Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 1042: : Fair shopping

When the giant marsh monster successfully used the rain-seeking move, there was no suspense about the result of the game. After a minute or two, the giant marsh monster knocked the fire-breathing dragon Y to the ground with a punch, and then won the game.

"Don't be discouraged, the time for your fire-breathing dragon to be promoted to the realm of the king is too short. The level difference between him and the giant marsh monster is still very large. I look forward to fighting with you in the future."

After Sato Kaede won the game, he didn't say anything flauntingly. Instead, he comforted Alice with his heart telepathy and gave this person who had been chasing him a little hope of winning.

Sure enough, Alice's face improved a lot after hearing Sato Kaede's words, she was not as desperate as she was just now, but she finally gave a proud snorted, and then turned her head away from Sato Kaede.

When Sato Kaede saw this, he didn't care. After a telepathic admiration of the giant marsh monster, he calmly used the poke ball to close the giant marsh monster, and then directly used teleportation to take Elsa away from the game. Clubhouse.

Today is the day of the huge large-scale trade fair in the center of Caiyou City. Kaede Sato naturally didn't want to miss it. After leaving the battle club, he and Elisa took a taxi and went to the location of the huge large-scale trade fair in the city center. past.

When Sato Kaede and Elisa came to the place where the trade fair was held, there was already a sea of ​​people, with a large number of stalls lined up, and at a glance, there was a feeling of endlessness.

"Let's just stroll around here and see if there are any good things to buy."

Sato Kaede turned her head and said to Elisa beside her.

Elisa naturally had no objection. She took Sato Kaede's arm, then leaned her head on his shoulder, making a posture that Sato Kaede was the master.

The fair is very lively, and the trainers will sell all the good things that they usually find in their travels but don't need them.

But in the trainer's eyesight of Sato Kaede's level, most of the things sold by trainers are basically inaccessible to him. Fortunately, as he gets closer and closer to the core area of ​​the trade fair, he finally sees some Something that caught his attention.

For example, some props that can help the elves to promote to the heavenly king level, such as some items that can greatly improve the elves, and some mega evolution stones that can allow certain elves to obtain super-evolution capabilities.

"How do you sell these mysterious water drops?"

Sato Kaede took Elsa to a stall selling mysterious water droplets, and then asked the stall owner here.

Although Elisa succeeded in getting the Shuijing Gymnasium to regain the recognition of the Alliance, she still failed to be promoted to the Heavenly King level trainer smoothly. The strongest Laplace in her hand has not been very smooth in the process of energy filling.

As early as a month ago, Elisa had exhausted the last stat augmentation items on her hand. At present, there is an urgent need to obtain a batch of stat augmentation items to help Laplace complete the energy infusion.

The stall owner is a middle-aged woman with very dark skin. At first glance, she is a person who often goes out to sea. Seeing Sato Kaede and Elsa dressed in extraordinary clothes, she immediately chose the lion to open her mouth, and said a mysterious water drop of 30 million yuan. price.

Although Sato Kaede has money now, through the accumulation of these months, the available funds have reached 1.5 billion, but he can't stand such waste, and immediately broke the other party's outrageous price on the spot, and began to hold his face. Stabbed a few mysterious drops on her booth.

Soon, under Sato Kaede's powerful ability to pick thorns, the middle-aged woman retreated steadily. Finally, Sato Kaede successfully bought five incomplete mysterious water droplets from her stall at a price of 30 million.

After buying five mysterious water droplets, Sato Kaede's next goal is a healing orb, which is different from the mysterious water droplets on the middle-aged woman's booth. This is a complete healing orb.

Before Sato Kaede came, there were already five trainers competing here, and the price had risen to a terrifying price of 500 million Union coins.

"300 million, this is too expensive, I feel that these people are trusted."

Seeing that the price of the Healing Orb had risen to such a terrifying price, Elisa couldn't help but whispered to Sato Kaede.

"It's okay, after all, this is a complete healing orb, and this thing is very rare. If you want to meet it, you can only look at luck, plus the game is about to start one day, and it is normal to be price-raised."

After hearing this, Sato Kaede immediately responded with telepathy.

If you look at the average transaction price in the market, the price of Healing Orb has obviously overflowed.

After all, this thing is more useful than nothing for the elves of the Heavenly King level. Its main function is to provide good healing effects to the elves below the Heavenly King level.

Although the people competing in the competition are small and wealthy trainers, all of them are not fools. They only know that the item in front of them is already at a premium. Therefore, no matter how much the child cares, the price will start to rise slightly until the bid price comes. At 530 million, it finally stopped moving~www.NovelMTL.com~ During the auction process, Sato Kaede had been watching from the side, and with the spirit of detection, the expressions of the five bidders and the stall owner were completely complete. Seeing in his eyes, he has already discovered which one of these is a support, it is the person who called out 330 million at this time.

However, as soon as 330 million came out, the scene began to cool down. Other bidders began to hesitate and seemed to want to give up. The stall owner shouted twice in a row and no one paid any attention to anyone who offered a higher price.

For a while, the stall owner and the childcare couldn't help feeling a little nervous, secretly crying, because the healing orb was actually not owned by the two of them, and they were the childcare who was responsible for selling the healing orb at a high price.

Once it can't be sold, according to the rules, this healing orb can only be paid by the two of them.

Fortunately, just when they thought that something was going to hit their hands, someone finally made an offer, and the price was 340 million.

As soon as the price came out, the two nurseries breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. This time, they didn't dare to bid up the price anymore. They looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement through eye contact.

In the end, Sato Kaede successfully bought this complete healing orb for 340 million yuan.

"With this thing, it is much more difficult for my happy kappa to be defeated by non-king elves."

Sato Kaede finished paying the money and then took the healing orb in his hand, thinking very much expectantly.

After receiving the Healing Orb, Sato Kaede turned his attention to the next stall that aroused his interest, which was a super high-end stall with two mega evolution stones.

With the help of the identification function of his system, he has clearly seen that one of the mega evolution stones is the water arrow turtle mega evolution stone.


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