Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 180: :Strong chicken in the air

As soon as the big-mouthed bat appeared, a strong wind suddenly appeared under the action of the wide wings he used to stretch it out, causing many spectators on the edge of the battlefield to quickly cover their skirts and open their eyes.


And at this time, Lizhuang Chicken became excited because he saw an opponent who felt that his strength was equal to him, and the flames entwining him soared with his inner fighting spirit.

Seeing that the trainers on both sides were ready, the referee immediately announced the start of the battle. In an instant, a hot orange-red pillar of fire was released from the mouth of the strong chicken full of fighting spirit, and shot at the big-billed bat in the sky.

And always paying attention to the fighting frenzy below the big-mouthed bat with two wings, immediately moved its body to the left for a certain distance, and easily avoided the jet flame of the strong chicken shooting straight.

"Change tricks, don't let him escape easily."

When the big-mouthed bat just moved, Kuriyaheiji immediately said to the strong chicken that Sato Kaede's eyes were condensed.

As soon as Hei Yahei’s voice fell, the strong chicken who had a tacit understanding with him quickly shook his head up and down. The jet flame that was originally shot in a straight line suddenly turned into a spiral circle of fire, and the range of the jet flame's attack became wider. Get up, the big-mouthed bat is now in the spiral circle of fire.

The powerful chicken's jet flame is very powerful. In just a few seconds after he launched it, the temperature on the battlefield has been rising steadily. The temperature of the flame he launched is very strong. Once the big-mouthed bat is hit by his flame , It is very likely to burn severe burns.

Facing the sudden flame-throwing change of the strong chicken, Sato Kaede was calm and calm, and did not immediately give instructions to the big-billed bat.

At this time, the big-mouthed bat did not let Sato Kaede down. He showed excellent flying skills. With the help of ultrasound to locate your detection without dead spots, the big-mouthed bat once again easily flew out of the attack range of the powerful chicken's spiral fire circle. .

The flame jetting is obviously very expensive, and the strong chickens cannot maintain it for a long time. Seeing that the big-billed bat successfully escaped from the attack range of his jetting flames, he immediately cut the flame supply of jetting flames. Then began to run away.

The moving speed of the strong chicken is very amazing. The uneven rocky ground is like a flat ground under his feet, leaving illusory afterimages on the ground, and from the frequency of the appearance of the afterimages, his speed is still increasing. in.

"Very well, continue like this, the big-billed bat never wants to attack a strong chicken hair."

Seeing that the speed of the strong chicken is steadily climbing, Hei also nodded, with a satisfied smile on his face.

In fact, the strong chicken first made the noise, and then used the jet flame to attack the big-mouthed bat for a period of time. He has already won two rounds of speed blessing for his acceleration characteristics. Whether he attacks the big-mouthed bat or not, he has already Earned it.

"Use the wind trio to lock him in a small area." Seeing this, Sato Kaede immediately directed the big-mouthed bat to fight back.

For Kuriyaheiji's calculations, Sato Kaede, who knew the acceleration characteristics of Lizhuang chicken, was naturally very clear, but he could not stop it.

Because the big mouth bat is currently only level 32, if you want to crack the opponent's tactics that use tactics to delay time to make the acceleration feature take effect, you must wait until the big mouth bat reaches level 40 to automatically understand the black fog moves.

In the current situation, Sato Kaede can only try to allow the big-mouthed bat to limit the strong chicken to a small area, which limits his increasingly powerful mobility.

The big-mouthed bat chasing strong chickens in the air heard the words, the wide bat wings were immediately covered with a layer of strong flight energy, and at the same time, a pair of sharp eyes lit up with a blue light.

In the next second, three white whirlwinds with a diameter of one meter suddenly appeared on the rocky field. The three whirlwinds spread from the center to the surroundings, and the force of the triangle surrounded the strong chickens.

The three white whirlwinds move very fast. In less than a second, the equidistant distance between the three white whirlwinds is less than 5 meters.

A strong air current circulated wantonly in the triangle formed by the three white whirlwinds. The flame on the strong chicken was blown out because of the strong wind, and his own movement speed was also sharply reduced because of the strong wind.

"Use two consecutive kicks to rush out with a flash of lightning. Don't let the three white whirlwinds converge completely."

Sato Kaede let the big-mouthed bats display the trio of winds that really shocked Kuro Yahei. Although he didn’t know the depth of it, his excellent combat intuition told him that he would never be able to keep the three white whirlwinds close to each other. The strong chicken in the encirclement circle broke through the encirclement circle with all its strength.

Hearing this, Li Zhuang Chicken's eyes flashed, and the flames on his right foot suddenly soared, and he directly kicked a rock in front of him that was used as a wind forward. At the same time, his feet lit up with a dazzling white light, and he used force in place. He kicked, and then the whole person suddenly turned into a phantom and rushed towards the rock.

The rock in front of the road is a powerful chicken that greatly weakened the strong wind from the front, and he himself quickly approached the rock, and after grabbing the rock that had been caught up, he stepped on the broken rock in mid-air. , Make a flash of electricity.

Finally, with the cooperation of the rocks, the instant acceleration of the two consecutive kicks and the burst of lightning flashes, the strong chicken finally succeeded in breaking through the encirclement of the big-billed bat wind trio.

However, in the process of this breakthrough, Li Zhuang Chicken did not pay the price. The large number of fine air blades flying in the wind trio still gave him good damage, and a large number of fine wounds appeared on his body at this time.

"When we are here, let's use the rock collapse to greet him."

Similarly, the big-billed bats used the wind trio and consumed a lot of their own. He is currently at a stage where the old power has not yet come into being. Hei Yaping immediately seized this opportunity to let the strong chicken use the rock-type moves to hit him hard.

As soon as Kuriyaheiji finished speaking, the strong chicken quickly condensed the rock energy, because the battle field itself is a rock field, and the rock energy is quite strong.

In less than a second, a large number of rocks condensed from the energy of the rock system appeared around the body of the strong chicken. These rocks formed from the energy of the rock system were generally the size of a football.

At this time, the Lizhuang chicken uses both hands and feet. A large number of rocks are beaten or kicked by the Lizhuang chicken. For a time, a football-sized rock shoots into the air with a piercing sound.

"Avoid, if you really can't avoid it, just use guard to block it."

Facing the rocks that blessed the huge strength of the chicken, Sato Kaede's face was extremely solemn, and he immediately commanded the big-mouthed bat that was quickly recovering in the air.

The big-mouthed bat, who had just used the wind trio and panted, swung his wings quickly and avoided most of the rocks with excellent flying skills. However, some of the rocks were really unable to dodge, so he had to obey Sato Kaede. Commanded, use the defensive skills to avoid it.

"It's time, strong chicken, go up and play with the big-billed bat and use the flame jet."

From the beginning of the battle to the present ~www.NovelMTL.com~, three minutes have passed unconsciously, and at this time, Kuro Yaheiji also showed a triumphant smile on his face, smiling and speaking to Lizhuang Chicken.

Three minutes, this is the time required for Hei Yaping to observe the acceleration characteristics of the Lizhuang chicken to its limit. When the speed of the Lizhuang chicken reaches the limit, the sky will no longer be an obstacle to him.

"My God!!!"

In the next second, amidst the surprised eyes and shouts of many spectators at the edge of the battlefield, the strong chicken actually stepped in the air. His sturdy legs stepped on at an astonishing speed to achieve a stepping on the air. Feat.

"The terrible fighting talent, this can be regarded as the moon step of the elf world version. Also, the elf's physical fitness is far higher than that of ordinary humans. It is not difficult to make a strong chicken with its acceleration characteristics to the extreme. This is tricky now."

Seeing that the strong chicken actually displayed the moon step skills similar to the one in One Piece World Navy Six Forms, Sato Kaede couldn't help being shocked by Kuroyahei's excellent training method, and also worried about the next battle.


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