Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 437: : A dream demon with full control

There must be many people who are curious about whether ghost elves lay elves eggs.

In fact, since ghost elves are a kind of elves, in this world, they also have gender distinctions, so naturally they can lay eggs.

As for how ghost elves give birth to elven eggs, this question has always been a mystery, and it is still a headache for countless elves scholars in the academic world.

Now, what is placed in front of Sato Kaede is a ghost egg of a ghost elf. This is a ghost egg of a dream monster. Its surface is as dark as ink, and there is a layer of black mist around it, which looks very mysterious.

Sato Kaede has a lot of good feelings for the ghost elves like the Meng Yao, the reason is very simple, the Meng Yao clan can be regarded as a good ghost clan among all the ghost elves.

In addition to scaring people to collect fear energy, dream monsters rarely take the initiative to harm other creatures. Their food is actually the fear of the creatures.

Sometimes, the Dream Demon will rescue those creatures who have been hypnotized by other ghost-type elves and are unable to extricate themselves from the illusion, at the cost of being scared to death by them in the illusion.

Which one is more terrible, scared to death or sucked out of life energy? There is no doubt that it is definitely the latter. Therefore, although many creatures hate the pranks of dream monsters, they rarely hate them.

Of course, if you think about it in a different way, the dream monsters are not helping the creatures, but helping themselves. They are actually very smart ghost elves, and they even have the importance of raising pigs.

Sato Kaede has a more in-depth understanding of the ghost elves like Meng Yao through The Book of Evil Ghosts.

Meng Yao is a natural hypnosis master. Although they do not have hypnotism in their moves, in fact, hypnotism has been integrated into their bones or souls. They can use them anytime, anywhere without being aware of it. Being hypnotized.

Through hypnosis, the dream demon can create all kinds of false and real illusions. The powerful dream demon can even add all kinds of false memories to the creatures without consciousness through the illusion.

In addition to creating the environment, the dream monsters can freely shuttle through the dreams of creatures. Although they cannot dominate the dreams, they can add fear to the dreams, thereby turning the dreams of creatures into terrible nightmares.

Whether it is to create illusions or travel through living dreams to create nightmares, the purpose of dream monsters is actually very simple. They just want to use these methods to cause living things to fall into fear, and then continuously create fear (food) for them.

Sato Kaede learned through the "Book of Evil Ghosts" that the dream monster's ability to hypnotize, create illusions, and travel through life dreams to create nightmares are deeply related to the fear energy in their bodies.

In general, the more fear energy accumulated in the dream monster, the stronger these abilities in them.

Yes, the use of these abilities of the Dream Demon is not without cost. Every time the Dream Demon uses these abilities, it consumes a certain amount of fear energy in the body.

Therefore, it is costly for the Dream Demon to scare people. If they can't scare people and collect enough fear energy, they will not only go hungry, but they will also lose money.

According to the introduction of "The Book of Evil Ghosts", the dream demon's ability to hypnotize, create illusions, and wear and create nightmares are divided into levels.

The hypnotic ability of Meng Yao is divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced.

The elementary hypnotic ability can only hypnotize one or two people alone, the intermediate hypnotic ability can hypnotize five people at the same time, and the more powerful advanced hypnotic ability can form a similar domain-like effect.

(Note: The success rate of the dream demon hypnosis is related to the fear energy consumed in the body and the will of the creature itself. The more fear energy consumed, the greater the success rate, and the stronger the willpower of the creature, the lower the success rate.)

The dream monster's ability to create illusions is also divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate and high-priced.

The primary fantasy creation ability can probably only be used on a hypnotized creature alone, and the duration is generally very short, about a few minutes.

The primary illusion creation ability can generally only create some scary things. It is impossible to induce the deepest level of fear in the memory of the hypnotized person.

However, once the dream demon's fantasy manufacturing ability reaches the intermediate level, the dream demon's fantasy manufacturing ability will usher in a completely reborn change.

At this time, they can more easily induce the fear in the inner memory of the hypnotized person, and the duration is greatly increased.

As for the advanced illusion creation ability, it is even more remarkable. Once the dream demon trains their illusion creation ability to a high level, they can add false memories in the mind of the hypnotized.

The dream monster’s nightmare manufacturing ability is also divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate and advanced.

The ability of the primary nightmare creation can probably make the dream monster stay in the creature's dream for about ten minutes. At this time, they can use the fear energy to pollute the creature's dream, and then turn the dream into a nightmare.

However, the dream monsters with this level of nightmare manufacturing ability only pollute a small part of the dream world, and cannot completely transform the dream into a nightmare, and cannot control the direction of the nightmare.

The ability of intermediate nightmare creation can extend the time that the dream monster stays in the creature’s dream to one hour. At this time, they have the ability to completely transform the creature’s dream into a nightmare, and can also create a variety of terrible dreams in the nightmare biological.

Once the dream demon's nightmare making ability reaches a high level, they have the ability to stay in the dreams of creatures for a long time. As long as they are willing and pay a sufficient price, they can even stay in the dreams.

Dream demon with advanced nightmare making ability can permanently trap the consciousness of the creature in the dream, unless there is external intervention or the creature can break the nightmare by its own strength.

Otherwise, the creatures won't be able to wake up for the rest of their lives, and they will live in the nightmare woven by the dream demon for the rest of their lives until the brain dies.

Yes, the power of the Dream Demon actually does not lie in how many powerful moves they have mastered and how physical they possess, but their power lies in their own development level of these three abilities.

Hypnosis, illusion making and nightmare making are these three abilities. As long as the dream demon has one of the abilities to train to a high level, then they will become terrifying ghost elves.

Especially the dream monsters with advanced illusion creation ability~www.NovelMTL.com~ they will definitely be the nightmare of any creature.

Sato Kaede already has some elves in his hand. The attacker has giant marsh monsters, cross-shaped bats, and Abo monsters. The healer has beautiful flowers and big milk tanks. The investigators have cross-shaped bats and Katy dogs. .

A qualified trainer, attacker, scout, defensive, healer and controller, these five types of elves are indispensable. In the field battle, lack of any of them may become a fatal weakness. .

At present, Sato Kaede is still short of the two types of elf, control hand and defense hand.

In fact, Sato Kaede can barely say that there are defensive fighters, such as a variety monster, and a giant marsh monster with both offense and defense.

Therefore, Sato Kaede currently lacks the elf who can act as a control hand, and the Mengyou who can control almost his whole body even if he does not rely on moves is undoubtedly a very good control hand.

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