Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 303: : Thigh Mikri and ready

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? After so many encounters, Sato Kaede finally understands how difficult it is to make special elf food by himself. Obviously, The top-notch water-based ingredients, Deep Sea Scales, are in stock in every Chamber of Commerce store.

The only pity is that Sato Kaede is not a "customer" of these chambers of commerce stores, because his relationship is not a "customer", it is impossible for him to buy Deep Sea Scales from these chambers of commerce stores.

This shows how terrifying the upper class of the elf world has control over things like elf food. Without a certain relationship, power and strength, Sato Kaede may only be able to set off if he wants to get the scales of the deep sea. Looked in the deep sea.

After continuing to inquire about the 82nd Chamber of Commerce store to no avail, Sato Kaede couldn't help being a little discouraged, but he knew very well that whether it was a giant marsh monster or a special elf food for the shining gull, the scales of the deep sea can be said to be the core of it. The essential.

If this ingredient is missing, the chemical effect formed by the combination of the ingredients of the two elf foods will inevitably be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to make the best use of the material.

Fortunately, when things always turn around, when Sato Kaede intends to leave the elf exclusive area and then try his luck in the free trading area, the pattern on the sign of a large chamber of commerce in front of him shocked him. There is quite a faint feeling.

The pattern on the sign of the large store in front is a twin fish pattern, which is the emblem of the famous super family in Fengyuan area, the Liuli clan.

"It seems that in the end it still depends on interpersonal relationships to buy real good things, and I owe you a favor, Mikoli." Looking at the very quaint and tall shop in front of him, Sato Kaede's eyes showed a hint of joy. , Thought secretly in my heart.

The Liuli clan is a very famous super family specializing in water elves. There are countless powerful trainers specializing in water elves in the family. Therefore, they will inevitably collect a large amount of the top water-based ingredients in the scales of the deep sea. Even he would send someone to go into the seabed to collect.

Therefore, if there is a deep sea scale in the hands of the chamber of commerce in the black market, then the Liuli clan's chamber of commerce must be one of them, and it is most likely that there is a deep sea scale.

Of course, there are so many people from the Liuli clan who specialize in water elves and consume countless water elves every day. Their demand for the scales of the deep sea is undoubtedly very huge.

The real role of the Liuli clan’s chamber of commerce here is very likely to be set up by the Liuli clan to facilitate their collection of important materials in the underground black market of Golden City. There may indeed be Deep Sea Scales here, but they should not be sold. of.

However, Sato Kaede couldn't let the shops controlled by other forces sell the Deep Sea Scales to him, but for the shops controlled by the Liuli Clan, he still had some certainty that he would be responsible for selling the Deep Sea Scales to him.

In order to prevent his unseen identity of the Rockets from being exposed, Sato Kaede first left the store and then quickly went to a nearby public restroom.

When Sato Kaede came out of the public restroom, he had changed into a glamorous elite trainer uniform. At the same time, his face was turned into a white mask.

Afterwards, Sato Kaede walked to the shop of the Chamber of Commerce of the Liuli clan. After entering the shop, he did not immediately speak out his intention to purchase the deep sea scales, but took out something from his body and gave it to the person who sat. Look at the shopkeeper of the desk.

The originally arrogant middle-aged shopkeeper saw what Sato Kaede was spreading in his hands, his face changed drastically, and then he looked like a chameleon, and immediately changed into a flattering appearance, alive and well. It's like a dog leg.

"My lord, do you need to do something small? I will do my best to serve you."

The middle-aged shopkeeper quickly came to Sato Kaede's side, and then nodded and asked Kaede Sato with a respectful look.

"Sure enough, the silver badge that Mikley gave me casually is not simple. The problem of the scales of the deep sea is easily solved by it."

Seeing that the well-dressed middle-aged shopkeeper in front of him saw the silver badge given to him by Michaeli, he instantly turned into such a dog-legged look. Sato Kaede couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Michael was in the Liuli family. Status in terror.

At the same time, he also reaffirmed the idea of ​​taking the rainy team first. With this silver badge given to him by Mikolli, he won’t have to worry about nowhere to find the scales of the deep sea that are so precious that they are monopolized by major forces. Water-based ingredients

The pattern on the silver badge that Sato Kaede is holding now is Pisces. If Sato Kaede didn't guess wrong, this is a badge that represents the membership of the Liuli clan.

Although this silver badge is unlikely to be a badge representing Mikoli's identity, its level is obviously very high, enough to frighten the middle-aged shopkeeper of the Liuli clan and let Sato Kaede order him to do something.

The big family is like this, the class inside is extremely strict, especially the super family like the Liuli clan, which has been in abundance for hundreds of years, the degree of class strictness inside is even more terrifying, and the status of a higher level is enough to make the following People are obedient.

"Go and get me ten deep-sea scales. Here is 10 million. You can use the money to fill the gaps in these deep-sea scales."

Sato Kaede was not polite when he saw this. He showed a little bit of a trainer's aura to increase his majesty, and then directly explained his intentions to the middle-aged shopkeeper in a cold tone.

Although the middle-aged shopkeeper was a little surprised why Sato Kaede had to pay him for taking things, his status in the family was humble, and he did not dare to question Sato Kaede, a big figure with a badge of a second-level member of the family~www.NovelMTL.com~ He nodded and said yes, and then hurried into the warehouse of the store.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged shopkeeper returned with a beautiful box and handed it to Sato Kaede respectfully with both hands.

Sato Kaede opened the box and found that there were 10 deep-sea scales in it. He nodded to the middle-aged shopkeeper, and then quickly left the shop with the box without saying a word.

After seeing Sato Kaede leave, the middle-aged shopkeeper and several young and beautiful waitresses in the shop were all relieved.

Then, a waitress curiously asked who the middle-aged shopkeeper Kaede Sato was, but got a reprimand from the middle-aged shopkeeper, and with a serious face, he ordered no one in the shop to accept today’s Tell me about Sato Kaede coming in.

After Sato Kaede got what he wanted to get the scales of the deep sea, he was in a good mood at this time, but he did not leave the underground black market of Golden City immediately, and then couldn't wait to make elf food, but went to a specializing in elf food. store.

Sato Kaede is now a novice at making elf food, so it is impossible for him to make elf food by hand like those elf breeders who have undergone professional training.

Therefore, Sato Kaede needs some advanced machinery and equipment to assist him, a rookie-level elf breeder, so that he, a rookie, can also make elf food.

In the end, Sato Kaede spent 3 million Union coins to buy a set of elf food making equipment that is very suitable for novice elf breeders from this store that specializes in elf food.

After completing all preparations, Sato Kaede changed into the outfit of the Rockets just now, and then left the underground black market of Golden City through the teleportation station where the Rockets were stationed.

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