Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: : Fierce offense and defense

The cunning tengu makes a storm. "

As the referee announced the start of the battle, Hughes immediately commanded the 68-level cunning tengu to launch an attack.

However, his self-righteous attack was obviously a slow attack, and Sato Kaede used the telepathy to give orders faster than Hughes.

Under Sato Kaede's instructions, before the cunning tengu could initiate an action, the fast-swimming frog immediately turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the cunning tengu. The burst freezing fist in his hand was activated instantly. Once the move successfully hits the cunning tengu, it will be quadrupled. Under the restraint of attributes, the cunning tengu will most likely lose the ability to fight.

The cunning Tengu was shocked to see that the fast-swimming frog was so fast, but he quickly executed the instructions given by Hughes. A huge tornado immediately appeared in front of him, blocking the fast-swimming frog's approach to him.

But the cunning tengu obviously underestimated the quick-stroke frog's agility in the rain. In the face of the tornado created by the cunning tengu at this moment, the fast-swimming frog stepped directly on the ground, and then slightly adjusted the direction of his footsteps, and he avoided it smoothly. After opening the tornado's attack range, he continued to rush towards the cunning tengu.

"It's now, the shadow clone."

When the fast-swimming frog could get close to the cunning tengu, Sato Kaede again gave instructions to the fast-swimming frog.

In the next second, the fast-swimming frog in the eyes of the cunning Tengu immediately split into six, and rushed towards him aggressively from six different directions, holding a burst of freezing fists.

"Take a grass knot."

When Hughes saw this, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank, and he shouted immediately.

When the sly tengu heard it, his eyes suddenly appeared green, and six grass knots immediately appeared on the necessary path of the six fast-swimming frogs. However, to the surprise of Hughes and the sly tengu, the six fast-swimming frogs were all in it. I tied a grass knot, but none of them are real.

The real body was hidden behind one of the fakes. With the fake body to explore the way, the fast-swimming frog successfully avoided the last line of defense that the cunning tengu used to defend his close attack.

"Use a hold, then use a double blade to slash."

There was really no way to be forced, Hughes had to hurriedly let the cunning tengu use guard to resist the attack of the fast-swimming frog, and then waited for the opportunity to attack.

The fast-swimming frog managed to get close to the cunning tengu, and then threw a punch at the cunning tengu with lightning speed, and the cunning tengu successfully defended and resisted at a critical moment.

The cunning Tengu made a defensive action, and indeed successfully blocked the fast-stroke frog's burst and freezing fist, but the huge force contained in the fast-stroke frog's fist still knocked the cunning Tengu along with the turquoise energy shield around him.

This immediately made the sly Tengu's subsequent blade attack that he wanted to make did not have a good time to attack, but he still loyally implemented Hughes's instructions, his hands quickly turned into two green energy blades, and then quickly rushed forward for a fast swim frog.

"Tide spin."

Seeing this, Sato Kaede issued new instructions immediately.

When the fast-swimming frog heard it, he immediately raised his hands, and a huge vortex of water immediately formed above his head, and then slammed it at the cunning tengu who was attacking ahead.

"Split it, then use the energy ball."

Hughes was in danger, and quickly commanded the cunning tengu.

The cunning tengu immediately responded to Hughes' instructions, and two two aquamarine energy blades crossed at the front of the incoming water vortex and slashed past, instantly cut the water vortex into four pieces, and then followed the cracks in it. Smoothly avoid the tidal spin moves of the fast swimming frog.

Immediately afterwards, several green energy **** were immediately released from his mouth, and shot at the fast-stroke frog coming forward at high speed.

At this moment, the fast-swimming frog has once again rushed towards the cunning tengu under the command of Sato Kaede, and his hands have already displayed the freezing fist, facing the energy ball released by the cunning tengu at this time, he does not dodge or avoids, and directly punches. Meet up.

In the next second, all the energy **** were knocked out by the fast-stroke frogs with freezing fists, and some of them even turned back at a faster speed.

Facing the energy ball that was hit back at a faster speed, this time the cunning tengu really had no time to dodge, and was instantly hit by the energy ball released by himself, and then exploded violently.

At this time, the fast-swimming frog successfully approached the cunning tengu again, and successfully hit him with a punch.

All of a sudden, the cunning tengu was hit by the fast-swimming frog and flew out. When it fell on the ground, most of its body was covered with a thick layer of ice.

"Get up quickly, Cunning Tengu, your opponent is coming."

When Hughes saw this situation, his face changed a lot, and he said loudly.

Cunning Tengu also remembered, but the place where he was hit by the fast-stroke frog was covered with ice, and that part of him was so painful and frozen, completely unable to move, he could only watch the fast-stroke frog fast. Come to my own eyes.

"Flying leaf storm on the spot."

Hughes also saw that the cunning tengu could not move at the moment, and a cruel expression flashed in his eyes, and immediately said to the cunning tengu.

Regarding Hughes's instruction that would hurt him, the cunning Tengu did not hesitate. As soon as his mind moved, a huge leaf storm began to quickly form with him as the center.

"A few steps the day after tomorrow, use the freezing light."

Seeing this, Sato Kaede didn't know where he was. This was another tactic that Hughes wanted to take his elf and his elf to blew himself up. He immediately used telepathic induction to stop the fast-stroke frog from coming forward and switch his long-range attack moves.

The fast-swimming frog listened, stepped, and then leaped back vigorously, even if it avoided the cunning Tengu self-explosive flying leaf storm.

At the same time, in mid-air, an ice-blue light beam quickly released from the ice-blue light ball converged on him, and then accurately hit the cunning tengu in front of him~www.NovelMTL.com~ the cunning tengu was originally half. His body was covered by ice, and the whole body was wet by rain falling from the sky. The fast-swimming frog was under the freezing light, and his whole body was immediately sealed by ice.

When Hughes saw this, his face was hard to see the extreme, he continued to command loudly, but the cunning tengu who was enclosed in ice was unable to respond for a long time.

"End him, use tile splitting."

Sato Kaede won't let his opponent have time to break the ice, he immediately directed the fast-stroke frog forward to make a supplement.

In the next second, the fast-swimming frog rushed up immediately, and then used a hand knife with a glaring white light to slash and land on the cunning Tengu covered in ice.

Suddenly, a crackling sound appeared, ice fragments splashed, and the cunning tengu who was forced to break the ice suddenly screamed, and then fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"The cunning tengu loses the ability to fight, and the winner is the fast swimming frog."

Seeing this, the referee at the scene immediately raised the small flag in his hand and announced the result of the match loudly.

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