Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 164: : The best partner

Why did Sato Kaede suddenly want to let the Variety Monster master the transformation of the Gull? The reason is simple. In the battle last night, Sato Kaede saw a very good tactic from a female trainer.

That should be a trainer who specializes in grass elves. During the battle last night, she was surrounded by frog grass, mouth-drifting flower, shuttlecock cotton, lotus leaf boy, and these four grass elves guarding her. There is also a non-grass Lu Lili beside him.

In the battle, this female trainer was exceptionally brave, without fear in the face of the ferocious tyrannosaurus, and even completed the outstanding record of defeating a 7-level tyrannosaurus alone.

When this female trainer and other trainers were fighting with the tyrannosaurus, Sato Kaede had already gone out to paddling, so he could watch the battle well throughout the whole process. He also looked at the heroic performance of the female trainer. In the eyes.

In fact, the female trainer's tactics are relatively simple, and the core of her tactics is not her four powerful grass elves, but a burst of Lu Lili in her arms.

Regarding Lu Lili, the core of the female trainer's tactics, Sato Kaede also used the system's detection capabilities to see her information in his eyes, and instantly understood the female trainer's confidence to defeat the Tyrannosaurus alone.

Lu Lili's information is as follows:

Elf: Lu Lili

Level: Level 26

Attribute: General Fairy

Features: Hercules

Sex: female

Level skills: jump, water gun, tail wagging, water play

Genetic Skill: Soaking

Skill CD: None

Skills taught: None

Yes, this female trainer's confidence in defeating the Tyrannosaurus alone comes from a certain skill on Lu Lili's body, and the name of this skill is soaking.

(Note: Flooding, water system change skills, effect: shoot special water at the enemy, turning the enemy's attributes into water attributes, even dual attributes will become a single water attribute.)

Although the female trainer made Lu Lili's action very secret, Sato Kaede, who has dynamic vision, clearly saw it. Lu Lili sprayed a water ball with a good rate of fire but negligible power at the Gyrancopaurus. .

But it is precisely because this blue water ball, which seems to be insignificant in the battle, is killing the tyrannosaurus. This water polo is exactly the soaking trick used by Lulili, and this one also makes the tyrannosaurus. The flight attribute that relied on against the grass elf temporarily disappeared, making him temporarily a water elf with a single attribute.

As the Glyphosaurus temporarily became a water-type elf with a single attribute, when he faced the grass-type elf of the female trainer again, he was immediately unlucky, and was directly affected by the various grass-type elf of the four grass-type elf. There was no way to fight back, and the four grass elves were immediately taken away.

Therefore, Sato Kaede was deeply impressed by the soaking trick that Lu Lili had mastered, but because he was in battle at that time, he did not continue to think further.

Only this morning, a trainer with an injured Great-headed Gull came over and asked him to be treated. Sato Kaede used the system’s detection capabilities to detect this Great-headed Gull as usual, and he remembered again. The trick of flooding.

The information of the gull is as follows:

Elf: Gull

Level: Level 26

Attribute: Water flight

Features: sharp eyes

Sex: male

Level skills: (hold, storm, water cannon, downwind, flooding, cry, water gun, water play, wing attack, ultrasonic wave, white mist, water wave, tooth for tooth, salt water)

Genetic skills: high-speed movement

Skill CD: Shadow Clone

Skills taught: None

From the information point of view, it must be said that the elf, the big-billed gull, is a very close to the people. They are numerous and cost-effective.

Whether it is defense, storm, water cannon, tailwind, and flooding skills, they are some very useful skills, and they are all automatically understood after the long-winged gull evolves into the large-billed gull.

Because Sato Kaede’s current elves are the strongest of the grass elves, Meihua, so when he saw the trick of soaking again, he immediately thought of her and understood the trick of soaking. It is very helpful for the improvement of his team's strength.

No matter what type of elf, as long as it is hit by a flooding move, he will become a single water attribute. At this time, beautiful flowers proficient in various powerful grass skills will become the nightmare of these elf.

To be honest, the elves with flooding moves are indeed the best partners for the grass elves.

After understanding this, Sato Kaede had the idea of ​​conquering a large-billed gull. After all, there are many such elves at sea. It is not difficult to obtain a good aptitude from the detection ability of the system. Great-headed gull or long-winged gull.

If the water leaping fish had not appeared at that time, Sato Kaede might have been looking at the sky from the deck now, and then looking for a favorite elf among the large number of long-winged gulls flying in the sky and the few large-billed gulls.

After all, the long-winged gull and the big-headed gull also have water attributes and flight attributes. The long-winged gull and the big-headed gull also have the advantage of flying. They are also very good little ones. Elves.

In fact, even if he now has the water elf and the Variety Monster in his hands because he wants to participate in the battle and obeys his orders to master the big-billed gull transformation, Sato Kaede still has the desire to subdue the long-winged gull. Or the idea of ​​a gull.

Moreover, Sato Kaede just thought about some plans for Shui Yueyu's future. This idea has taken root in his heart, and its growth has become more and more prosperous.

Sato Kaede knows that the great-billed gull is still very useful. Not only is he automatically comprehending the soaking trick from the bloodline as soon as he evolves, but the characteristics he can possess are also very powerful.

(Note: The Variety Monster transforms into a big-headed gull, and he can also automatically obtain the skills of guard, storm, water cannon, tailwind, and flooding through the bloodline of the big-headed gull. Of course, it is still far from mastering.)

Rain is the core feature of the Rainy Team. Except for the hidden feature of the Mosquito Frog King and the legendary elf Gaoka, only the Gull has this feature.

Therefore, the rainy team formed by civilian trainers often has the elf, the big-headed gull, at its core, because the big-headed gull’s rain characteristic is not a hidden characteristic. As long as the long-winged gull’s characteristic is a wet body, then he evolves The resulting gull character will be transformed into rainfall.

In fact, the big-billed gull with rainfall characteristics is a very good elf himself. As soon as he evolves, he will automatically understand the storm and water cannons to match the rainfall characteristics. One will become a must-skill skill, and the other will be powerful. Get promoted.

At the same time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ these two moves are still the original moves of the big-billed gull, and their power will be further improved.

There are three reasons Sato Kaede wants to get the Gull at present.

The first one is that although he has a water elf, a water leopard fish in his hand, it will obviously take a while to make him a unique elf. Before that, he needs a water system that is very powerful in the early stage. The elves make the transition, and the gull with rain characteristics is undoubtedly a good choice.

The second is that Variety wants to master the transformation of the Gull perfectly. It is obviously impossible to rely on his own groping alone. He must have close contact with the Gull. It is best to be able to interact with the Gull every day. Living together, in this way the ever-changing monsters can be familiar with the habits of the gull, and the imitation will become more and more perfect.

The third is Sato Kaede’s expectations for the water leap fish in the future. The final evolution of the water leap fish is that the giant marsh monster has the possibility of mage evolution. As long as he can collect the keystone and the giant marsh monster mage evolution stone, he will Can make the giant marsh monster mage evolve.

The characteristics of the super giant marsh monster will also change from the original moisture to the leisurely movement due to the evolution of mage. At this time, a large-billed gull with rain characteristics is undoubtedly the best partner of the giant marsh monster.

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