Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 152: : Ask for help

"Is no one that guy? Katie Dog."

After the last visitor left, looking at the ship hall that had become somewhat deserted and messy at this time, Sato Kaede touched the Katy dog ​​who had just exposed his head from under the table, and then asked softly.

After the Katy dog ​​ate a delicious steak that Sato Kaede had brought from the table, he shook his head at Sato Kaede, saying that he had not found the person here who attacked Sato Kaede on the deck.

In fact, at the beginning of the celebration banquet, Sato Kaede vaguely released the Katy Dog, and then asked him to look for the guy who attacked him in the ship hall.

But it is a pity that this person is very careful. The opponent seems to be satisfied with the strength of harvesting a tyrannosaurus or fearing Sato Kaede. After obtaining the strength of taking the tyrannosaurus from Sato Kaede, the opponent hid.

"Hmph, as long as you are still on this ship, I will get you out sooner or later."

Seeing this, Sato Kaede nodded, and thought to himself after taking back the Katy Dog with a poke ball.

Later, Sato Kaede left the ship hall where he and a few drunk and unconscious people were left. Then he entered a toilet and changed his clothes and a face. Then he returned to his room to rest. .

And after Sato Kaede returned to his room, the whole ship was "really" ushering in his own silence, but at this time, some special people were still active.

In a private room of a luxury ferry ticket not far from Sato Kaede’s room, a middle-aged man with a stern face is sitting on a single sofa with his legs folded, and on the long sofa opposite him. Two men in black wearing masks.

And behind the two masked men in black, there are standing five men in black who also wear masks, but the masks on the faces of the two men in black sitting on the sofa, these standing men in black There is a number missing on the mask.

The middle-aged person is wearing a very fashionable white suit with a slab-inch head. At this time, he is holding a burnt cigar in his hand. In addition, the hand holding the cigar also carries several inlays. The gold ring with gems is exactly like a big boss of a certain company.

On the shoulders of the middle-aged man, a coo is standing on it, as if he is asleep. He keeps his eyes closed, not enough for the occasional fluctuations in super power that are suddenly released from him to let people know that he is not asleep. With.

And the two men in black sitting on the sofa, one burly, the petite, burly black man’s face mask number is 5, and the petite black man’s face mask number 7.

Except for the two small gaps in the exposed mask, the whole person in black is covered by the black clothes and the mask. They sit or stand upright, and have been motionless since entering the room and sitting down, even though the gaps in the mask reveal The gaze that came out was also without a trace of emotional fluctuation.

Just like a puppet without a soul or just a ghost, these people in black are trying to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible, which gives a middle-aged person who looks at them the illusion that the other person does not exist.

Behind these people in black, a ball of thread or electric bug is lying quietly on their backs. Like these people, these **** of thread and electric bugs are motionless.

The lights were not turned on in the room, and the curtains were all down, leaving a small candle inside to provide the room with a weak light source.

"Why should innocent people be implicated? The content of the mission doesn't seem to make you attract the tyrannosaurus. If it weren’t for the defensive power of this ship, everyone would be killed in the sea except for a few people. Do you want to trouble me?."

The middle-aged man looked at the two men in black for a long time, and saw that the other party was unwilling to speak, he could only helplessly choose to speak by himself.

"We don't have enough manpower. For the sake of light, a little sacrifice is needed."

After the room remained silent for a while, the black-clothed man on the left who could not conceal his burly even with the large black clothes replied abruptly.


After the burly man in black answered, the petite man in black on his left also said, his tone was also without any emotional fluctuations.

"Fart, don't forget your identity, you are supported by them, forget it, you people in the night club are all like this, what about things?"

Hearing the cold reply of the two black clothes, the middle-aged man's complexion changed, his fists tightened, but he still resisted the urge to reprimand the two men in front of him loudly.

Because he is not the immediate superior of the two, he is a person who provides cover for the two, even if he says more, the other party will not listen to him.

"No, the information is wrong."

The words of the middle-aged man seemed to have caused a slight change in the mood swings of the two. This time they did not choose to cool down the other party first, and immediately answered in unison.

"Impossible, the information provided by Heiyu has never made a mistake. You can't find anything, and you can't blame anyone. If you can't find the target before the end of the ship's journey, then and regretfully, you must continue to stay in the quagmire It took five years to get another chance to leave."

The light of the candle was shining on the middle-aged man’s staid face. After hearing that the two of them had not found anything after such a great deal of effort, his face showed a trace of disappointment. Of course, there was also a trace of undetectable secret joy in his eyes. Said softly.

"We haven't been to the captain's room, but the defense force is too strong and we need help."

After hearing what the middle-aged man said just now, the petite man in black moved slightly, and then spoke.

"You only need to distract the strongest sailor, but facing him, the two of us don't have much chance of winning."

The petite man in black had just finished speaking, and the burly man in black immediately spoke.

"If the task can't be completed~www.NovelMTL.com~ you won't be much better, Mr. Weigel, your daughter is ours."

In the next second, when the middle-aged man wanted to refuse, the burly man in black said first.


Suddenly, the middle-aged man named Weigel stared roundly, and the gurgling on his shoulder also opened his bright blue eyes. The light source in the room began to flicker and dim, and the candle wick on the table was right. indecisive.

"You will be helped, Mr. 5, but you have to remember that this is the first and last time. Rules are rules."

But Weigel's violent mood soon made him suppress it abruptly, and said coldly, and at this time, the gurgling on his shoulders closed his eyes again and returned to silence.

"as you wish."

After getting a satisfactory answer, the two men in black on the sofa stood up at the same time and replied.


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