Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 334: : Inverse scales and magical parts

Why did the Rockets' enforcement team work so hard tonight? Are they all excellent Rockets members with a sense of mission? This answer is naturally unlikely.

The reason why they are so hard to catch the guy who disturbs order tonight is that they have given a task from the top, which is rich in rewards, and secondly, they are talking about it. The benefits they squeezed from the hapless guy tonight belong to them. .

Among them, the second point strongly motivates the enthusiasm of these Rockets' law enforcement team members and keeps them keeping an eye on the surrounding situation. They wish that someone would make trouble at this time.

For example, the burly man who stopped Sato Kaede just now, as long as he dares to touch his colleague Sato Kaede a little, the three Rockets law enforcement team members will immediately kill the burly man, and then happily take each other out. Everything on the body was scraped off.

In fact, tonight’s Golden City underground black market is also a feast for all Rockets law enforcement team members. They have now received a lot of trophies from the trainers who came to the Golden City underground black market.

However, since it is a trophy, it means that it has not been converted into real benefits, that is, real alliance coins. Because of the huge amount and to prevent improper points, most of the Rockets law enforcement team members are They do their own things, and the spoils obtained belong to the individual.

So, every Rockets law enforcement team member now has a lot of loot from other hapless guys, but because they are currently working and temporarily unable to go away, they have not had time to sell the loot.

After Sato Kaede learned the news, he "randomly" said, "If you have a good baby, you should show it to the little brother. The fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders. The little brother wants to buy the baby today. He is bulging in his pocket now. Well, I’m going to make it thinner."

As a result, Sato Kaede’s trial, coupled with the benefit of giving the three Rockets a 500,000 Union currency, the three Rockets law enforcement teams actually came up with a few treasures that made Sato Kaede’s eyes hot. .

The first thing is a scale. The scale is the size of an adult's palm. The whole body is crystalline blue, and a layer of blue streamer flows back and forth on it. With its appearance, the humidity of the nearby air suddenly begins. The obvious improvement is extremely mysterious.

The identification function of the Sato Kaedong system found that this was actually a piece of inverted scales from the front chest of a thorny dragon king of the heavenly king, which contained amazing water energy and dragon energy, and after countless years of cultivation of the thorn dragon king, it Has become a strange thing with incredible power.

The information of this scale is as follows:

Elf Prop: Inverse Scale of the Thorny Dragon

Effect: (1) Add an extra place for the elf to store water energy (2) Improve the elf's ability to create rainy weather and control water flow

Restrictions: Non-willed elves cannot be used (dragons have inverse scales and will die if they touch them)

Description: This is the inverted scales of the front chest of a heavenly thorny dragon king, which contains the power of the heavenly thorny dragon king's life savings, and is the source of the thorny dragon king's power to create storms and tsunamis.

Judging from the description of the data, the inverse scales of this thorn dragon king is definitely a valuable elf item, and the three characters of the heavenly king level alone make its grade higher.

And judging from its effects, the inverse scale of this thorn dragon king is an inestimable treasure for any trainer who specializes in water elf.

Adding an extra part of the elf to store water energy, what does this sentence mean? It means that the inverse scales of this thorn dragon king will grow on the elf, and then it will reach a symbiotic relationship with the elf.

What does this sentence mean to improve the elves' ability to create rainy weather and control water flow? This means that the rainy weather created by the elf has a wider range and longer duration, and further enhances the elf's ability to control water.

In fact, many elves can learn the skill of praying for rain, but most elves use the rain-seeking technique to create rainy days that are just drizzle, especially when the sky is cloudless. Asking for rain skills may also fail.

Why does this happen? In the final analysis, it has a lot to do with the elf's ability to sense and manipulate water system energy, because the principle of the rain-seeking move is that the elf manipulates huge water system energy to create rain clouds.

If the nearby water system energy is insufficient or the elves cannot sense and manipulate the water system energy in a wide range, then the rain-seeking moves they use can naturally only produce drizzle, and they may even fail.

But the failure of praying for rain generally only occurs on non-water elves, and few water elves can't create a certain range of rain clouds after using the rain seeking move.

The first reason for this is that natural water elves are much stronger in sensing and manipulating water system energy than non-water elves. They can sense water system energy in a wide range and call them back.

Among them, the most typical representative of this is Gaoka, a water system super mythical beast. His ability to sense water system energy can be said to be the strongest in the entire elf world. It is very likely that he can sense the water system of the entire elf world. energy.

The second reason is that some water elves have a part that stores water energy in their bodies. They can release the water energy in this part to make up for the lack of water energy in the surrounding environment, thus easily creating rain clouds.

Under normal circumstances, the elves have a part that stores their energy. This part may be the hair, scales, horns, and claws on the elves.

Normally, the elves will absorb the natural energy in the nature and store them in these parts. When fighting, they can use the attribute energy in this part to use various skills at will.

This ability to store attribute energy is plainly the elf’s bullet library, allowing them to directly use their own power without manipulating the external attribute energy when fighting, thus saving them a lot of time and energy.

However, it is not easy for the elves to create such a part that stores attribute energy. Generally, only the elves with superior talent or strength can have such a part with magical abilities, and generally can only store this system. energy of.

For example, the inverted scale of this thorn dragon king, it is the part where the thorn dragon king usually stores water energy and dragon energy. Through it, the thorn dragon king has the ability to create large-scale rain and tsunamis at will. Others have to work very hard. Begging for rain, and he begging for rain is like playing.

In fact, the Katy dog ​​in Sato Kaede's hands also has such a magical part. With the help of the Fire Orb, the Katy dog's hair has become the part where he usually stores the energy of the fire system. It is for this reason~www.NovelMTL .com~The hair of a katy dog ​​is so bright and its body temperature is much higher than that of a normal katy dog.

(Note: The two red circles on Pikachu's cheek are his electric bags. These two electric bags are where Pishen usually stores electric energy.)

When Sato Kaede saw this inverse scale material, he was extremely excited. He knew that this was definitely an elf item that greatly enhanced the strength of the rainy team's lineup.

Why is it a great improvement? Because the use conditions given by the inverted scales of this thorn dragon king are too loose, it does not stipulate that only the elves with specific attributes can use it like the mutant blue water stone, the mutant ultimate hollow stone and the nightmare crystal.

As long as the elf of any attribute can withstand the pain of the dragon king Nilin parasitic at the beginning, and then establish a symbiotic relationship with it, the elf can freely use the power of this inverse scale, allowing him to have a part of the heavenly thorn The Dragon King’s ability to make waves during his lifetime.

It is precisely because of this that this inverted scale gave Sato Kaede the hope of cultivating a weather hand with non-water attributes.

If successful, this can definitely greatly improve the fault tolerance of Sato Kaede's rainy team lineup, so that even if he adds non-water elves to make up for the rainy team's shortcomings in the rainy team, he does not have to worry about the big problem of rainy weather interruption.

(Note: The state has not been particularly good recently. It has been updated for more than 20 days a month, and I feel like it is in a weak period, and the inspiration is somewhat exhausted. It takes a long time to write a chapter before I can finish it, but rest assured, two changes will still be guaranteed. Yes, just look at the status during the third shift.)

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