Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 381: : Trustworthy storage location and the fate of the elf

Since he couldn't fall asleep, Sato Kaede simply turned his attention to other issues. Now the number of elves in his hand has reached 13. Although the team has indeed grown, he found that he couldn't manage it.

Human energy is limited, and the ordinary person Sato Kaede is naturally no exception. Although the appearance of the multi-space poke ball gives him the possibility of continuing to carry many elves, it is better to control the number.

According to Sato Kaede's estimation of his personal abilities, he can only manage at most 8 elf at the same time, which is still included in the two non-combat units of Variety Monster and Big Milk Tank.

That is to say, the maximum number of elves he manages at the same time is six. Once this number is exceeded, he will be somewhat powerless.

It has to be said that the alliance stipulates that each alliance trainer carries a maximum of 6 elves.

"It's time to find a trustworthy place to store the elves. Money is not a problem. The important thing is that the place must be trustworthy. It is absolutely impossible to use my elves to do weird things."

Sato Kaede lay on the bed with his head in his hands and thought secretly, thinking hard, and finally when he thought of someone, he finally thought of a trustworthy place to temporarily store the elf.

Elisa, this big beauty from Fengyuan Shuijing City has a good relationship with him, and the other party is also a gym trainer who specializes in water elf, and personally controls a gym with a lot of history. Presumably she must also have a place to store elf.

The relationship is good, the strength is strong enough, and he also specializes in water elves, and also owns the gymnasium. Suddenly, Sato Kaede felt that his problem of storing elves was solved.

"Yeah, why didn't I expect this big beauty at the beginning? Yes, Elisa, it must be right to ask this big beauty for help. The other party inherits all the property of Shuijing Gymnasium, and there is a Gymnasium supported by the Alliance. With great wealth, they must have their own nurturing house"

"Although Shuijing Taoyuan has recently declined, the previous cultivation house is definitely still there. It just so happens that I can't do anything now, but I can pay. In this way, I can use the cultivation house of Shuijing Taoyuan as a fair word. The most important thing is Elisa. I am her savior, beautiful and kind, and also a strong trainer, she is still very trustworthy."

"With her, the owner of the Shuijing Taoist Hall, the people who measure the nurturing house don’t dare to take my elves. Okay, so let’s do it. Tomorrow, after going out to the Changpan Forest, I will go to the pixie center in the Changpan Forest. Contact Elisa and get this done."

As soon as he thought of Elisa, Sato Kaede's mind started to turn quickly, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that this could be done, and the big problem of storing the elves that had been backlogged in his heart was all resolved.

At this time, Sato Kaede felt that drinking a glass of iced watermelon seeds in the summer was very refreshing.

After feeling that he had found a place to store the elves, Sato Kaede began to think about which elves would be sent to Elisa. Thinking of this question, his brain started to hurt again.

Sato Kaede couldn't make up his mind for a while, and suddenly he realized that he was also suffering from choice difficulties.

However, after Sato Kaede slightly added the Rockets recruits to this question, which influences the selection, he began to have some options in his heart.

First of all, the giant marsh monster is the strongest elf in Sato Kaede's hands. No matter when, he cannot be sent out by Sato Kaede.

Sato Kaede did this not only to be able to cultivate this ace elf personally, but more importantly to ensure his own safety. As long as the giant marsh monster still exists, he will feel at ease.

Secondly, considering that he is currently in the Rockets recruit competition, the big-mouthed bat, who is Sato Kaede’s initial elf, cannot be teleported out, because he can be said to be the iconic elf of Sato Kaede as a member of the Rockets. .

But Nedolino is not King Nido now, and his strength is relatively limited. In addition, he is relatively young, so Sato Kaede decided to send him to Elisa to cultivate for a period of time.

Meihuahua is not only an excellent nanny, but also very strong. If she doesn't consider her attributes in the team, she can definitely rank behind the giant marsh monster. Therefore, her importance in the team is self-evident, and she is destined to be too To be stayed.

Caty dog ​​is the same as Nitorino, because he has not evolved into a wind dog, his strength is relatively weak compared to the other elf in the team.

Moreover, Katie Dog is too conspicuous in the Rockets recruits competition. As the elf of Sato Kaede League trainer, he is very suitable, but as the elf of Sato Kaede Rockets, he seems a little out of place.

Therefore, Sato Kaede also decided to send the Katy Dog to Elisa for training for a period of time. After the recruits' confrontation is over, he will bring the Katy Dog back to his side and let him evolve smoothly.

Variety is also self-evident to Sato Kaede's importance, although his combat ability is worrying, but his auxiliary ability is exploded, and it can save Sato Kaede's life at a critical moment.

With his presence, Sato Kaede can survive well in any environment, and his safety has been greatly improved. Therefore, the Variety Monster is also the elf that Sato Kaede wants to leave behind.

In this way, Sato Kaede chooses to keep 4 little elves. If the non-combat elves of Variety Monster are removed, he can also choose three special elves for combat and one elves for non-combat.

Among the remaining little elves are: Flashing Gull, Flash Hunting Swallowtail, Piqiu (egg), Meow Meow, Abo Monster, Big Milk Tank, and Centipede.

Among the remaining little elves, Pichu (egg) must stay, he can hatch at any time now, and Sato Kaede cannot give him to anyone.

As Piqiu's exclusive nanny big milk can, this non-combat elf will also stay, and her big milk can will be an important key to Piqiu's next healthy growth.

Because this Rockets rookie match is not a trivial matter, Sato Kaede can only be selected from the remaining elves with strength. Then the remaining two elves that need to be left are the Flash Hunting Papilio and Ah It’s strange~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although it is said that the Flashing Gull has greatly increased its strength after obtaining the fantasy gene supplementation potion, but the potential and strength of the flash hunting swallowtail butterfly is better. Now the mutant top-quality rift stone necklace has been renewed Let the flash hunting swallowtail butterfly wear it.

As for the Abo Monster, it goes without saying that its strength is definitely in the top three among the six combat elves left by Sato Kaede. Sato Kaede’s iconic elves in the Rockets are in addition to the Big Mouth Bat. The second one might be Abo's strange, a proper elf for the villain.

The treacherous ghost of Miaomiao is also weak compared to the other elves in the team, and his body is currently in a state of recovery, so Sato Kaede also decided to send him to Elisa to cultivate for a period of time.

Regarding the accelerated centipede, Sato Kaede still wants to keep her, but considering that the next journey will be very dangerous, her current strength is too weak to make a strong contribution to the team, so let her for the time being. It is better to grow healthily in the nurturing house.

Sato Kaede thought about it, and the elf he decided to keep in his hands came out. The dedicated combat elf were: Giant Swamp Monster, Big-mouthed Bat, Beautiful Flower, Piqiu (egg), Flash Hunting Swallowtail and Abo Monster. The non-combat special elves are Variety Monsters and Big Milk Pots.

"Very well, so I decided to leave and leave each of the elves, so that I can maximize my concentration on cultivating the elves." Sato Kaede thought carefully and thought about it.

Later, after Sato Kaede made a decision, his irritability finally disappeared. At this time, he was also sleepy, and a powerful casual attack came. After a while, he fell into a drowsy sleep.


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