Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: : Finals (5)

"It's really a troublesome tactic, King Nido, use thunder."

Sato Kaede looked at the super fire-breathing dragon X that was resurrected at this time, full of blood, and finally showed a dignified look on his face, and then immediately commanded King Nido to launch an attack.

In the next second, a large and stout lightning flashed out of King Nido's horn, and then turned into an electric snake with teeth and claws, aiming at the super fire-breathing dragon X in the air and biting it.

"Use Yanlong Dive to solve him." (Flashing Flame Charge + Dragon God Dive)

Seeing this, Alice did not hesitate to choose Super Fire-breathing Dragon X to use the most commonly used skill combination to fight head-on.

Hearing the words, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly roared again, and his body was instantly covered with a cloud of high-temperature blue flames. Then, while controlling the dragon energy to mix into it, he immediately swooped down as a giant flame dragon.

This skill combo skill undoubtedly fully activated all the attributes of the Super-evolved Fire-breathing Dragon X, and its power seemed extremely terrifying, and the thunder released by King Nido was almost instantly defeated.

"Fall back with earth bombs." (Earth Power + Sludge Bomb)

Sato Kaede also did not intend to allow King Nido to evade, and immediately asked him to display the current strongest combination of skills to meet.

King Nido looked at the sky and told the blue flame dragon that was swooping down, without showing any fear in his eyes. He also roared, and two kinds of ochre and purple light burst out of his body, and then opened his mouth.

Afterwards, a ball of energy sandwiched between ocher and purple began to converge at high speed in his mouth. In just a second or two, it expanded into a huge energy ball with a diameter of three meters, and emitted a terrifying energy. Energy fluctuations.

The moment when the yellow and purple energy **** were formed, King Nido immediately released them, and then collided with the blue flame dragon coming from the front.

In an instant, a huge energy mask reappeared on the battlefield, covering the two elves, and at the same time, a huge wave of air appeared again, blowing off a large amount of vegetation on the grass field at this time.

Soon, a huge explosion sounded, and a dazzling light appeared from the explosion, making everyone on the scene temporarily blind.

The sound of the explosion and the dazzling glare could not last long. After a few seconds, everything disappeared, leaving behind a thick explosion of smoke covering the battlefield.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew across the battlefield, quickly blowing away the smoke from the explosion, and everyone immediately saw the situation on the battlefield.

A steaming explosion pit appeared on the battlefield. There was still some lava in the center. Super Fire-breathing Dragon X was standing on the periphery of the explosion pit with some breathlessness. He suffered a lot of damage, and the opposite side, King Nido was already scorched to the ground.

"King Nido loses the ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins."

The referee saw the situation of the game clearly, and he immediately announced the result of the game loudly.

"The result came out, and it was indeed the super fire-breathing dragon X of the Heavenly King rank better. However, King Nido's last use of the combination of skills is quite powerful, and it seems to have done a lot of damage to the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X.

"Now that Alice is relying on his trump card Pokemon Super Fire-breathing Dragon X to successfully win two rounds, then how can Zheping be able to stop Alice's winning streak? Let's continue to wait and see."

The narrator also gave a quick explanation, and at the same time, asked the professionals to slow down the process of finding things and fighting time for the two elves.

As the referees and commentators announced the latest situation, the audience on the scene and in front of the TV applauded and shouted for Alice and Super Fire Dragon X.

"Okay, we have gotten back two rounds. If we continue to win like this, there will be a chance."

Alice made another sound, and the haze in her heart suddenly disappeared. The self-confidence that had been severely damaged gradually recovered. She clenched her small fist and cheered herself on.

"Thanks for your hard work, King Nido, you have done a very good job, so let's leave it to other companions."

On the other side, Sato Kaede quickly took out the Elf Ball to retrieve King Nido, and then comforted him. Immediately afterwards, he used telepathy to inform nearby medical staff to send King Nido to the Elf Center for treatment.

"Alice, your Super Fire-breathing Dragon X is really powerful, but I won't give you another chance next. Although this is sorry for the companion who hasn't played yet, I don't think she will blame me."

After the medical staff took King Nido away, Sato Kaede turned his attention to Alice again, and then responded to her with heart.

When Alice heard Sato Kaede say this, her heart suddenly shook. She had already guessed who Sato Kaede would send next. For a while, the terrifying figure could not help appearing in her mind, causing her to tremble.


At this time, Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, who felt the emotional change of Alice, turned his head and let out an angry roar at her, his eyes full of strong fighting spirit.

"Thank you, fire-breathing dragon. I won't be afraid anymore. Let us meet the opponent who once made us taste the defeat. This time, we will definitely not be as embarrassed as last time."

Alice heard the roar of Super Fire-breathing Dragon X, she immediately awoke from the fear of being dominated by the Giant Marsh Monster, and then said loudly to the Super Fire-breathing Dragon X ahead with a firm face.

"Oh, what's going on? Alice's words just now are really surprising. It seems that the elf that player Teppei will be playing next will be a very powerful elf."

When the narrator heard Alice's words, he was shocked and hurried to explain in time.

Many viewers at the scene also heard it~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this time, they heard the commentators say again. They all confirmed that what Alice had just said was true, and they all watched attentively at Sato Kaede next. What kind of elves play.

Soon, under the attention of everyone, Sato Kaede threw the elf ball into the air.

Along with the release of a white light from the opened elven ball, a huge figure covered in water suddenly fell heavily on the ground.


In the next second, the new elves let out a roar louder than all the elves before.

Afterwards, he slammed the ground beneath his feet with a pair of giant fists, and while he scattered the water on his body, he also plunged the entire battle venue into a wave of shaking.

At the same time, as his roar appeared, the sky over the entire battlefield was suddenly violent, and then dark clouds were covered.

In a short while, a pouring rain fell on the battle venue that had just calmed down at this time.

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