Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 454: : High-tech armor

Compared with a wide variety of high-tech weapons, the high-tech armors placed in the room are relatively rare, with only a few dozen pieces.

   It’s no wonder that the general black market is all kinds of desperadoes, and they don’t know which day they will die. Naturally, it is more cost-effective to pursue powerful weapons.

   Sato Kaede just stood for a short while, and several mysterious buyers who also wore golden masks spent a lot of money to buy several powerful high-tech weapons.

   Among them, the Vulcan bomb is the most popular money bomb, and many mysterious buyers have bought seven or eight.

   Sato Kaede estimated that these people will either go to other people desperately in the near future or prepare to make more money with them, otherwise, they won't be so willing to buy this money-burning thing.

   Although somewhat helpless, Sato Kaede found that he was not a local tyrant in this room at all. With his current wealth, he was able to buy at most a few high-tech weapons.

   Fortunately, the main purpose of Sato Kaede's visit this time was not to buy a weapon with great lethality. He was only here to find some armors that would improve his survivability in the wild.

   In fact, no matter which world you are in, the development of weapons is always faster than that of armor. Compared with the various high-tech weapons with good price/performance ratio, the high-tech armor here is a bit bleak.

   Because Sato Kaede discovered that none of the high-tech armors placed here can withstand any high-tech weapons here, that is to say, the spears placed here can easily pierce the shields placed here.

   But perhaps because of this, even black-hearted black market merchants dare not push the price of high-tech armor here to a price that no one cares about.

   The average price of high-tech armor here is only one-fifth of the price of high-tech weapons here. In this outrageous high-tech product store with various commodity prices, the relatively low-priced high-tech armor stands out from the crowd.

Sato Kaede walked around a glass cabinet with high-tech armors. He remembered the general functions of the few dozen high-tech armors here. After careful consideration, he I got the high-tech armor I want to buy.

   The first type of high-tech armor that needs to be purchased is a special fabric. According to the instructions, Sato Kaede learned that this fabric is made of various powerful elves’ hair fibers.

This kind of fabric has many advantages such as light material, good elasticity, strong air permeability, convenient washing, easy drying, abrasion resistance, heat resistance, warmth retention, and excellent electrical resistance. The most important thing is that its defense force is enough to make people rest assured.

   Sato Kaede through the introduction video placed in the glass cabinet, he can clearly see that this fabric can resist the attacks of many elves.

   At least when faced with low-powered elf moves such as flying blades, poisonous needles, electric shocks, etc., it has no problem resisting several times.

   Obviously, clothes made of this kind of fabric are among the top defensive suits in the elf world. Sato Kaede wears clothes made of this kind of fabric, and his survivability in the wild can be improved by at least 20%.

   Of course, it is precisely because of the many benefits of this kind of fabric that it is very expensive. It costs 5 million Union coins per square meter. If you calculate the standard size of a piece of cloth, this kind of cloth needs 91 million Union coins per piece.

   (Note: The logo size of a piece of cloth is about 13 meters long and 14 meters wide.)

   Sato Kaede naturally didn't plan to buy so many pieces of cloth. According to the standard, one piece of cloth can make 6 sets of clothes. He only needs three sets of these clothes as a rotation.

   Therefore, Sato Kaede only needs to buy half of this special fabric. In this way, he has spent 40.5 million Union coins at once.

   After swiping the card to confirm the payment, Sato Kaede obtained this half of the cloth from the young and beautiful waitress.

  The black market merchants are still very dark. They only sell cloth, not the follow-up clothing service. If Sato Kaede wants to get new clothing as soon as possible, he must spend a lot of money to hire an excellent tailor to make it.

   The next thing Sato Kaede wants to buy is a pair of running shoes. This pair of running shoes has a plain-looking function. He and Sato Kaede have similar running shoes from his father Chiri.

  According to the instructions, this pair of running shoes has the advantages of wear resistance, sturdiness, breathability, waterproof, fireproof, shockproof, etc., and the bottom of the shoe is equipped with a miniature anti-gravity device and various acceleration high-tech tools.

   To put it simply, even an ordinary person who is old and frail can run as fast as he can wear it, and even Bolt who runs at full capacity can easily surpass it.

In addition to greatly increasing the speed of movement, it can also allow the wearer to float for a short time. That is to say, even if the wearer accidentally falls from a height, as long as the foot is down, the wearer can easily move from height. Land everywhere, don’t worry about falling to death.

   Another point is that these running shoes can instantly increase the wearer’s leg strength.

  The wearer only needs to twist the switch on the shoe, and cooperate with the shock absorber installed in the shoe, it can easily kick off a tree with one foot and ensure that there is nothing wrong with the leg.

   In general, this feature is similar to the high-tech shoes in a certain Grim Reaper elementary school animation, allowing the wearer to instantly acquire the Vajrayana skill.

   Although this pair of multi-functional running shoes was priced at 30 million Union coins, Sato Kaede almost swiped his card to pay for it without thinking about it. When encountering force majeure enemies, it is important to run fast.

   Especially when you are in a team, as long as you run faster than others, your chances of survival are greatly improved.

   After Sato Kaede bought running shoes, he went to an ordinary sleeping bag, which is the last high-tech armor he needs to buy here.

The most prominent function of this sleeping bag is to camouflage~www.NovelMTL.com~ Its surface is made of a special optical material, as long as it is placed anywhere, it will automatically change color like a chameleon, and then The surrounding environment blends into one.

   In order to maximize its camouflage function, the scientists also added the function of automatic filtering and blocking the smell to this sleeping bag. As long as people hide in it, even the elves with a sensitive sense of smell can hardly find the person in the sleeping bag.

   There is no doubt that as long as Sato Kaede has this sleeping bag, even if there is no elf by his side to watch the night, he can basically sleep peacefully with peace of mind.

   In a crisis-ridden environment, this sleeping bag that can provide a stable sleep is undoubtedly very useful. After all, if you can't sleep with fear every day and night, even if you are not defeated by the enemy, you will quickly collapse yourself.

   The technology content of this sleeping bag is obviously higher than that of special fabrics and running shoes, and the price is as high as 50 million Union Coins. However, Sato Kaede still did not hesitate too much, so he swiped and bought it very quickly.

After Sato Kaede bought three expensive high-tech armors, he felt a pain in his wallet. The three high-tech armors totaled 1.2 billion Union coins. Now his wallet has fallen to the edge of 200 million Union coins. Up.

   However, Sato Kaede just wanted to take a step. He looked back at a nearby glass cabinet that was barely interested in. After a glance, the steps he had just taken came down again.

   At this time, Sato Kaede was staring at something in the glass cabinet, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

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