Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 299: : Taobao in the free trading zone

After Sato Kaede secretly remembered the map, he walked out of the teleportation hall along the exit, and then went from the reception to another set of masks and cloaks exclusive to the Rockets.

Now the entire Golden City underground black market is basically under the control of the Rockets. He can basically walk sideways in the underground black market in this outfit. I have to say that the Rockets are awesome, and his little soldier follows Stained.

Moreover, judging from the fact that the entire underground black market of Golden City is basically controlled by the Rockets, other dark forces in Golden City have basically been cleaned up by the Rockets. The Rockets have completely become the underworld overlord of the Golden City. .

It is not difficult to imagine that after the Rockets take control of the terrifying gold-swallowing beast of the Golden City underground black market, in the next few years, the Rockets will enter a stage of rapid development. At that time, the entire Kanto underworld forces will be affected by the Rockets. Unify one by one, and then dominate the entire Kanto underworld.

"Controlling the golden beast of Golden City, I am afraid that the Rockets will be the key to their rise in the next few years. I don't know what the league thinks. They let the Rockets continue to **** the blood of the Golden City secretly, and then let It keeps growing, and in the end it won’t be able to lose its tail."

Sato Kaede walked out of the Rockets’ station in Golden City. He saw that Rocket members on the streets of the black market were everywhere. Compared with more than a month ago, the density of Rockets members in the underground black market of Golden City was obviously improved. Significant improvement, this aspect also shows that the Rockets are getting stronger and stronger in the golden city.

Sato Kaede came to the black market tonight for two main purposes.

The first purpose is to find some suitable skill CDs for hunting swallowtail butterflies. Because I have been busy on the road before, I have never had the opportunity to find a good skill CD for this insect king. Now I came to the underground black market of Golden City. With a huge market, it is natural to solve this problem.

The second purpose is to find ingredients for making elf food for giant marsh monsters and shining big-mouthed gulls. Although most of the ingredients recorded in "Shui Jing Daquan" can be easily obtained from normal channels, there are some rare ingredients. I'm afraid it can only be found here.

At present, Sato Kaede’s funds amount to about 57 million Union coins. Yes, Tie Xuan and others did not live up to Sato Kaede’s expectations. According to the bank account transfer information, they will encircle and suppress bicycles at noon today. Half of the proceeds of the mobs were transferred to him.

After Tie Xuan and others sold out all the things they had seized from the Cycling Mobsters, they received a total of more than 80 million Union Coins. In addition to the 20 million Union Coins awarded by the mission, Sato Kaede was allocated more than 50 million Union Coins this time.

It can be said that Sato Kaede assisted Tie Xuan and others in destroying the Cycling Racer. Although he did not gain a certain amount of prestige, he was a wave of fat this time, which all at once made up for his purchase of cross-country bikes and brand-name clothing. Cost.

In addition to harvesting more than 50 million alliance coins, Sato Kaede also received 2000 alliance contribution points. Because it is an A-level alliance task, the contribution value of the alliance reward is very large. This time, Sato Kaede is collecting 10,000 alliance A big step forward has been made on the way to receive the contribution value and become a positive task.

Sato Kaede has more than 57 million Union coins, which undoubtedly makes him add a lot of bargaining chips in the golden underground black market that sees the money, and allows him to make various buying and buying behaviors in this place. Come.

Sato Kaede rode a cross-country bike, and then quickly drove along the road towards the free trade zone, which is the place he most wanted to go to at the moment. He had a hunch that he could find a lot of goodies in that place.

Although he now has more than 57 million in his hand, he can go to those large-scale forces to buy skill CDs in the shops specially set up by the golden city underground black market, but the price of the skill CDs is notoriously high, and Sato Kaede dare not say him. How much can this money buy from those greedy black market shops?

Therefore, Sato Kaede first went to the free trading zone with Taobao's mind. In that place, the trainers who came to the black market would sell the elf items that were temporarily unusable in their hands to obtain funds. There is no shortage of these things. Skills CDs are such precious things.

Of course, compared to the skill CDs sold in the black market stores, the price of the skill CDs sold in the street stalls is naturally much higher. If Sato Kaede is lucky, he may be able to hit something similar to what he used to be in the Nibi Rockets. People who bought pirated technical discs in the public market of the underground base.

Don’t look at the piracy technology of the little elf world. Although the skill CD can be said to be one of the most important core resources of the major forces, no effort is spared in anti-piracy, but it is still under the efforts of many folk gods. There have been some pirated skill CDs.

However, due to the lack of technology and the fact that the anti-piracy technology of top-level technical discs is too difficult to break, the failure rate of such pirated technical discs is very high, and most of them are some very low-end technical discs. But even so, Let the vast majority of civilian trainers rush.

Of course, the major forces have spared no effort in cracking down on pirated technical CDs. Once caught, people who buy pirated technical CDs or those who produce technical CDs will be driven to extinction.

Sato Kaede rode a cross-country bike and quickly came to the free trade zone. Because it was night, the crowd density here was very high, which can be described as a crowd of people.

By virtue of being a member of the Rockets, Sato Kaede not only waived the admission fee to enter the free trading zone, but he also didn't have to line up to enter the free trading zone directly through the dedicated channel for Rockets members.

Under the management of the Rockets, the free trade zone is obviously very orderly. Under the patrol of the Rockets patrol team that exudes a strong smell of blood, even trainers who wander around on the tip of a knife and drink blood all year round are not. Dare to make trouble here.

After the alliance encirclement and suppression incident ended more than a month ago~www.NovelMTL.com~The Rockets have proved who is the master here through a lot of **** forest facts. All those who dare to violate the rules set by the Rockets have been permanent. Disappeared into the world.

The underground black market of Golden City is worthy of being the underground black market of Golden City, where rare treasures from all over the world are gathered here. Sato Kaede walked in the huge free trading zone for a minute or two, and he saw several good elf items.

For example, a CD of Sunlight Flame Skills, a CD of Shadow Ball Skills, and a rune paper that can feel an unknown breath from far away. If Sato Kaede guesses well, the unknown rune paper should be enhanced The ghost is the curse of the move.

Sato Kaede does not have any ghost elves in his hands, so he has no interest in this unknown rune paper. On the contrary, the two skill discs, Sun Flame and Shadow Ball, aroused his interest. In his impression, hunting Papilio can learn these two moves.

It is a pity that the two vendors who sold these two skill CDs are obviously paying the attention of the slayer. The Sunflame skill CD sells 10 million Union coins, and the Shadow Ball skill CD also needs 6 million Union coins.

After a bargain between Sato Kaede and the two stall owners, the former was reluctant to lower the price, while the latter was witty and directly reduced the price by 1 million Union Coins. In the end, Sato Kaede spent 5 million Union Coins to successfully take this one The Shadow Ball skill CD is in the bag.

After completing this first transaction, Sato Kaede continued to start the Taobao journey in the free trading zone. Within a few minutes, he soon found another elf item that made his heart appealing.

This is a bead full of electricity. Even at a distance of several meters, Sato Kaede felt a strong electromagnetic field, causing his hair and bristles to rise slightly.

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