Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 456: : Super Awakening

Under the enthusiasm of the waiter and the look of the fool, Sato Kaede readily delivered 50 million Union coins by swiping his card, and then obtained this medicine from the waiter that could open the door to a new world for ordinary people.

After    Sato Kaede got the awakening potion, he no longer chose to stay in this room. He quickly left the room, and then left the top of the cruise ship with the help of the waiter who had led the way.

   Afterwards, Sato Kaede, who came to the deck, did not wait for the cruise ship to return to the port terminal in Red Lotus Town. He directly released the cross-shaped bats and let the cross-shaped bats take him to the direction of Red Lotus Town.

   In fact, the cruise ship stopped on the sea a few nautical miles from the port terminal of Honglian Town, so Kaede Sato, with the help of a fork bat, quickly returned to Honglian Town.

   Sato Kaede’s first thing to do when returning to Red Lotus Town is not to quickly recruit a safe place to take the Awakening Potion, but to find out where the best clothing store in Red Lotus Town is.

   He has received the message through the mission communicator, and the Rockets will gather them through the first stage of the rookie match in the afternoon at the latest.

   Therefore, Sato Kaede must seize the time to find a good tailor, and then ask the other party to use the special fabric that he just bought at a high price to create three satisfactory outfits.

This matter did not take long. After paying the production fee of 1 million Union coins, Sato Kaede quickly came out of a high-end clothing store in the center of Honglian Town. The owner of this store promised to pay the next morning. goods.

   After Sato Kaede finalized the clothes, he went to a high-end hotel in the city center and opened a room for two days in it.

   Although the system identified the awakening potion without any side effects, to be on the safe side, Sato Kaede still kept the giant marsh monster and cross-character bat in the room, and then took the awakening potion from the space bag and drank it.

   The smell of this transparent night medicine is just like boiled water, it doesn't taste at all.

   Ten seconds have passed, one minute has passed, and ten minutes have passed, but the effect of the medicine seems to be so slow that Sato Kaede doesn't feel it at all.

   "It's not really just boiled water, even if it fails, there should be some reaction. Eleven minutes have passed, why there is no reaction at all."

   Sato Kaede looked suspiciously at the already empty glass potion bottle, and thought.

When he first started drinking, he was quite excited and anxious, but now that a long time has passed, he has not seen any reaction. If he had not tested the medicine again with him before, he thought he had just drank the fake medicine. .

   More than ten minutes passed, Sato Kaede saw that he hadn't had any abnormal reaction, and he suddenly smiled bitterly. He estimated that he should be out of luck and had the chance of failing the medicine.

   Otherwise, half an hour has passed since the time to drink the medicine. If it succeeds, everything should work, and now there is no change from the beginning to the end, then the result should be cold.

"Maybe the non-side effects mentioned in the pharmacy information means nothing at all, alas~, that is, 50 million alliance coins are just dipped in the water. If they fail, they fail. However, why do I feel a little pain in my heart? , I'm so disappointed, I expected it so much."

   After so long, there was no reaction at all. Sato Kaede knew that he should have failed, and his expression became very frustrated. After he sighed, he got up from his chair.

   It's just that Sato Kaede just got up from the chair, he suddenly found that the scene in front of him began to be weirdly distorted, and then, a heart-shaped tear broke out in his mind.

   However, Sato Kaede's willpower is still very amazing. He did not call out, nor did he fall to the ground in darkness because of severe pain. He put his hands on the table, gritted his teeth and held it tightly.

   For a while, Sato Kaede's entire face was distorted with pain and became very hideous. A pair of eyes of the assassin were horribly bright, and a faint blue light appeared in his eyes.

   At the same time, his heart's mentality began to accelerate, and Sato Kaede felt like he had ran a few kilometers with all his strength, and his whole heart was about to explode uncomfortably.

   After a while, Sato Kaede flushed, his whole body was sweating profusely, and all of them were soaked.

   Time passed, and in the end, Sato Kaede didn't know how long he had been in such terrible pain. He only knew that he was very tired and might fall down at any time.

   Suddenly, darkness came, Sato Kaede's consciousness quickly disappeared, and then the whole person collapsed on the wet ground at this time.

   When Sato Kaede regained consciousness, he found that he was already lying on the soft bed, and there was already a lot of outside at this time. The sunlight stubbornly shot the light into the room through the white gauze curtain.



   Seeing Sato Kaede wake up, the giant marsh monsters and cross-character bats who have been guarding the bedside suddenly shouted in surprise, and quickly moved forward, looking nervously at the trainer who suddenly fell to the ground yesterday.

   "It's already eight o'clock in the morning, and it seems that I couldn't bear it in the end. It was the pain that passed out. In the end, the giant marsh monsters put me on the bed."

   Sato Kaede turned his head with difficulty and looked at the time of the old alarm clock hanging in the room, and he knew what happened to him after last night.

   "You really worked hard last night, don't worry, I'm fine, cough cough cough~"

   Afterwards, Sato Kaede touched the giant marsh monster and cross-character bat nervously in front of him with some difficulty, and comforted with a hoarse voice.

   With this speech, he felt that his throat was dry, and a strong cough suddenly appeared.

   With the gentle support of the giant marsh monster, Sato Kaede, feeling weak, got out of the bed. He picked up a quick glass cup on the table with difficulty, and then came to the water dispenser.

   After drinking eight cups of water in a row and causing his stomach to be supported by the water, Sato Kaede felt his throat moistened again. At the same time, he felt that he was alive again, and his body functions began to gradually recover under the nourishment of the water.

   "Am I a success or a failure? It seems that nothing has changed."

   In the bathroom, Sato Kaede was naked and allowed the huge shower above his head to sprinkle hot water on him. He wiped off the water vapor on the mirror in front of him with his hand, and then stared at himself in the mirror in a daze.

After the physical function recovered some, Sato Kaede began to carefully check his changes, because he knew that he must have been hit by the 20% success rate of the Awakening Potion last night~www.NovelMTL.com~ Now he is already a man. Superpowers.

   It's just that, until he couldn't bear the smell of his body and took a bath in the bathroom, he didn't notice any obvious change in himself.

  Yes, Sato Kaede felt that his spirit was much better than before and found that his eyes were much brighter than before. So far, he has not found any sign that he has become a superpower.

He couldn't even bend the soup spoon, the simplest and most direct proof that he was a superpower. If it weren't for a bleak blue light of thought power appeared on the spoon, Sato Kaede would have doubted whether he was real. The successful awakening of becoming a superpower.

   Sato Kaede stared at a very small spoon in his hand, until his eyes were bloodshot, almost turning into cross-eyed eyes, and the spoon in his hand was still not moving at all.

   "Maybe my super talent is too bad, forget it, find an opportunity to ask Miya, you still have to find an expert to verify this kind of thing."

   Seeing this extremely embarrassing situation, Sato Kaede couldn't help but choose to give up, his opponent's super small spoon full of resentment.

   Although this situation is expected, but when he really wants to face it, he still has the fluke that he will awaken to become a talented superpower.

   But the cruel reality tells him that he is not the protagonist that Na Zi is beloved by the world, he is just an ordinary person who relies on external forces to awaken superpowers.

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