Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 392: : Born in Thunder

? Soon, the sky dimmed, and Sato Kaede also used the dry wood collected by a group of elves in the nearby woods to ignite the bonfire, and then lit the bonfire with a lighter and some hay.

Afterwards, Sato Kaede began to take out a variety of elf food to share with the elf, and he himself heated a canned chicken chop rice food on the campfire, and then had dinner with the elf.

At the same time, the two little boys, Xiaozhi and Xiao Mao, have left the tree and returned to the summer camp where Dr. Omu and the children were in the small forest. At this time, the two of them were bragging to the children that they were today. What you see and hear in the forest.

Especially Xiaozhi, the bragging ability of this family is much stronger than Xiaomao, who has always maintained his demeanor. When bragging, he makes all kinds of exaggerated movements and expressions to surprise the children who are listeners. of.

"Really? Xiaozhi, the circle bear that was finally sent away by Doctor Grandpa was blown away by other little elves."

A little girl with brown hair opened her beautiful big blue eyes, and then asked Xiaozhi with a pretty face full of surprise.

"It's true, Serena, Xiao Mao and I saw it with our own eyes. By the way, that little elf is called the Giant Marsh Monster. It is from the water system Yusanjia in Fengyuan area. He has great strength. He just punched it like this. On the belly of the circle bear, and then the circle bear flew out, and flew so far, directly flying over the big lake in the forest."

Seeing the little girl named Serena next to her, she nodded, and then stood up, and then one person concealed the passing movements of the giant marsh monster and the circle bear. , Said with a smile.

Xiaozhi still has a talent for acting. He can restore the action and expression of the giant marsh monster with a punch to the circle bear, and even the expression of the circle bear flying out with a big tongue is very vivid.

"Yes, that giant marsh monster is indeed very powerful. The level should be much higher than the ring bear, and his trick against the ring bear should be the arm hammer of the fighting system. This will affect the general ring bear. Huanquan Xiong is not his opponent at all that caused huge damage."

As the grandson of Dr. Oki, Xiaomao has excellent observation and knowledge reserves of elves. He explained the reasons why the giant marsh monster can easily defeat the ring bear in great detail and accurately.

"Wow~~~ the giant marsh monster is so amazing, Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, where is that giant marsh monster now? I really want to see him."

After a little boy with a mushroom head and small glasses watched Xiaozhi's performance, a little fat face of a baby suddenly turned red, and then asked Xiaozhi excitedly.

"Yes, where is the giant marsh monster now? I'll take a look too."

"me too."

"I want to see too."


For the question of the child with mushroom head and eyes, the other children present who had not seen the giant marsh monster suddenly lit their eyes, and then said with all their faces looking forward to it.

"Does everyone want to see it? The giant marsh monster is a little elf of a big brother. Xiaomao and I saw him building a campfire in front of the lake just now. He must be having dinner with the giant marsh monster now. I must be able to see the giant marsh monster, and there are many little elves around my big brother that I have not seen."

Xiaozhi saw everyone saying so, how could he refuse, and immediately said with a smile.

In fact, Xiaozhi wanted to see the Giant Marsh Monster in the past, but was forcibly pulled back by Xiao Mao. Now that everyone said that, he was naturally the first to actively support him.

"When is the time now, no one is allowed to go, children, when dinner is done, hurry up and wash your hands, and then come over for dinner."

Unfortunately, before Xiaozhi set off to lead a group of children to find the giant marsh monster, an old man in an apron pushed Xiaozhi into the seat with one hand, and then said to the excited children with a serious expression.

This old man wearing an apron and holding an iron spoon is the famous Dr. Omu, but he is just an ordinary old man who cooks for children now, with an old face blackened by smoke.

"Yes, Grandpa Da Mu~~"

"Yes, Grandpa Da Mu~~"

"Yes, Grandpa Da Mu~~"


When the children saw and heard the old man's words, the excitement on their small faces suddenly withered, and then they said reluctantly.

But children are children, and their minds turn quickly. After they smell the scent of the food, the lost color on their faces quickly disappeared, and then they happily enjoyed dinner together.

Even Xiaozhi, who was originally the most lost, seemed to have forgotten to meet the giant marsh monster at this time. He is now devouring food on the table, and the food is extremely ugly, which makes Xiao Mao on his left extremely disgusted.

However, the little girl named Serena sitting on the right side of Xiaozhi looked admiring, and deliberately passed the food she couldn't eat to Xiaozhi, who had an excellent appetite.

The sky was unpredictable. While Xiaozhi and the others were eating dinner, strong winds began to blow in the forest, and the night sky of the forest was also covered by a thick layer of dark clouds.

After a few flashes of lightning instantly illuminated the world, bursts of thunder began to appear from the dark clouds above the forest.

"It seems that it is going to rain. Eat quickly before you finish eating. After eating, go with me to reinforce the street-sleeping tent and cover it with tarps."

As an old Jianghu Doctor Damu saw this situation, he knew what would happen next. He immediately stopped the dinner in his hand, then stood up and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Dr. Omu walked to the small tents nearby where the children lived, and began to carefully re-reinforce these small tents one by one and put on a layer of tarp.

A few minutes later, a pouring rain began to fall in the forest.

The rain came very suddenly, and it was also very powerful, bursts of thunder that resounded through the world continued to fall from the dark clouds, destroying many tall trees in the forest.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, a yellow figure loomed in the dark clouds above the forest.

At this time, most of the children in the summer camp were trembling with thunder, even Xiao Mao, who is usually the most arrogant and calm.

But Xiaozhi was still as heartless as usual at this time, he was looking at the rain outside through the transparent cloth window in the tent with a look of excitement, and then said to Serena, who was shivering beside him.

At the same time, Sato Kaede was also hiding from this sudden thunderstorm in his homeless tent. He is now looking at the latest trainer fashion magazine with the help of the oil lamp in the tent.

Suddenly, a thick lightning flashed across the sky, and then instantly illuminated the sky and the earth.


In the next second, a huge thunder sound that was many times stronger than before appeared suddenly, and this suddenly made a large number of wild elves in the forest feel uneasy.

At this time, Sato Kaede put down the fashion magazine in his hand and focused on a black incubator next to him.

At this moment ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the Piqiu elven egg in the incubator was shining brightly, and a series of fine golden electric currents also began to flow around the surface of the elven egg's shell.

Finally, under Sato Kaede's incredible gaze, an electric current lased from the Piqiu Elf Egg, and then shattered the incubator.

In the next moment, the Piqiu Elf Egg, which was entangled by the electric current, quickly flew out of the broken egg incubator, and then broke through the tent and flew outside.

Sato Kaede saw this situation, he immediately walked out, and then, he saw a shocking scene.

When the Piqiu Elf Egg flew out of the tent for a certain distance, a sturdy lightning shot down from the dark clouds above the forest, and then hit the Piqiu Elf Egg suspended in mid-air.

But Sato Kaede was surprised that the Piqiu Elf Egg did nothing at all. At this time, the Piqiu Elf Egg was bathing in the Thunder of Heaven and Earth, and was still madly absorbing the huge electric energy from the lightning.

After a while, a dazzling white light began to blast out of the Piqiu Elf Egg.

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