Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 428: : Yewang and Red Lotus Town

   Sato Kaede put the glass bottle containing the poisonous essence into the space equipment bag and properly preserved it. He looked at the fading sky, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

   If it’s too late today, should you keep going or going back?

After a long while, Sato Kaede took out the Elf Ball to put away the three little elves, Abo Monster, Beautiful Flower, and Flash Hunting Papilio one by one, and then released the fork bat.

   "Please, cross bat, take me back to Red Lotus Town." Sato Kaede said to the cross bat flying in the air.

In the next second, the fork bats immediately grabbed Sato Kaede's shoulders with both feet, and then took him into the air, flying to the sky above the tropical rain forest. With the help of the fork bats, Sato Kaede quickly went to the town of Red Lotus. In the direction of the flight.

   Although the tropical jungle survivor failed to catch the lizard king that he accidentally encountered, he also saw the environment deep in the tropical jungle and unexpectedly found a very toxic essence, which is a reward.

   The environment of the tropical jungle is far more dangerous than Sato Kaede imagined. The insects and grass elves living here are not only diverse and numerous, but also very high-level.

   What makes Sato Kaede most troublesome is that the giant marsh monster in his hand is hard to let go of his hands and feet in the tropical jungle, especially in the face of those who can use the woods to move the grass elves at high speed, and they are in danger of being defeated at any time.

   Facing grass-based moves, it will take four times the damage. This shortcoming of the giant marsh monster is magnified many times in the environment of the tropical jungle, because many elves in the tropical jungle will more or less master some grass-based moves.

   Therefore, Sato Kaede concluded that if he enters the tropical rain forest with his current lineup, his strength will at least drop by about a quarter, and the giant marsh monster cannot be easily used in the tropical jungle.

   However, the good news is that the fork bat and flash hunting swallowtail butterfly in his hand can play a great role in the tropical jungle, and most insect and grass elves can hardly contend in front of them.

   The only pity is that neither the fork bat nor the flash hunting swallowtail butterfly, both of them lack the ability of giant marsh monsters to instantly crush their opponents, and it is easy for these wild elves who are familiar with the jungle environment to escape.

   Also, Sato Kaede found that if he wants to explore the tropical jungle well and stay here for a long time, he must have a powerful fire elf in his hand.

   There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in tropical jungles, and there are often short-term rainfalls. The air humidity is very high. Ordinary humans can easily get various strange diseases if they stay here for a long time.

   Therefore, in this harsh environment, a powerful fire elf is very important. The fire elf can easily perform tasks such as repelling snakes, insects, mice, ants, moisture, and making fire at night.

  Moreover, the combat abilities of fire elves in the tropical jungle are also not to be underestimated. Whether they are insect elves or grass elves, they have a natural fear when facing fire elves.

   Sato Kaede went back to Red Lotus Town this time, and he was ready to take the Katie Dog back, and let him complete the final baptism by the way, thereby further enhancing his power.

   For this newcomer competition, Sato Kaede is no longer satisfied to enter the top ten at most. Since he became a member of the direct line of the boss of Sakagi, he knows that he can let go of his hands and feet to do a big job.

   He is now behind the most powerful person in the Rockets. He doesn't have to be afraid of what other big players in the Rockets will do to him, because moving him is tantamount to provoking the authority of the boss.

  In the Rockets, Sakagi is the absolute boss. No one dares to violate his wishes, at least not now. Without his wise leadership, the Rockets could not have developed so rapidly in just seven or eight years.

   In the Rockets, at least half of the high-end combat power is now on Sakaki's side, and Nazi, Aju and Ma Zhishi are his diehards.

   And Sato Kaede is now the boss of Sakaki, how can he make boss Sakaki shame in this rookie confrontation? Entering the top ten position may barely be able to take it to Sakagi.

   Sato Kaede is self-knowing. In this newcomer competition, he is a wild dark horse that accidentally appeared. Now he has finally won the appreciation of Bole. He must express himself as much as possible.

   You must know that for the excellent Bole, the boss of Sakaki, he must have more than one good horse, and it is very likely that he started raising it a long time ago.

When it's time to fight, you have to fight. Now the opportunity comes. Sato Kaede said to fight. After all, the first prize is a reward for a quasi-god elf. This kind of reward is to ask which one wants to become stronger. The family has no thoughts to snatch.

   There is nothing wrong with the word quasi-god elves and becoming stronger. In the world of elves, there is no doubt about this.

Especially when Sato Kaede witnessed Dr. Oki’s terrifying fast dragon with a level of 96, he was even more sure of this~www.NovelMTL.com~ For the first prize, he must do his best. Go hard.

The    cross-character bat was very fast, and when the sun fell into the sea level near the sea, Sato Kaede returned to the town of Red Lotus.

Honglian Town is a science and technology town in the east of Guandong, which is located under an active volcano. Although it has a town in its name, the area of ​​Honglian Town is actually larger than that of Nibi City, and a center has been built on the shore. Scale port terminal.

  In terms of economic prosperity, Honglian Town is definitely ranked in the Kanto region. The reason why Honglian Town’s economy is so prosperous is largely due to the science and technology here.

   In the Kanto region, the status of Red Lotus Town is like the Silicon Valley of the United States. This is a city with a large number of top scientific and technological talents. This city has the largest elf research institute in the Kanto region and is the sacred land of Kanto high-tech.

  It can be imagined that in such a place where a large number of top scientific and technological talents gather, how many new technologies will come out here every year?

   Of course, research on science and technology has always been a super money-burning thing. The annual funding for research on science and technology in Red Lotus Town exceeds hundreds of billions of Union coins.

   However, the scientists in Red Lotus Town have never worried about the big problem of lack of funding.

   Because this place attracts many investors with huge financial resources from all over the world, as long as there is output, these investors will be very generous to pay for the crazy scientists in Red Lotus Town.

   Therefore, driven by the charm of money, this place quickly changed from an uninhabited giant desert island to a technological center with more than 300,000 foreigners every year.

   It’s just that, what is hidden in the shadow of such a thriving technological center?

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