Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 461: : Assembly and start

After Miya told Sato Kaede all the information she had about superpowers, she found a reason at will, and then quickly left the cafe.

Sato Kaede continued in the quiet cafe, where he read the super power books left by Miya for about half an hour, then he put a 500 yuan alliance banknote on the table, and then left. coffee shop.

   Then, Sato Kaede ate a sumptuous supper with a group of elves, and after a simple wash, he fell asleep drowsily on the bed.

   No words for a night.

At noon the next day, Sato Kaede walked out of a private bank in the center of Honglian Town. He released the fork bats as soon as he came out, and then let the fork bats fly high into the sky to the east of Honglian Town. Flew quickly in the direction of.

   Sato Kaede’s purpose in going to the bank is very simple, that is, to store a backpack with a large amount of valuables in the bank, and let the bank temporarily keep these valuables for him.

   As for why he chose to entrust the bank to keep his valuables, the reason is very simple. Sato Kaede just doesn't trust the Rockets' custody credit.

   When I got up in the morning, Sato Kaede received the assembly message from the Rockets watch, which meant that he should dare to go to the third uninhabited island in the east of the island where Red Lotus Town is located before 5 pm.

That is to say, after five o’clock in the afternoon, the second phase of the rookie match will be announced. According to the rules, Sato Kaede must leave other things on his body to the organization for safekeeping except for a few items. .

   Therefore, in order to be the safest not to reveal his secrets, Sato Kaede had to entrust the bank for safekeeping.

   You need to know that now he has stored in the large-capacity backpack in the bank, which contains a lot of valuable things.

   For example, the two priceless skill CDs that Dr. Oki gave him, the large number of shareholder treasures looted from the sea snake gang, Haiduo and others, and the key stone that has just arrived.

   Although it is said that the heart of harm is not allowed, but the heart of defense is indispensable. If these things are seen by some people in the Rockets, there is no guarantee that the other party will not get money.

   If these valuable things are lost, Sato Kaede will feel distressed. These belongings are important capital for his future rise.

Nowadays, Sato Kaede’s space equipment has the exception of the mutated top-quality fire stone that allowed Katie to evolve, the three suits made of special fabrics, the pair of high-tech running shoes, and the high-tech sleeping bag. These are just some worthless daily necessities.

   Yes, even though I worked hard all morning, the Katie Dog's level still remained very firmly above level 42. I have to say that this is something that Sato Kaede feels more regrettable.

No way, after level 40, the combat experience required for each level of the elf is very huge, and it is no longer as fast as it was at level 20 or 30. Sato Kaede had to choose to let Katie Dog complete it on that dangerous mysterious island. evolution.

   It is a little bit past four in the afternoon. Sato Kaede can say that it is a little early to set off, but his style of doing things has always been cautious, and he passed earlier to prevent certain special circumstances.

   With the help of cross-character bats, Sato Kaede arrived at the scheduled meeting place half an hour in advance.

At this time, some people have gathered on the beach of the uninhabited island. Judging from the fact that they are also wearing Rockets watches, these people in all kinds of plain clothes are the rockets who participated in the second stage of the newcomer competition like Sato Kaede. Team member.

   However, most of these Rocket members obviously don't know each other. Now, with the relationship of competitors, most of the Rocket members here are keeping a certain distance and guarding each other.

   Sato Kaede's arrival soon attracted the attention of the Rockets members on the beach. For a time, a group of strongly hostile eyes gathered on Sato Kaede.

   Feeling the strong hostility that the Rockets members on the beach suddenly showed unanimously to the outside world, Sato Kaede can't help but feel cold at this moment even if his psychological quality is firm.

   In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, Sato Kaede immediately raised his right hand, revealing the Rockets watch on his wrist.

   Now, the Rockets on the beach who were paying close attention to Sato Kaede narrowed their hostile gazes, and commanded the elves around them to stay calm, and then continue to guard each other.

   The beach is very large. Sato Kaede randomly finds a coconut tree to provide shade, and then takes out a small wooden chair from the space bag to sit down under the shade of the tree.

   Immediately afterwards, he pretended to take out a fashion magazine and read it. In fact, he was secretly amassing these nearby colleagues.

   It is a pity that the people here currently do not have Miya and the people he knows.

   In fact, after Sato Kaede got the news in the morning, he asked about Miya's situation through the communicator, but the result was that the other party also received the information of the gathering, but the time and place of the gathering of the two were not at all right.

   But Sato Kaede thinks a little bit in his heart to know the reason for this. According to Miya, an ally who provided the gossip behind it, there were 1,521 people who passed the first stage of the rookie match this time.

   With such a large number of people, it would be too eye-catching if they were all gathered together. If Sato Kaede didn't guess wrong, the top of the Rockets are preparing to bring 1,521 contestants to the mysterious island in batches.

  Miya’s batch of gathering time was two hours earlier than Sato Kaede, and now the other party is estimated to be far above the sea, which is unknown many nautical miles away.

   As time approached the agreed time of gathering, more and more people gathered on the beach. Among the Rockets who came later, Sato Kaede unexpectedly found an acquaintance.

This acquaintance is Tian Yuner who joined the Rockets in the same session as Sato Kaede. Sato Kaede has had several encounters with this female Rocket member who is an introductory artist~www.NovelMTL.com~ So my impression of her It is more profound.

   The opponent came to the island with a well-developed water arrow turtle. Sato Kaede learned that the level of this water arrow turtle is as high as 39 through the system's detection ability, and there are many skills on the skill disc bar.

If Sato Kaede is correct, Tian Yuner, as the first person to tame the elf in that session, the elf egg she got from the Yusanjia should be the Jenny Turtle elf egg, which is now the individual value of 157. Purple aptitude water arrow turtle.

   The Rockets have always been disciplined, saying that they will gather at five o'clock in the afternoon, so it must not be groundless.

   Sure enough, when the time of the Rockets watch in the hands of everyone on the beach reached five o'clock at the same time, a Rockets member wearing a Rockets elite uniform flew down from a high altitude on a eagle.

This sudden emergence of the Rockets elite member is obviously a powerful trainer at the level of the quasi-king. The 52-level **** Junbi under him exudes a powerful aura, which makes many Rocket members on the beach interesting. calm down.

   "I won't give more introductions, you just need to remember to keep up with me, recruits."

   The male Rockets elite with a pair of windshield glasses on his face is obviously a person of cold personality. After he dropped these words, he immediately directed Bi Diao under him to fly to the east.

   In the blink of an eye, the opponent flew for a long distance on the bird, leaving behind a group of Rocket recruits looking at each other on the beach.

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