Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 126: : Zaike

If you want to restrain the electric elf, you must have a ground elf or a elf with the characteristics of electricity storage, lightning rod or electric engine, and then use these elf to defend the big-mouthed bat. .

  Because the final evolutionary form of Nidoran is to possess the ground type attribute King Nido, so the ground type elves do not need to consider conquering, but Sato Kaede feels that the elves with lightning rod characteristics need to be conquered.

   As long as there is an elf with lightning rod characteristics nearby, it is not difficult to imagine that at any time, you can avoid the invincible electric moves attacks, because all the priority attack targets of electric moves will be transferred to this little elf.

  While the elves possessing the characteristics of lightning rods can almost ignore most of the electrical attacks, and can also use this to charge to increase their special attack power in a short time.

   Of course, Sato Kaede has not yet decided on the choice of the elf with the lightning rod. After all, he already has five elf to feed.

   Although it is said that the beautiful flowers and all kinds of monsters need not consume much resources, his energy is limited, and he can barely handle the training and nurturing of five little elves.

   Sato Kaede wants to increase the little elves on hand again, so the elves, Nitoran and Katie Dog, must grow up first.

   Now that the big-mouthed bat and the beautiful flower calculation have grown up, he usually does not need to worry too much about training. At present, Sato Kaede's main energy is still on the two young elves, Nitoran and Katy Dog.

   Generally speaking, the current problem of the Big-mouthed Bat being restrained by the electric elves and electric moves is still in a state of insolvency, so Sato Kaede can only make a decision helplessly.

   In the future one-on-one elf battles, unless it is the last resort, knowing that the opponent's elf is an electric elf or possesses an electric move, he will not be able to send the big mouth bat out to fight.

Compared with the big-mouthed bat's inability to overcome the problem of electric moves, the problem that the beautiful flower is facing is a bit more serious. As a single-attribute grass elf, the beautiful flower is flying, fire, poison, and The insects restrained.

   But the beautiful flower with four weaknesses of restraint attributes, and now the only skills that he mastered and mastered were grass-based skills. Before having the big mouth bat as a good partner, these weaknesses were not too obvious.

   But after tonight's battle with the Toucan, some of its fatal weaknesses were exposed. Facing the flying elves who can use fire moves, the beautiful flower is really defeated.

   As long as the other party has the patience and takes advantage of Feitian to fly the kite, unless it happens to happen to this situation today, there is no possibility of victory for Beautiful Flower.

However, the overwhelming situation of the beautiful flower is only highlighted on the flying elves who can use hot air moves. In the face of most fire, poison and insect elves that can only walk on the ground, beautiful flowers Even when the attributes are mutually restrained, there is still the power of a battle.

   It can also be seen from the battle of the Toucan. Relying on high-intensity training, the use of the offensive and defensive form of the beautiful flower magic leaf has been very good, and the dodge dance steps have also begun to show initial results.

   In addition, in the next few elf duels, they defeated their opponents cleanly. It can be seen that Meihua's strength has indeed been greatly improved. This situation of fighting with the big-billed bird is considered a special case.

Therefore, as long as you don’t encounter a situation similar to that of the big-billed sparrow tonight, Meihua relies on a variety of flexibly used grass moves, good recovery ability and sharp dodge ability, she will face any level of small difference. The elves all have the power to fight.

And in many cases, the beautiful flower should be able to suppress the opponent. Compared to the heroic, big armor, three-in-one magneto and even the little fire horse, she relies on the three powder and grass knot skills. , Successfully suppressed the opponent, and then easily won.

   Generally speaking, the flying elves have become the main nemesis of the beautiful flowers, and must find a way to overcome this biggest obstacle.

However, what makes Sato Kaede also helpless is that the situation of the beautiful flower is similar to that of the big-mouthed bat. Among the skills she can learn, except for the ability of Awakening Power, which has the opportunity to restrain the flying elves, none of them can be truly meaningful. Control the skills of flying elf.

However, compared to the awakening power of the big-mouthed bat, only the ground element can restrain the electric pixie. If the awakening power of the beautiful flower is one of the electric type, ice type or rock type, it can still be dealt with. The flying method of the elf is more difficult to win than the big-mouthed bat on the ground.

Moreover, if the awakening power of the beautiful flower is the rock type, then it really won the shocking prize. You must know that the moves of the rock type simultaneously restrain the three attributes of the flight type, the fire type and the insect type, and these three This attribute is precisely the attribute that restrains beautiful flowers.

   "Awakening power, then the next goal is it, the golden market is so big, there must be this kind of skill CD for sale."

   After spending more than half an hour, Sato Kaede eats the cold ramen ~www.NovelMTL.com~ secretly thought.

I have to say that the appetite of the big-mouthed bat after the evolution has become bigger. Of course, it may be that the battle really consumes too much food and energy. The ramen is really delicious. A bowl of ramen is full of weight. He actually ate enough. Five bowls.

   Even the beautiful flowers that don't usually eat grass-based high-level elf food, actually finished a bowl of ramen, and the other three elves were satisfied after eating two bowls.

   Seeing the five little elves eating so happily, Sato Kaede naturally met their requirements. Coupled with the winning tonight to make money, he was also very happy in his heart. A little extravagance does not matter.

   But at the time of the checkout, Sato Kaede was a little unhappy. Looking at the horrible numbers displayed on the bill, he felt that he was cheated.

  According to the boss, the ramen he just provided to the elf is different from what humans eat. It is a high-end food that can quickly restore the elf's physical strength.

   All in all, the ramen eaten by the five elves is very expensive, and the price is five times that of the ramen that Sato Kaede eats.

   You know, here is the Golden City. The prices are too expensive, and the shop rent is too expensive. Sato Kaede’s bowl of extra-large ramen now costs 2000 Union coins.

This midnight snack caused Sato Kaede to spend 122,000 Union Coins. If he hadn't won more than 500,000 Union Coins by gambling, he would rely solely on the 90,000 Union Coins he won in the battle and the original remaining. The little money is not enough to pay.

   There is no doubt that this ramen owner is suspected of slaughtering customers, but Sato Kaede is not a person who does not buy the bill. After paying the bill, and then recording the name of the ramen shop, he chooses to leave.

   However, when he was about to leave, the ramen boss suddenly stopped him.

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