giant fly, everyone around has no objection, after all, the ancient giant fly was defeated by Sato Kaede himself, and there was awe in their eyes except for envy.

  In terms of value, this quasi-King-level ancient giant fly is undoubtedly the highest among the most defeated wild elves around.

   Most of the wild flying elves that came this time were driven by some powerful elves. Only wild elves of the quasi-kingdom level like the ancient giant are the big fish.

Sato Kaede has seen it through the system's detection function. The aptitude of this ancient giant fly is not low, with an individual value of 16. A good price.

   But I want to, without the help of a trainer, this ancient giant fly can grow to this level in such a harsh natural environment, how can its qualifications be low.

   The vast majority of wild elves with low qualifications were eliminated by nature's law of survival when they were growing up.

  The ancient giant fly information is as follows:

   Little Elf: Ancient Giant Fly

   Level: 51

  Attribute: Insect flight

  Features: acceleration

   Gender: Male

   carry props: none

   HP qualification: 5 (31)

   Attack qualification: 9 (31)

   Defense qualification: 7 (31)

  Special Attack Qualification: 8 (31)

   Special defense qualification: 5 (31)

   Speed ​​qualification: 8 (31)

  Qualification evaluation: purple (the total value of individuals is 16)

Level Skills: (Insect Cry, Air Slash, Dark Attack, Insect Bite, Impact, See Through, Flash of Light, Shadow Clone, Sonic Boom, See Through, Ultrasonic Wave, Noisy, Chase, Primal Power, Fake Attack, Splitting, Piercing sound, rapid turning back,)

   Genetic skills: bloodsucking, secret power

   teach skills: hold, shadow ball, swallow return, rigid wing, destruction death light, ultimate impact

   Skill CD: None

   From the data alone, it is not difficult to see that this ancient giant fly is very powerful, has excellent aptitude, and has many skills.

  Especially the two powerful moves of Destruction Deadlight and Ultimate Impact in the skill column, their appearance is enough for this ancient giant to have a good understanding.

  The reason why wild elves are difficult to fight against human-trained elves is that human-trained elves generally master many moves with different attributes.

   The elf of the human trainer only needs a skill CD to get a glimpse of the way, while the wild elf generally requires a long process of stealing the teacher or self-understanding to master it, and the efficiency gap can be imagined.

   This ancient giant fly can comprehend the two powerful moves of destroying death and ultimate impact by stealing the teacher or comprehending by itself, and its talent and understanding is absolutely not bad.

   "This ancient giant fly is not only an acceleration characteristic, but also a quasi-kingdom level. It must have a good aptitude. I am really envious. What should I do? I really want it."

   Tian Yun'er, who wisely chose to withdraw from the battle again, saw Sato Kaede taking out the pokeball to take the ancient giant fly, her eyes could not help showing deep envy. At the same time, her small hands were clenched into fists, and a trace of struggle appeared on her face.

As a trainer specializing in flying elves, Tian Yun'er deeply understands the value of a quasi-King-level ancient giant with acceleration characteristics, which can be seen from the fierce power he has just shown in the melee. .

   If she can get it, Tian Yun'er believes that with a little training, this ancient giant fly of the insect flight system is an ace elf in the minds of civilian trainers.

   Of course, the premise is to make this ancient giant fly obey the command. Tian Yun'er has seen it just now. This ancient giant fly is very bloodthirsty and has an unruly personality.

   "Forget it, this kind of wild and bloodthirsty elf is the most difficult to tame, and it is not defeated by me personally. It is impossible to make him my combat effectiveness in a short time, but it is a pity."

   Seeing that Sato Kaede had successfully used the Elf Ball to conquer the ancient giant fly, Tian Yuner, who was hesitant, finally sighed and silently chose to give up.

   However, Tian Yun'er was still a little unwilling in her heart. Watching Sato Kaede take away the ancient giant fly, her heart was like a knife cut.

   After all, not everyone in the world has the ability to discriminate elf aptitude like Sato Kaede. Therefore, for most trainers, a good elf is hard to come by.

   As a trainer specializing in flying elves, Tian Yun'er is very eager to get this ancient giant fly whose aptitude and strength have been confirmed. For this, she is willing to pay a great price.

   It's just that the income that the ancient giant can generate at present is very small, which makes her hesitate. Of course, a large part of Sato Kaede is a shameless black-hearted businessman in her mind.

   Sato Kaede naturally didn't know what Tian Yun'er was thinking now. Even if he knew it, he would only smirk in his heart, and then wondered how to use this ancient giant fly to squeeze out the benefits from Tian Yun'er.

This quasi-king-level ancient giant fly is good, but it is like that in Sato Kaede's mind. He doesn't like this kind of fully formed elf, he prefers a low-level high-qualification elf. Cultivate step by step.

  Because of the elves cultivated in this way, in terms of plasticity, late-stage strength or loyalty, these elves are far higher than these already formed elves.

  Especially loyalty, Sato Kaede attaches great importance to this point, which is also an important reason why he did not play with Abokai this time.

After Sato Kaede conquered the Ancient Giant Fly, he continued to join other battlegroups with the crossed bats and wind speed dogs. This was not only to train the elf, but also to reap more benefits~www.NovelMTL.com~ After more than ten minutes, this melee was finally over. The Rockets successfully repelled the small group of wild elf attacks at night, and the devastated Rockets base finally returned to calm again.

  On the battlefield, only the real strong can gain the respect of everyone. Sato Kaede can single-handedly defeat a powerful elf of the quasi-kingdom level, and his strength is naturally to gain the respect of everyone around him.

   On the battlefield, most of the Rockets veterans who have fought side by side are also bold and straightforward people. Some veterans who have received Sato Kaede’s help have given him part of their battlefield gains.

  The harvest of these battlefields is naturally some wild elves conquered on the battlefield. Every Rocket veteran gave Sato Kaede at least two pixie balls.

   For a time, a black package in Sato Kaede's hand was filled with a large number of shrinking Poke Balls. He roughly estimated that there were at least two hundred Poke Balls in this package.

   More than two hundred elves were harvested at once, and Sato Kaede felt like she was dreaming.

   However, he quickly reacted. After all, he had just participated in a battle of a beast plague, and coupled with his good strength, it is not surprising to have this gain.

   In fact, if it weren't for the limited number of Poke Balls in his hand, he would be able to gain even more in this melee.

   Sato Kaede has learned from the veterans around him who have been very good at him, that these little elves who have subdued in this battle are real merits, and whether his level can be promoted in the future depends on them.

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