Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 369: : Conquer the package of Anti-Bone Snake and Tokiwa Forest

The giant marsh monster is born with supernatural power. When he went down with his iron tail, the Abo monster suddenly felt that his whole body bones were about to fall apart, and his entire body was suffering from severe pain that severely stimulated his nerves.

Abbot’s regenerative ability was amazing. The pain on his body quickly eased. He came out of the wall with difficulty, but what caught his eyes was the huge hill-like body of the giant marsh monster, and the oppressive might follow. It radiates from him.

For a moment, Aboguai's whole body froze in place, and he didn't dare to make any trouble. There was deep fear in his eyes and a trace of long-lost fear in his eyes.

Although it was only a match, Abogua knew the gap between himself and the giant marsh monster, and he was definitely not the opponent of this powerful enemy in front of him.

"How about it, do you want to fight? I can tell you very clearly that you can't be the opponent of the giant marsh monster. The iron tail of the giant marsh monster just now is just a small punishment and a big command. If you dare to do it again, you Just be ready to be crushed."

Sato Kaede slowly walked out from behind the giant marsh monster, and then walked to the front of Abokai, and said to him with a grim face, with a deep murderous intent in his eyes. At the same time, he was a trainer. The aura of the strong also burst into full swing.

Aboguai tried to put him to death several times, and if he could not use it for himself, then he would no longer be merciful to this rebellious snake, and death was the opponent's best destination.

Facing the terrible pressure from Sato Kaede and the giant swamp monsters, the extremely high-minded Abokai finally knew his current situation. He had failed to kill Sato Kaede many times, so he was obviously going to be hit by the opponent. After killing.

But now, Sato Maple wanted to kill him. Once he continued to resist and didn't surrender, there would be only death.

In the end, Abokai succumbed. Although he was fierce and bloodthirsty by nature, it was precisely because he had seen too many deaths that he was also afraid of death. The scarlet color in his eyes gradually faded, and then slowly in Sato Kaede. He lowered his proud head in front of him.

"From today, you are my elf of Kaede Sato. My order is absolutely not to be violated. Don't worry, I know you desire to be stronger. As long as you perform well, I will definitely try to improve your strength."

Sato Kaede saw Abokai's gesture of bowing to him, and the killing intent in his heart quickly disappeared. Under the close gaze of the giant marsh monster and Variety monster, he boldly stepped forward, and then held down Abokai's hideousness with his hand. Said the snake head.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sato Kaede threw the Poke Ball that Rondo gave him to the ground, and then smashed it in front of Abogua. Then, he took out a brand new high-level ball from his body.

"Go, pokeball."

In the next second, Sato Kaede used the center button of the brand new Pokeball to gently press the head of Abokai, and said with a serious expression.

The center button of the high-grade ball touched the Abo monster, it immediately opened, and then turned the Abo monster into a red light and put it in. After the high-level ball was slightly shaken in Sato Kaede's hand for a few times, the red light flashed in the center button It went out suddenly.

After solving the problem of Aboguai, Sato Kaede set out to solve the problem of big milk cans. Compared with the vicious nature of Aboguai, big milk cans with gentle nature are much simpler.

With the help of familiar elves such as Variety Monsters, Katy Dogs, and Beautiful Flowers, the gentle-natured big milk can quickly recognizes reality, and then let Sato Kaede re-conquer it in a non-violent way.

Afterwards, Sato Kaede rode a cross-country bike and began to move quickly along the road towards Tokiwa Forest.

Tokiwa Forest is no stranger to Sato Kaede. His first transformation was completed in this perilous forest. In this forest, Sato Kaede met Meihua and Katy Dog, and successfully became a companion.

However, the area where Sato Kaede was active in the Tokiwa Forest at that time was a non-safe area. It was an area with high-level wild elves activities, where powerful wild elves and wild elves were living there.

Now, the area where Sato Kaede enters the Tokiwa Forest along the Nibi city road is a safe area. As long as Sato Kaede walks along this artificial road in the Tokiwa Forest, he will not deviate from the safe area in the Tokiwa Forest.

Of course, in this safe area, Sato Kaede will only encounter wild elves with very low levels, and they are generally some very ordinary wild elves. It is almost impossible to meet some rare elves.

Tokiwa Forest is the largest forest in Kanto. There are many kinds of elves in it. Since ancient times, this place has been a treasured land with rich products, and there are many incredible legends circulating in it.

Among them, the legend that the Tokiwa Forest will give the chosen Tokiwa power is widely circulated in the circle of trainers, and it has been spread to the gods.

Most trainers are no strangers to the power of Changpan, because since ancient times, human beings with the power of Changpan have been famous trainers.

Aside from the distance, just say that the current Kanto dragon king Yulongdu, he is a trainer with the power of Tokiwa. According to rumors, he got the power of Tokiwa by coincidence after entering the Tokiwa Forest.

Therefore, every year there will be a large number of trainers from all over the world come here, wanting to get the great opportunity of the power of Chang Pan.

It’s a pity that the number of trainers who came to Tokiwa Forest is unknown, but none of them really get the chance. Some caring people have found that based on the list of those trainers with Tokiwa Power that appeared in history, Tokiwa Forest seems to only favor A human born in Tokiwa City.

Similarly, only a few people in history have discovered that Tokiwa Forest favors not only human beings, but also wild elves with innocent hearts.

Because Tokiwa Forest is the hometown of beautiful flowers and katy dogs, when Sato Kaede rode a mountain bike into the Tokiwa forest, he specially released both katy dogs and beautiful flowers, and then let them sit on the front of the mountain bike. The front car basket and the back seat above.

The two elves are obviously very happy to return to their hometown. The Katy dog ​​is lying on the basket frame with his forelimbs. He sticks out his pink tongue and looks excitedly at the woods and grasses around the roadside.

The beautiful flower hugged Sato Kaede's waist~www.NovelMTL.com~ There was also a bright smile on her face, and at the same time, her body was bathed in a faint green light.

Although all the roads in the Tokiwa Forest are bumpy dirt roads, this bump is not a big deal for a cross-country bike, and it does not affect the Sato Kaede in the car.

Sato Kaede rode a cross-country bike and moved freely on the dirt road. Along the way, he also saw many trainers walking in twos and threes, and also saw some trainers violently on the grass on the side of the road. Elves battle.

However, the content of the task that Sato Kaede has always cared about has not been found, which makes him feel a little puzzled, and he doubts whether the people who are connected have been overtaken by him with a cross-country bike.

However, Sato Kaede did not choose to stop and walk in the end. He still rode a mountain bike along the dirt road without hurries. After a while, he moved away from the area where Tokiban Forest and Nibi City bordered, and completely entered the Tokiban Forest Safety Zone. In the middle.

Not long after Sato Kaede entered the depths of the Tokiwa Forest Safety Zone, when no one was around, a bibi with a black package under one foot suddenly flew over from behind, and then dropped the package accurately on Sato Kaede’s head. on.

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