Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 435: : Union Spy and Ghost Museum

About twenty minutes later, the middle-aged man in front of Sato Kaede who had been silent for a long time finally stopped. With the help of the eternal lamp placed on the wall of the secret road, he saw that there was no road ahead, it was just a dark block. wall.

   Seeing this situation, Sato Kaede secretly placed his finger on the poke ball containing the giant marsh monster in his hand, and fixed his eyes on the stopped middle-aged man in front.

   As long as the middle-aged man has any rash actions, he will release the giant marsh monster without hesitation, and then blast the opponent with a hammer. In this narrow terrain, the giant marsh monster is almost invincible.

   Although the middle-aged man’s ability to approach him silently before was terrifying, the threat of the opponent is now greatly reduced when exposed to him, and Sato Kaede is confident that he can compete head-on with the opponent.

Moreover, the giant marsh monster also has the attributes of the ground system. With his excellent ground system energy manipulation ability, he shuttles in the ground and water is almost the same. Only with him, Sato Kaede is not worried at all. I will be buried alive in the ground.

   This kind of secluded and narrow underground space is undoubtedly a good place to kill people and make more money. This is a place that is not regulated by the law, and any identity will become worthless. Here, only fists are useful.

Perhaps he felt the threat from Sato Kaede. After the middle-aged man paused for a while, he stood up again. He walked to the wall at the end of the secret road, and then pressed **** a certain place on the wall. a bit.

   In the next second, the part of the wall pressed by the middle-aged man suddenly sank, and then, the sound of the activation of the mechanism began to echo in the secret passage.

   Then, under Sato Kaede's thoughtful gaze, the wall at the end of the secret tunnel began to split in half, and then slowly opened, and then, a basement lit with incandescent lamps appeared in Sato Kaede's eyes.

   At the same time, a strong smell of blood emanated from it, which immediately made Sato Kaede's eyes, who were not comfortable with the sudden glare, narrowed, and the pupils in his eyes shrank into pinpoints.

   "Please, guest, all my best products are here."

   The middle-aged man turned around at this time, he showed a penetrating pale smile at Sato Kaede, and then made a gesture of inviting him to pass.

   However, when the middle-aged man saw that Sato Kaede did not intend to move at all, or that Sato Kaede did not want to stand in front of him, he suppressed his smile, and then Sato Kaede stepped into the basement.

   Sato Kaede saw this, his eyes flickered, and the thoughts flashed in his heart. After his eyes gradually adjusted to the bright light, he stepped up to follow the middle-aged man in front of him.

   For the middle-aged man, Kaede Sato is a very troublesome guest. Although Kaede Sato brought a letter of introduction from the Rockets’ old customer, Kaede Sato himself still has a distrustful attitude towards Kaedo Sato.

  The reason is very simple. The middle-aged man who has dealt with the league trainers countless times, he smelled from Sato Kaede a trace of the "smelling" of those league trainers who claim to be righteous and kind.

   However, Sato Kaede's calmness, cruelty, and sophistication since entering the house and following him into the secret road have made the middle-aged man wonder about Sato Kaede's identity as an alliance undercover.

   Just now, the middle-aged man stopped deliberately. He immediately felt a killing intent from Sato Kaede who was ready to provoke murder, and he also felt a strong sense of lethality.

   At this time, Sato Kaede is no different from the desperadoes he usually comes into contact with. This is completely a style unique to people in the gray world or the dark world, and only believes in his own fists at the critical moment.

   Will those alliance trainers who claim to be righteous and kind-hearted be desperadoes?

   In the eyes of the middle-aged man, this question is always negative. These noble-born alliance trainers would never do anything that desperadoes would do.

  Because they were born, their parents had arranged everything that desperadoes needed to exchange for their lives, so there was no need to risk their lives.

   Could it be the lackey of the Alliance? This question flashed across the middle-aged man's heart. In the end, he didn't continue to think about it. Whether Sato Kaede or not, this question is no longer important.

  The important thing is that Sato Kaede now has the strength that threatens his life, and this is enough.

  When the strength is almost equal, the identity between the two parties is not so important, because it is difficult to say who is the prey and who is the hunter.

   The middle-aged man has no grudges with Sato Kaede. If Sato Kaede showed any weakness along the way just now, he would definitely not hesitate to let Geng Ghost kill others.

   As for the weak alliance lackeys, the middle-aged men who have been "persecuted" by the alliance all year round absolutely kill one by one, and there is no discussion.

   Although Sato Kaede kept a good distance from his shadow along the way, his Geng ghost was almost ubiquitous in this dark environment, and it was not difficult for him to kill Sato Kaede.

   It’s just that Sato Kaede was unusually tough just now, which made the middle-aged man suddenly have a premonition that makes him feel ridiculous. If he chooses to shoot, Sato Kaede may not die, but he will definitely die.

   Therefore, the middle-aged man gave up in his heart and continued to explore whether Sato Kaede is an alliance undercover or a running dog, which is a temporarily untimely question.

   Since he is a strong one, he is eligible for trading. This is one of the eternal rules of the gray world and the dark world.

   After Sato Kaede entered the basement, he was introduced to a place similar to an art museum. Of course, compared to the precious cultural relics in the art museum, the collection here is a variety of ghost elves.

   Nowadays, these elves, who are terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people, are now imprisoned in a sealed glass box like a real work of art.

   Looking around, the number of ghost elves in this basement of the middle-aged man is at least over a hundred. Except for the ghost beasts and alien beasts, there are all kinds of ghost elves here.

And from the information obtained by Sato Kaede using the system detection function, the qualifications of each ghost elf in this basement are not low, and the average is within the range of purple qualifications~www.NovelMTL.com~Here, Sato Kaede I also saw several ghost elves with golden qualifications

   There is no doubt that the middle-aged man is an excellent elf hunter who specializes in hunting ghost elves, and he is also an elf hunter who masters certain methods of restraining ghost elves.

   The ghost elves in the basement are the same as the ghost elves in the ghostly haunted house, except that they can move their eyes, they are like real "artwork", staying quietly in the glass box.

"Welcome to my museum, don't you think it is spectacular. The ghost elves here are all fine goods. Many of them were only caught in the land of the violent. I almost left my life there... ..."

   The middle-aged man obviously has some mental problems. After he entered the underground museum, his whole person began to become extremely excited, and he instantly changed from a taciturn person to a big talker.

   He is showing off to Sato Kaede. It seems that every ghost elf in the collection here is his beloved treasure, and he fanatically introduced the origin of each ghost elf here to Sato Kaede.

   "This guy is crazy, how much he loves ghost elves, he has reached the level of abnormality, Kondojo is really unreliable, who has introduced me to this."

   Looking at the middle-aged man who suddenly changed his personality in front of him, Sato Kaede was on the surface as usual, quietly quietly listening to the caring audience of the middle-aged man, but in his heart he scolded Kondojo more than ten or twenty times.

   According to the middle-aged man who is obsessed with ghost elves, it is hard to say whether the other party will actually sell him the ghost elves.

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